Anthropologica. Vol. 23 Núm. 23 (2005)

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Tabla de Contenido

En torno al otro
  • «El irracional es el otro»: Los mecanismos de la interpretación en Antropología Ricard Lanata, Xavier; 7-44
  • San Cristóbal en la Amazonía: Colonialismo, violencia y hechicería infantil entre los arahuacos de la selva central del Perú Santos Granero, Fernando; 45-82

  • Migraciones
  • La producción social del conocimiento sobre los procesos migratorios contemporáneos Betrisey Nadali, Débora; 83-99
  • Retornados en Andalucía (España): una aproximación a los casos de Bélgica y la Argentina Arjona Garrido, Ángeles; Checa Olmos, Juan Carlos; 101-128

  • Temas de cuerpo y género
  • Mujeres en la Colonia. Dominación colonial, diferencias étnicas y de género en cofradías y fiestas religiosas en Jujuy, Río de la Plata Normando Cruz, Enrique; 129-152
  • Performar para seguir performando: la cultura fitness Kogan, Liuba; 153-166

  • Reseñas
  • Sobre el tema de la pasión. / Alejandro Ortiz Rescaniere. Lima: Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2004, 228 pp. Sifuentes Pinedo, Jhon; 167-169
  • Rostros criollos del mal. Cultura y transgresión en la sociedad peruana. / Gonzalo Portocarrero. Lima: Red para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales en el Perú, 2004, 313 pp. Granados, Pedro; 171-173
  • El mundo al revés. / Maruja Barrig. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2003, 127 pp. Chávez, Juan Francisco; 175-176
  • El poder de la comunidad. Ajuste estructural y movimiento indígena en los Andes ecuatorianos. / Fernando Guerrero Cazar y Pablo Ospina Peralta. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2003, 304 pp. Diez, Alejandro; 177-180
  • Observar, escuchar, comparar, escribir. La práctica de la investigación cualitativa. / Ricardo Sanmartín. Barcelona: Ariel, 2003, 149 pp. Couceiro, Enrique; 181-187
  • Vidas beligerantes. Dos mujeres argentinas, dos protestas y la búsqueda de reconocimiento. / Javier Auyero. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2004, 302 pp. Felitti, Karina A; 189-191
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 12
    • Ítem
      «El irracional es el otro»: Los mecanismos de la interpretación en Antropología
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Ricard Lanata, Xavier
      This article examines two dialogues between the anthropologist and alpaca shepherds of the Ausangate mountains (Cusco region, province of Canchis). Parting from the description and analysis of the concrete interpretation mechanisms used in the anthropological discipline (establishment of a lexicon, logical inferences, etc.), and of its consequences (in particular, the attribution of a pre-rational or irrational mentality, on behalf of the anthropologist, to his farmer-indigent interpreters), the article proposes reflection on the methodological obstacles for an adequate anthropological interpretation of the other cultures. It attempts in this way, to contribute to define, from the hermeneutic practice of anthropology, methodological protection that guarantee the constitution of real spaces of intercultural dialogue.
    • Ítem
      Retornados en Andalucía (España): una aproximación a los casos de Bélgica y la Argentina
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Arjona Garrido, Ángeles; Checa Olmos, Juan Carlos
      Andalucía has been, traditionally, a starting point for emigration. Nowadays, the phenomenon has reversed and it receives populations from different parts of the world. To the foreign migrants we have to add the people who have returned to Andalucía. Here, we are going to study the return process from Belgium and Argentina. The results of the investigation show that the migrants who were in Belgium have experienced a circular migration with a clear intention of coming back, based, above all, on fulfillment or a failure to fulfill planned objectives. On the other hand, the case of the Latin American return is different. First of all, those who return are mostly the descendants of the emigrants. In second place, the initial migration has a definitive character; thus, there have been contextual factors—economic decline and lack of prospects—that have caused the return. In third place, the social networks have had a very minor role in the return to Andalucía.
    • Ítem
      El poder de la comunidad. Ajuste estructural y movimiento indígena en los Andes ecuatorianos. / Fernando Guerrero Cazar y Pablo Ospina Peralta. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2003, 304 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Diez, Alejandro
      The review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Performar para seguir performando: la cultura fitness
