Areté. Vol. 35 Núm. 1 (2023)

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  • Ítem
    Positividad y negatividad del aburrimiento: una hermenéutica de la cotidianidad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2023-07-19) Dasuky Quiceno, Samir Ahmed; Galvis Mejía, Juan Pablo
    This paper considers the positivity and negativity of boredom to understand the horizon in which contemporary society constructs its sense of everyday life. Mymethod follows Heidegger’s interpretative proposal, guided by the concept of everyday life in dialogue with Han, concerning the manifestation of boredom inthe everyday life of individuals. In the first part of this paper, I discuss the determinations of instrumental rationality and neoliberalism in sense-constructionwithin contemporary society. Then, in the second part, I attempt to explain the dialectic impossibility of the positivity of boredom. This leads to understanding how the negativity of boredom enables from dialectics a negation of neoliberal discourse. Understanding this is relevant when positing the negativity of boredom as a world possibility. I conclude that boredom is an openness to the ways in which contemporary society constructs its everyday life.
  • Ítem
    La regulación de los fármacos en las Leyes de Platón
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2023-07-19) Londoño Sanz, David
    In the standard manuscript of the Laws the Parisinus Graecus 1807 of the 9th Century AD this dialogue is placed between the Minos and the Epinomis. While in the Minos the pupil refers to the diversity of rites and traditions that can be observed amongst different peoples, the Epinomis stresses the unity of the law. The regulation of symposia, the access to drugs, to intoxicating drinks and to medicine is a fundamental theme of the Laws. This is evident already from the composition of the dialogue, since this theme is discussed in its first books. The art of regulating communal life is shown as a technique that can be perfected through dialogue. Communal drinking can be beneficial, says the anonymous Athenian foreigner, since wine encourages citizens to sing, and through the confrontation with pleasure citizens are able to exercise temperance. Since the consumption of wine may also produce excesses and loss of constraint, its consumption should be regulated. The Athenian proposes a minimal age limit for wine drinking: 18 years old (Laws, 2.666a-e). The position of the Athenian foreigner concerning the regulation of drugs is a message that might be called “antiprohibitionist”, although not in the contemporary sense (individualist and liberal), but in the sense that an absolute prohibition of drug consumption for the citizens is not defended: the proposal is to allow its consumption, but under a legal and communitarian regulation.
  • Ítem
    El problemático lugar de la animalidad en la filosofía de Ortega
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2023-07-19) Alonso, Marcos
    This paper discusses a problem of great actuality in contemporary philosophy: the understanding of animal being and its relationship with human being. It analyses, specifically, the way in which this problem is addressed by the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset, one of the first authors who deals with this issue as a specific and recurring theme in the context of his own thought. I show how Ortega arrives to this problem, which intellectual influences are behind his approach to the cluster of difficulties around the animal, and what place does this issue have in the context of Ortega’s general philosophical proposal. As a conclusion, I suggest that Ortega’s thought —as it is the case with many of the most relevant authors of the 20th Century— is marked by his considerations on animals; and that his ideas could still be fruitful when studying important problems concerning thestatus and the significance of the animal condition.
  • Ítem
    La Ilustración como desafío para nuestro presente: algunas notas acerca de la Ilustración en Alemania
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2023-07-19) Vázquez Lobeiras, María Jesús
    This paper develops a historiographic approach to the development of Enlightenment in Germany, considering its specific traits in comparison to England and France, as well as its different stages. I also present the typology of its main ideas developed by Norbert Hinske, and discuss the possible relevance and significance of these ideas for our current times, specially analysing the idea of a universal human reason and the vocation of human beings.
  • Ítem
    La distinción entre “hecho” y “acción” frente al “derecho del saber”. Agencia, imputación y suerte en la Rechtsphilosophie de Hegel
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2023-07-19) Mañalich R., Juan Pablo
    This article reconstructs the notion of action that, anchored in a wider account of imputation practices, Hegel develops in the “Morality” chapter ofhis Philosophy of Right, beginning with a preliminary clarification of what it means that “crime” designates something that has the status of an action. Considering a set of premises found in some recent analytically oriented interpretations of Hegel’s work developed by Robert Brandom and Michael Quante, I examine the distinction proposed by Hegel between the concepts of deed and action, to then clarify the meaning of the “·right of knowledge” and its relationship to the “right of intention”. This enables one to make explicit the particular form of “compatiblism” that can be extracted from Hegel’s philosophy as a way to face the problem of moral luck.
  • Ítem
    Echeverría y Unamuno, barroco y agonismo. Una articulación del ethos barroco y el ethos trágico
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2023-07-19) Beraldi, Gastón
    This paper seeks to sketch a possible articulation of the tragic ethos and the baroque ethos. The starting point is Echeverría’s hypothesis concerning the baroque character of Unamuno’s Quijote. I argue that such a baroque ethos an attitude, a behaviour, and a vital strategy as defined by the Ecuadorian philosopher, goes beyond Unamuno’s Quijote, and is linked to the tragic ethos of Unamuno’s agonism. I follow Saéz Rueda’s hypothesis that, on the one side, Unamuno’s agonism is closely related to the baroque attitude and, on the other side, that there are at least two unifying bonds between the Baroque and the tragic. I propose that it is possible to add two more bonds. The first one has to do with the understanding of action shared by Echevarría and Unamuno, the choice of a third that cannot be. The second bond considers that such a community of attitude, of ethos, between the tragic and the Baroque can be established from the moral pedagogic function of the tragic and baroque works
  • Ítem
    Análisis fenomenológico del juego infantil como modalidad de la fantasía perceptiva
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2023-07-19) Luna Bravo, José Luis
    The experience of playing is not unknown to anyone of us. As children we have all entered the world opened by phantasy and toys. This paper makes explicit —from a phenomenological perspective— how this particular mixture of perception and phantasy takes place. To avoid confusing this experience with a hallucination or a mere simulation, I claim that playing can be analysed as a particular modality of perceptual phantasy in the “as if” mode. This modality,based on the neutralisation of a perceptual apprehension, enables the opening of the world of phantasy that is deployed in playing. Accordingly, this paper isdivided in 3 parts: First, I present a general description of phantasy consciousness; then, I propose an analysis of perceptual phantasy in the experience of theatre; third, I describe the specificity of this modality of phantasy consciousness —called perceptual phantasy— in the intentional structure proper of children’s playing.