Conexión. Núm. 22 (2024)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Colona Guadalupe, Carla; Maya, Alfredo Paulo; Rosas Morales, Diana; |Vega Casanova, Jair; 9-17

  • Articles
  • eHealth for Older Adults: An Analysis of the Adoption of Technologies in Disease Prevention and Control García González, Janet; Martínez-Sala, Alba María; Ramos-Soler, Irene; Serna Saucedo, Norma Leticia; 19-44
  • Premises, Length and Appropriation of Technology in the Healthcare Process Lemus Alcántara, Sergio; 45-64
  • Social Interactions That Influence the Preparation of the Clinical Record and the Communication of Information During Medical Care Reyes Velázquez, Bruno David; Hamui Sutton, Liz; Sánchez Guzmán, María Alejandra; Castillo Altamirano, Tzeithel Athenea; Consejo y Chapela, Carolina; Maya, Alfredo Paulo; 65-91
  • Analyzing COVID-19 Vaccine Videos on TikTok from public health system accounts Pichihua, Sofía Pamela; 93-131
  • Television fiction on YouTube, edutainment for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in times of pandemic Batista Rangel, Adriana Carolina; Vega Casanova, Jair; Camelo Guarín, Alicia; 133-158
  • Health and ethnic minorities in the Media: An analysis of the coverage of Indigenous peoples' health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru Guadalupe Madge, Elena; 159-184
  • The Use of Technology in Adolescents With Large Bodies and the Objectification in and Through Nutritional Practice. A Communication Proposal from Phenomenology Herrera Ramírez, Débora; 185-203
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