IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 54 (2017)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Un viaje que nunca debe acabar: IUS ET VERITAS Flores Molina, Ángel; 13-14

  • Sección principal
  • La Sociedad Anónima Abierta: algunas ideas para la reforma de su tratamiento legislativo Payet Puccio, José Antonio; 16-48
  • El Cinismo y el Gobierno Corporativo Guarniz Izquierdo, Reynaldo Antonio; 50-64
  • Mecanismos de simplificación administrativa a la luz de las recientes modificaciones a la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General, Ley 27444, y la reciente Ley de Prevención y Eliminación de Barreras Burocráticas, Decreto Legislativo 1256 Maraví, Milagros; 66-99
  • Seguros de grandes riesgos y protección desproporcionada de los asegurados en la Ley del contrato de seguros Corzo de la Colina, Rafael; Villafuerte Mendoza, José; 100-108
  • La crisis ¿una buena oportunidad de inversión? La adquisición de activos o empresas en situaciones pre-concursales o sometidas a un procedimiento concursal Agurto Isla, Renzo; 110-122
  • El rol de las Regiones Europeas en el marco de las relaciones internacionales de los Estados compuestos. En particular, el Caso Español Ridao Martín, Joan; 124-149
  • Cuando el juez(a) constitucional latinoamericano(a) olvida su labor de Convencionalización del Derecho: reflexiones en torno a una reciente sentencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Argentina Espinosa-Saldaña Barrera, Eloy; 150-170
  • La tutela de prevención en los procesos por violencia familiar Ledesma Narváez, Marianella; 172-183
  • La naturaleza de las iniciativas privadas y el control de las decisiones de la Administración Pública Shimabukuro Tokashiki, Néstor; Alejos Guzmán, Oscar; 184-199
  • El arbitraje después del arbitraje Castillo Freyre, Mario; 200-209
  • El Derecho de Superficie Del Risco Sotil, Luis Felipe; 210-234
  • ¿Tres son multitud? Algunas notas sobre el Third Party Funding y su aplicación en arbitrajes comerciales Ríos Pizarro, Carlos; 236-243
  • Planificación Fiscal Agresiva, el nuevo paradigma de la norma de precios de transferencia y la elusión en el Código Tributario Villanueva Gutiérrez, Walker; 244-259
  • ¿Existe el consentimiento presunto?: la voluntad presunta como causa de justificación Chang Kcomt, Romy Alexandra; 260-270
  • Protección al consumidor y propuesta Estatal en autorregulación privada y procedimientos administrativos: una aproximación inicial Rejanovinschi Talledo, Moisés; 272-293

  • Sección Especial
  • Relaciones de duración y divisibilidad del reglamento contractual: apuntes para una reconceptualización Longobucco, Francesco; 294-307
  • Mío, tuyo y nuestro: análisis económico del Derecho de Propiedad Friedman, David; 308-320
  • Liberalismo Perfeccionista y Liberalismo Político. (Parte II) Nussbaum, Martha C; 322-338

  • Puntos de Vista
  • Entrevista a Gary Born. El Arbitraje Internacional en debate Narancio, Victoria; Núñez del Prado, Fabio; 340-348

