THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho. Núm. 73 (2018)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Consejo Ejecutivo; 3

  • Artículos
  • Andrés De Santa Cruz y la Confederación Perú-Boliviana: entre la modernización y el frenesí legislativo Gonzales Escudero, Damián; 11-25
  • Legal culture and legal transplants. A propósito de la recepción del precedente vinculante en el sistema jurídico peruano Ramírez Figueroa, Jim; 27-56
  • Apuntes introductorios al Derecho Comparado Sotomarino Cáceres, Roxana; 57-64
  • El caso lava jato en el Perú: descripción, valoración y aplicación de normas Guimaray Mori, Erick; 65-81
  • El jurado criminal en pugna un debate con resonancias en América Latina Ramos Núñez, Carlos; 83-94
  • La justicia y el derecho comunal o comunitario en la historia del Perú Peña Jumpa, Antonio; 95-112
  • El otro “colaborador”: una mirada comparada sobre los facilitadores de los cárteles en el derecho de la competencia Calderón López, Andrés; Ayvar Ayvar, Ricardo; 113-129
  • Comparación jurídica desde el sur global genealogía de un proyecto crítico Merino Acuña, Roger; 131-145
  • El control de concentraciones empresariales y su aplicación en el Perú: una perspectiva desde el Derecho Comparado Roca Lizarzaburu, Luis Fernando; 147-154
  • Poderes remediales y lucha contra la impunidad: comentarios sobre la recepción del estándar barrios altos en Brasil, Chile, Perú y Uruguay Gurmendi Dunkelberg, Alonso; Tafur Sialer, Andrea; 155-164
  • La lex aquilia: la estructura del damnum iniuria datum y su evolución a través de la interpretatio prudentium y la actividad pretoria Sánchez Hernández, Luis Carlos; 165-193
  • Consideraciones sobre la historia ambiental y su incidencia en el Derecho Foy Valencia, Pierre; 195-207
  • Apuntes para una historia del Derecho del Trabajo Peruano Motta Villegas, Juan Diego; 209-224
  • An inside job: takeovers in chinese capital markets Barreda Ayllón, Alonso; Alarco Rodríguez-Larraín, Pablo; 225-234
  • Análisis comparativo y derecho constitucional de Vergottini, Giuseppe; 235-249
  • La justicia constitucional desde la perspectiva de la filosofía de Jeremy Waldron y la experiencia venezolana reciente Ghersi Rassi, Óscar; 251-269
  • El nacimiento y ascenso de los civil lawyers García Long, Sergio; 271-294
  • El génesis de la parte general del bürgerliches gesetzbuch Mendoza del Maestro, Gilberto; 295-303

  • Misceláneas
  • El dilema para denunciar: una crítica a La transferencia de funciones del Indecopi a Susalud en materia de servicios médicos y de seguros Segovia Trocones, Enzo; 307-323
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 20
    • Ítem
      El dilema para denunciar: una crítica a La transferencia de funciones del Indecopi a Susalud en materia de servicios médicos y de seguros
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Segovia Trocones, Enzo
      In this article, the author analyzes the distribution of functions between SuSalud and Indecopi, regarding the mandates of Legislative Decree 1158. In particular, the author addresses the functions of administrative regulation related to infractions in the provision of health services by the private sector in our national scope.This is done taking into account considerations that are inherent to a fundamental right as the right to health, which implies an active duty for the State as a whole. This is the reason why intense criticisms are raised about the way in which the distribution of functions has been regulated among public administration bodies, through confusing rules that signifi cantly increase the costs faced by consumers to present their complaints.
    • Ítem
      Apuntes para una historia del Derecho del Trabajo Peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Motta Villegas, Juan Diego
      In the present article, the author makes a brief recount in which the most significant events regarding what can be named as a “History of peruvian Labor Law” are told along the main periods of our history.In that way, this topic fathoms through periods such as the Inca Empire, the colony and the Republic appealing to the support of quotes from peruvian historians with the stature of Jorge Basadre and Julio Cotler. At the same time, the author establishes a direct and original correlation between the birth of the peruvian Labor Law and the origins of union liberty and trade union movements in Peru.
