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  • Ítem
    Una revolución silenciosa. El impacto de la Constitución de Cádiz en el virreinato del Perú, 1812-1823
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) Escanilla Huerta, Silvia
    This article argues that the impact of the Constitution of Cadiz among indigenous communities in the Viceroyalty of Peru was significant. In the context of the imperial crisis of the Spanish crown, indigenous peoples took the tools that the Constitution granted them to increase their level of self-government. Moreover, the changes implemented by the Constitution persisted after its abolition, allowing indigenous peoples to retain a level of self-government otherwise impossible to conceive after Ferdinand VII restored absolutist rule. Their actions demonstrate that the Constitution was a watershed moment in the history of the Viceroyalty because it inaugurated an era of political change with consequences nobody could predict at the time.
  • Ítem
    Las independencias vistas desde las fuentes en lenguas indígenas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) Itier, César
    The South American independence process has a little-known facet: the production, both by the pro-independence creoles and by the royalists, of texts in Quechua and Aymara for the Andean populations, in order to adhere them to one cause or another. Said textual production in native languages was unprecedented since the times of the evangelization of the Andes in the 16th century, but it had to dialogue with their concepts and terms in order to refine the messages of royalists and independentists and better communicate them to the native populations. Such a communication effort on the part of the State would not be seen again in the Andes for a long time.
  • Ítem
    No todos «por la Patria». Deserciones y problemas logísticos en el ejército durante la independencia peruana, 1820-1822
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) Alvarado Luna, Patricio A.
    The news of the proximity of the Liberating Expedition and the subsequent presence of José de San Martín’s army in the Viceroyalty of Peru generated a series of desertions within the royalist army, both among the high command and among the common troops. We will analyze the measures used by both the viceregal government and the Liberation Army between 1820 and 1822 to solve logistical problems and, especially, to stop desertions. Moreover, the study will be emphasized on the possible reasons why this situation occurred. Likewise, the measures and sanctions taken against these deserters and the effects that this had on the morale of each army will be explained.
  • Ítem
    La Expedición Libertadora del Perú en Chile: Estrategia militar y determinación libertaria
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) Sagredo Baeza, Rafael
    The text addresses the reasons that explain the organization of the naval and military force destined to liberate Peru, the context and circumstances in which the military contingent gathered in Chile and the representations that some of the protagonists of the time made about the company, such as Bernardo O’Higgins.
  • Ítem
    San Martín, el “territorio libre” de las intendencias de Tarma y de Trujillo y la Independencia del Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) O’Phelan Godoy, Scarlett
    On February 12, 1821, San Martín gave a provisional regulation on the territory that had been liberated by the patriot forces and that, therefore, was no longer governed by the Spanish government. The space corresponded to the province and intendancies that he had liberated in 1820, since his arrival in Peru. It included the province of Chancay, where he had established his headquarters in Huaura, the intendancy of Tarma, where the mine of Pasco was located, and the intendancy of Trujillo, of great extension and that included the provinces of northern Peru, crossing the coast, highlands and jungle. This article analyzes the process of incorporation of this territory to the domain of the Patriotic Army.
  • Ítem
    José de San Martín y el espacio político indígena. Departamento de Lima, 1821-1822
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-23) Guarisco, Claudia
    The piece is about the changes introduced by José de San Martín in the local political organization of the Intendancy of Lima, between 1821 and 1822. Those institutional changes had two sources: Spanish Liberalism and the so-called Absolute Monarchy. This work also explores the impact of San Martín’s presence among indigenous towns.