  • Trabajo de Investigación IUS ET VERITAS
  • Chinchero: ¿APP u obra pública? He ahí el dilema. Análisis crítico del régimen jurídico de las Asociaciones Público-Privadas y el de los contratos de obra pública a propósito del caso del Aeropuerto de Chinchero Chinchay Yancunta, Camila; Jara Enriquez, Eloisa; 350-366
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 21
    • Ítem
      La Sociedad Anónima Abierta: algunas ideas para la reforma de su tratamiento legislativo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Payet Puccio, José Antonio
      In this paper, the author focuses on the study of the legal institution of the Open Stock Corporation, analyzing the way how it has been treated in our legislation over time. Furthermore, he analyzes its current regulation in the General Law of Corporations, the Securities Market Law and some isolated legal provisions. Finally, he provides some ideas for the necessary reform of this institution.
    • Ítem
      Liberalismo Perfeccionista y Liberalismo Político. (Parte II)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Nussbaum, Martha C.
      In the first part of the article, the author discusses two types of liberalism from the thoughts of prominent philosophers. On the one hand, she analyzes the ideas of Isaiah Berlin and Joseph Raz as examples of perfectionist liberalism and, on the other hand, those of John Rawls and Charles Larmore as examples of political liberalism. He then discusses the notion of comprehensive doctrines in John Rawls’s oeuvre, for from Nussbaum´s perspective, the construction of this notion brings Rawls close to a variant of perfectionist liberalism that he himself would try to avoid. That is why Nussbaum’s proposal is to restore a notion of comprehensive doctrines simply understood as those kinds of doctrines to which reasonable citizens adhere. 
    • Ítem
      El Derecho de Superficie
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Del Risco Sotil, Luis Felipe
      This article addresses over the regulation of the surface right in the Peruvian Law along with its main points of contact with other important institutions in the field of real estate. The author points the evolution of this figure in the Peruvian legislation and determinates its legal nature and its characteristics, establishing its relation with the principle of real estate accession property and the implications of the transitional division that the surface generates. In other relevant aspects, the article addresses the ways of acquisition of such ownership, the role of inscription in the configuration of the surface, the reimbursement of the value of the buildings and the extinction of this property right.
    • Ítem
      Mío, tuyo y nuestro: análisis económico del Derecho de Propiedad
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Friedman, David
      In this article, the author analyzes the property legal system has to achieve efficient and useful results. In addition, he points out the reasons for the existence of private property and public property, then he explains the costs and benefits of private property, and he states the difference between real and personal property is the registry system. He concludes by stating the courts believe that a property agreement is obligatory if it is economically efficient. 
    • Ítem
      ¿Existe el consentimiento presunto?: la voluntad presunta como causa de justificación
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Chang Kcomt, Romy Alexandra
      In this paper, the author analyzes the alleged consent, stating their stance against it and proposing, instead, the alleged will, considering that the last is right for describe the legal fiction used to recreate the moment in which the legal holder knows the fact and have the possibility of providing consent to excute the ‘ilicit’ action. In this line, the author reviewed the theories that explain the legal nature of the alleged will, rejecting it as a noncriminal behavior and considering it an autonomous underlying justification. Also, the author describes the requirements of this alleged will, differentiating it from other situations as subrogation. Finally, the author makes a review of the two categories where the alleged will occurs: performances in foreign interest and actions on self-interest.
    • Ítem
      La crisis ¿una buena oportunidad de inversión? La adquisición de activos o empresas en situaciones pre-concursales o sometidas a un procedimiento concursal
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Agurto Isla, Renzo
      In this article, the author tells us about the acquisition of assets in companies that are experiencing financial difficulties and the legal tools that facilitate the procedure. Likewise, he details protection mechanisms to mitigate risks when companies are going through an economic crisis. Finally, he emphasizes that the crisis can generate great profitability to the buyer who managing the risks can open up great possibilities of investment.
    • Ítem
      El arbitraje después del arbitraje
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Castillo Freyre, Mario
      In this article, the author analyzes the proceedings after the conclusion of the arbitration, in accordance with current regulations. Thus, it develops the possibilities that can be presented before the arbitral award can be firm and, the possibilities that exist after that. 
    • Ítem
      Seguros de grandes riesgos y protección desproporcionada de los asegurados en la Ley del contrato de seguros
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Corzo de la Colina, Rafael; Villafuerte Mendoza, José
      In this article, the authors tell us about great risk insurances and describe its regulation in foreign law. Then, they point out the protective role of State in the consumption relationship is to reduce information asymmetries, but there is no total disclosure obligation in the market. Therefore, information asymmetry ceases to be relevant when the user of the service has negotiating capacity and necessary resources to make an informed decision. They conclude it is pertinent to equate the application of the Peruvian Insurance Contract Law to international standards.
    • Ítem
      Chinchero: ¿APP u obra pública? He ahí el dilema. Análisis crítico del régimen jurídico de las Asociaciones Público-Privadas y el de los contratos de obra pública a propósito del caso del Aeropuerto de Chinchero
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Chinchay Yancunta, Camila; Jara Enriquez, Eloisa
      This article focuses on the concrete study of two forms of public infrastructure construction in our country: Public Private Partnerships and public works contracts, analyzing their characteristics, implications, differences and how they are regulated. Also, it realizes a critical analysis of the specific case of the contract of concession of the Chinchero’s airport and the signing of the respective addendum, concluding that the addendum meant the denaturing of the PPP and suggesting some proposals about this case. 
    • Ítem
      Relaciones de duración y divisibilidad del reglamento contractual: apuntes para una reconceptualización
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-13) Longobucco, Francesco
      The essay analyzes the role that time plays in the single specific transaction, in order to revisit the classic category of long-term contracts. In this perspective, considering the variety of interests involved, the author reexamines the structuralist traditional concept of durable obligations related to a continuing and repeated prevision, aiming to associate long-term contracts mainly to the functional divisibility of the whole contract itself, to the concrete cause realized by negotiation through the time, to a dynamic consideration of the interests that parties would achieve through the duration. Therefore, the main idea of the proposed analysis is that a careful investigation only of the contractual interests of the parties, aside from any abstract and typological approach, can offer a convincing way of solving problems about the still discussed nature of long-term contracts.