    • Ítem
      An inside job: takeovers in chinese capital markets
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Barreda Ayllón, Alonso; Alarco Rodríguez-Larraín, Pablo
      Chinese Stock Exchanges are on the rise. Companies are lucrative and trading is getting sophisticated on a day-to-day basis. Upon this scenario, the following paper takes a closer look on the framework upon which takeovers may happen, the takeovers strategies available in Chinese jurisdiction and the applicable defenses that target companies may use against such attempts.Finally, this paper compares the regulation of Takeovers in China with that of highly developed markets, such as the United Kingdom and the United States. The opinion of this paper is that though unsophisticated Chinese stock exchanges have undertaken proper measures in adapting foreign regulations into its own business idiosyncrasy to regulate the takeover phenomenon.
    • Ítem
      Presentación. THEMIS Revista de Derecho; Núm. 73 (2018): Historia del Derecho y Derecho Comparado
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Consejo Ejecutivo
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Poderes remediales y lucha contra la impunidad: comentarios sobre la recepción del estándar barrios altos en Brasil, Chile, Perú y Uruguay
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Gurmendi Dunkelberg, Alonso; Tafur Sialer, Andrea
      In this article, the authors analyze the reception of the judicial doctrine of the void ab initio of internal amnesty laws contrary to the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights, set by the Inter-American Court since the Barrios Altos case.In these order of ideas, the various social and political processes developed inside the countries attached to this international court are taken into account, who would be the receivers of the court’s decisions’ content. However, as pointed out by the authors, each nation’s context has ended up in a particular assimilation and even a sharp opposition from the national authorities to this judicial doctrine.
    • Ítem
      Consideraciones sobre la historia ambiental y su incidencia en el Derecho
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Foy Valencia, Pierre
      The author, employing some basic premises of relations (between time, nature, Humanity and the Law), explores the development of Environmental Law as an autonomous discipline on its historical context.This work also considers the various theories and approaches that have arisen, delivering a fundamental general overview for the interested layman that wishes to undertake researches on this field.
    • Ítem
      El jurado criminal en pugna un debate con resonancias en América Latina
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Ramos Núñez, Carlos
      In the present article, the author analyzes the positions for and against the juridical institution of the criminal jury, which would influence Latin America in the second half of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century.This is done by exposing the opinions expressed by European and Latin American authors whose ideas were characterized by extremely varied legal and political connotations and, sometimes, completely opposed to one another. Likewise, the historical background that characterizes each of the countries from which the authors mark their positions is presented.
    • Ítem
      El caso lava jato en el Perú: descripción, valoración y aplicación de normas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Guimaray Mori, Erick
      Complex criminal acts do not only are that way due to their coordination and intervention methods, but also because of the political and economic power that their protagonists attend. The Peruvian case called Lava Jato is not only important because of it White Collar nature, but also because of the economic and political consequences.The complexity of a judicial case is measured by its evidence and its implications, therefore, it is necessary to split the main elements of the plot, link them with the criminality that supports it and interpret our criminal rules in a coherent and sustainable manner over time. The importance and valuation of the unfair of the extraneus in cases of great corruption is a good example of that task. 
    • Ítem
      El control de concentraciones empresariales y su aplicación en el Perú: una perspectiva desde el Derecho Comparado
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Roca Lizarzaburu, Luis Fernando
      There are as many merger control mechanisms as jurisdictions, each one of them with its own strength and particularities. Such variety can be used to analyze the effectiveness of such techniques, and evaluate their applications in a local scale.In this article, the author reviews some of the principal aspects in which merger control mechanisms differ. Subsequently, and based on the advantages or disadvantages that these mechanisms may show, the author analyzes the characteristics that a merger control mechanism should have for it the be implemented in Perú our country.
    • Ítem
      Comparación jurídica desde el sur global genealogía de un proyecto crítico
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-07-03) Merino Acuña, Roger
      Comparative Law is considered a discipline inside the study of Law, characterized by contrasting the legal regulations and the legal development of the different legal systems around the world, under the same premises. In addition, Critical Comparative Law does deeper analysis on the development of legal systems according to their context, letting be a superficial comparison, as in the case of the Global South.In this article, the author analyzes several theoretical bases of Comparative Law, as well as the main questions of orthodox and heterodox theories related to the text. Especially the role of the Global South academy in this discipline.