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Kogan, Liuba
      The purpose of this paper is to analyze the culture of the body in gymnasiums. It suggests that if these spaces were, before, the redoubt of boxers and of body-builders, who sought to build strong and muscular bodies for physical competition, today they are used to build the post modern performative self. In this way, they propose new technology, practices, norms and knowledges that leave not much space for individual agency. Thus, the body that is attained within the context of the fitness culture is not a metaphor of the machine, or of the conscience’s tool, which requires discipline and training, it isn’t even the mediator of an inner being. The individual who follows the fitness culture is one who performs to keep performing. His fate is constant movement in order to respond constantly and in a flexible way to the changing commands of post-modernity.
    • Ítem
      San Cristóbal en la Amazonía: Colonialismo, violencia y hechicería infantil entre los arahuacos de la selva central del Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Santos Granero, Fernando
      The article analyzes the phenomenon of child sorcery, that is, of children accused of being sorcerers, among the Arawakan peoples of eastern Peru. It is suggested that this practice was the result, in colonial times, of the mimetic appropriation and structural transformation of the Christian legend of St Christopher and the Christ Child into the myth of a cannibalistic giant and his evil infant son. The notion that children could become potent witches would have been reinforced in postcolonial times by epidemics affecting mostly adults. If this is so, the belief in child sorcery would be one of those unforeseen and tragic products of the colonial encounter. In their eagerness to exorcise colonial violence Peruvian Arawaks turned against themselves, unleashing violence against their children’s bodies and through them to the body politic at large. This practice, thought to have been abandoned in the 1970s, has reappeared with renewed force in recent times as a result of the violence and social disruption resulting from confrontations with insurgent groups and the Peruvian Army.
    • Ítem
      Mujeres en la Colonia. Dominación colonial, diferencias étnicas y de género en cofradías y fiestas religiosas en Jujuy, Río de la Plata
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Normando Cruz, Enrique
      The article makes a comparative analysis of the participation of women in the fraternities and religious celebrations, and reveals that at the end of the colonial period there exists «distance between them» established by the economic, cultural and ethnical differences (Bourdieu 2000: 116), between the indigenous women of the rural world and the Spanish women of the elite and between the half-breed and Indian women of the urban shell. This study allows us to see that, while the voices of the female indigenous peasants of Purmamarca, Tumbaya or Cholacor enjoy themselves freely—and sometimes with the use of alcohol—in public spaces, where they work together with the men, and sing with periodical authority in the everyday life of the religious celebrations; the voices of the peasants of the cooperative and the indigenous women who make chicha in the San Salvador de Jujuy square are almost always dominated by a man, can pray their litany only in the chorus of the religious brotherhoods, in family life or in public work spaces which are authorized and controlled by men.
    • Ítem
      Observar, escuchar, comparar, escribir. La práctica de la investigación cualitativa. / Ricardo Sanmartín. Barcelona: Ariel, 2003, 149 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Couceiro, Enrique
      No contiene resumen
    • Ítem
      El mundo al revés. / Maruja Barrig. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2003, 127 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Chávez, Juan Francisco
      No contiene resumen
    • Ítem
      Vidas beligerantes. Dos mujeres argentinas, dos protestas y la búsqueda de reconocimiento. / Javier Auyero. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2004, 302 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Felitti, Karina A.
      No contiene resumen
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      Rostros criollos del mal. Cultura y transgresión en la sociedad peruana. / Gonzalo Portocarrero. Lima: Red para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales en el Perú, 2004, 313 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005-03-21) Granados, Pedro
      The review does not present a summary.