Vol. 17 Núm. 32 (2008)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Percepción de estrés, experiencias académicas estresantes y afrontamiento en los estudios Una investigación comparativa entre estudiantes de educación de Perú y Suecia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) González Vigil, María del PilarThis study focuses on the stress perception, stressful academic situations, andstress management strategies in studies of Swedish and Peruvian students from ateacher-training program. The research design that is applied for this purpose iscomparative. The sample includes Swedish and Peruvian second year students andadministrative staff from a teacher-training program. The research instruments arequestionnaires and interviews.Percepción de estrés, experiencias académicasestresantes y afrontamiento en los estudiosUna investigación comparativa entre estudiantesde educación de Perú y SueciaMaría del PilarGonzález VigilEducación Vol. XVII, N° 32, marzo 2008, pp. 49-66 / ISSN 1019-940350Educación Vol. XVII, N° 32, 2008 / ISSN 1019-9403María del Pilar González VigilThe main findings of this study indicate that in spite of the cultural differences,both groups of students present as many similarities as differences. On theone hand, Swedish and Peruvian students present some similarities consideringspecific stressful academic situations; their perception of stress as negative intheir academic performance, emotional state and health; their variable competenceto manage stress in studies; and their desire for having a course on stressmanagement. On the other hand, both groups manifest a particular profile in theway they perceive stress, experience specific stress effects, and manage stressfulacademic situations. These findings show the importance of education in stressmanagement strategies, taking cultural differences into account. This will allowstudents to handle stressful academic situations and deliver performance accordingto their capacities.Ítem Texto completo enlazado José Rivero Herrera. Educación y actores sociales frente a la pobreza en América Latina. Lima: TAREA(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) Sime Poma, LuisLa reseña no presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Inclusión de todos en la escuela: ilusiones y posibilidades(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) Molinero Nano, VanettyEn el presente artículo discutimos las tensiones y contradicciones del proceso deinclusión de los niños y niñas en la educación primaria peruana, con el fin deplantear que no es suficiente estar en la escuela para ser incluido y de presentaralgunas reflexiones que aporten en la construcción de una escuela que acoja lasdiferencias.Comenzamos abordando el proceso de expansión de la educación primaria enel Perú. Seguidamente llevaremos la discusión de la inclusión al funcionamientoescolar y a las medidas que se vienen planteando a nivel macropolítico para hacerfrente a los problemas de la escuela pública peruana. De esta manera tratamos dellamar la atención sobre la necesidad de intervenir en la dimensión micropolíticapara que la inclusión se constituya, proponiendo la autogestión como práctica quepotencia la inclusión.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La participación docente en la toma de decisiones desde la visión micropolítica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) Obando Castillo, GustavoThe teacher is the one who experiences close by the problematic of the schoolsystem, the one who makes decisions, modifies or sabotages the school plans, theone who transmits the vision of the school or makes it difficult, among othersaspects; all which reveal the teacher as the key for maintaining alive the educativeorganizations. For this reason, it is important that the teacher participates in theschools with consciousness taking part of the decision making process.However, in a micropolitical context, the participation can occur in a complexway and not always be open to discussion, making use of a variety of strategies(like alliances, rumors and comments) so that the different groups and individualsreach their interests, those that are not necessarily aligned with the school ones orother groups’ interests.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El educador, agente necesario de la construcción social(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) Valle López, Angela delIn the postmodern society the role of the school and the teacher is strongly conditionedby the social demands of each particular context. The continuous changecannot be stop as it depends on science and technology. It is urgent to understandthat in a human universe that is changing because the performers and their roleschange, the social dynamics and the views of the world change, the central roleof education is to be assumed knowing that in the present historical situation theteacher is the direct subject in the debate. In view of this, we raise the question onwhat is the role of the educator today. The new approaches and demands requirea new professional culture in accord with the educational institution. Education isin need of change on the ways to impart knowledge and the ways of learning; it isin need of competent educators who have a new concept of their own role.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Estrés y burnout docente: conceptos, causas y efectos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) Zavala Zavala, JoséIn this article the concepts of stress (eustress and distress) and stress coping arereviewed under a transactional perspective mainly, and it is also described the burnoutor syndrome of professional wearing as consequence of the chronic stress. Itis also offered a series of statisticals related to Latin-American teachers’ perceptionsof stress and health conditions, and there is indeed the shadow of a doubt of thepossible suffering of burnout. The stress has direct effects in the physical and psychologicalwell being of the teacher, and simultaneously an impact in the personallife and his/her performance of the educational organization.