Estudios de Filosofía. Núm. 20 (2022)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Hanza, Kathia; Rizo-Patrón, Rosemary; 7-8

  • Artículos
  • Acerca de las proposiciones marco y epistémicas. Apuntes sobre Moore y Wittgenstein, y una propuesta de definición para la racionalidad científica Ramírez, Gonzalo; 11-32
  • El constructivismo y la teoría moral kantiana. Un ensayo sobre la objetividad de las distinciones morales Caviglia, Alessandro; 33-53
  • Trascendencia inmanente: una reflexión antropológica desde Shakespeare y Kant Reyes, Ronald; 54-79

  • Traducciones
  • Platón, Menón, 96d1-99b9 Corilla, Bruno; García, Gabriel; Granados, Alejandra; Khoury, Rodrigo; Limo, María Fernanda; Román, Massiel; Salas, Mayra; Tapia, Claudia; Vilcarino, Ariam; 83-93

  • Dossier: Estética crítica
  • Presentación Hanza, Kathia; 97
  • Relación entre la perfección y la belleza artística en la teoría estética de Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten e Immanuel Kant Diez, Renzo; 98-107
  • El “aura” en la tragedia griega del Nacimiento Miranda, Henry; 108-118
  • Resistencia y emancipación del “nuevo espectador” en el régimen estético del sentir impersonal Milla, Saraí; 119-132
  • ¿En qué momento se jodió el arte? Entre el espectáculo y la invención en el arte actual Ramírez, Juan; 133-148
  • Different Horizons of Expression in Media: The Case of Animations Kazu, Ko; 149-157

  • Notas Bibliográficas
  • Human Virtuality and Digital Life. Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Investigations. Primera edición. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021, 296 pp. (314 pp.; edición digital) Krebs, Victor J; Frankel, Richard; 159
  • La travesía de la libertad. Ensayos sobre Hegel. Primera edición. Madrid: Abada Editores, 2021, 398 pp. Giusti, Miguel; 160
  • La racionalidad ampliada. Nuevos horizontes de la fenomenología y la hermenéutica. Bogotá/Lima: Aula de Humanidades/Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2020, 428 pp. Chu García, Mariana; Rizo-Patrón Boylan, Rosemary; 160-161
  • Fenomenología de la vida afectiva. Con dos textos inéditos de Edmund Husserl y Moritz Geiger. Buenos Aires: SB Editorial, 2021, 348 pp. Cabrera, Celia; Szeftel, Micaela; 161-162
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 15
    • Ítem
      El “aura” en la tragedia griega del Nacimiento
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Miranda, Henry
      Within the limits of Walter Benjamin’s The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction and Friedrich Nietzsche’s The birth of tragedy, this essay will investigate the intersection between the concept of aura and the attic greek tragedy as conceived by Nietzsche. We will find that the concept of aura cannot account for the greek tragedy, because, the latter, instead of being experimented as something distant, is lived and described as an immersion, that, despite everything, still keeps its cult value. This work will answer the following - first what is aura; second, how does Nietzsche understand greek tragedy; and finally, what happens in the aura-tragedy crossing.
    • Ítem
      La travesía de la libertad. Ensayos sobre Hegel. Primera edición. Madrid: Abada Editores, 2021, 398 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Giusti, Miguel
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Different Horizons of Expression in Media: The Case of Animations
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Kazu, Ko
      This paper examines the normative constraints that mass society places on movies and artistic animation. Benjamin’s ideas on audience control in relation to technical media products are used to highlight the specific limitation of animations. Because they are entirely created by the artist (without employing preexistent elements, such as in movies), they can more easily simplify the scheme of representation-intention, and be bearers of politically or morally acceptable messages.
    • Ítem
      Resistencia y emancipación del “nuevo espectador” en el régimen estético del sentir impersonal
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Milla, Saraí
      This paper seeks to establish connections between the diagnoses of art in society by Benjamin, Rancière, and Perniola in order to understand the contemporary aesthetic crisis characterized as a regime of impersonal feeling. To this end, it is intended to clarify Benjamin’s concept of aura and to establish a connection with art and politics that will be amplified with Rancière. The article will address the causes of the lack of autonomy in contemporary aesthetics, pointed by Perniola, to discuss in what way the emancipation of the spectator is possible by playing with the emptiness, the unspeakable, or the shadow of art.
    • Ítem
      Human Virtuality and Digital Life. Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Investigations. Primera edición. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021, 296 pp. (314 pp.; edición digital)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Krebs, Victor J.; Frankel, Richard
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      La racionalidad ampliada. Nuevos horizontes de la fenomenología y la hermenéutica. Bogotá/Lima: Aula de Humanidades/Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2020, 428 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Chu García, Mariana; Rizo-Patrón Boylan, Rosemary
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Fenomenología de la vida afectiva. Con dos textos inéditos de Edmund Husserl y Moritz Geiger. Buenos Aires: SB Editorial, 2021, 348 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Cabrera, Celia; Szeftel, Micaela
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      ¿En qué momento se jodió el arte? Entre el espectáculo y la invención en el arte actual
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Ramírez, Juan
      “When did art get fucked? Between spectacle and invention in contemporary art”. The monograph offers a reading of Mario Vargas Llosa’s The Spectacle Civilization (2012), with the intention of bringing to light the aesthetic prejudices upon which his criticism of contemporary art is based. For this, we will rely on the thesis stated by the American philosopher and art theorist Larry Shiner, who holds in The Invention of the Art (2001), that the notion we have of art is born from a historical process that defines and determines it, especially from the historical conditions of the economy and society of Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. With this, we pave the way for a serious debate about the current condition of art and culture. Although Vargas Llosa triggered reviews, columns, and round tables in universities and different virtual publications we pretend here an understanding of his view from which he opposes current artistic manifestations. To do this, we will first explain the novelistic and aesthetic theories of the Peruvian author, which will allow us to understand his cultural criticism and, in the second part, dismantle the aesthetic prejudices from which he operates. Our conclusion is that the vision of the Peruvian Nobel laureate of an autonomous and free art that defies time has the irony of having a historical beginning, so trying to explain these temporal boundaries that border it allows us to understand it better.
    • Ítem
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Hanza, Kathia; Rizo-Patrón, Rosemary
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Acerca de las proposiciones marco y epistémicas. Apuntes sobre Moore y Wittgenstein, y una propuesta de definición para la racionalidad científica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Ramírez, Gonzalo
      This text has two objectives: a description and an application. First, we describe Wittgenstein’s critique of Moore regarding the demonstration of the world outside our minds. In it we rescue the distinction between framework propositions and epistemic propositions. Second, we present a way of applying this distinction to the philosophy of science. Specifically, it will allow us to describe what distinguishes science from any other belief system. The central thesis behind this distinction is that science, unlike tradition, pseudoscience, and superstition, seeks to reduce the number of framework propositions or, ideally, not to increase them.