■2023: II Congreso Red de Posgrados en Educación en Latinoamérica. III Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrados en Educación. IV Conferencia Internacional de Estudiantes de Maestría y Doctorado en Educación

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El II Congreso Red de Posgrados en Educación en Latinoamérica busca integrar a los diferentes países que componen la red, con el fin de dialogar sobre temas transversales que afectan a los diferentes países. La idea es generar espacios de reflexión con la posibilidad de escuchar las diferentes voces de la región.
COA 2020
Con relación al III Congreso de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrados en Educación es un evento académico en el que participan investigadores, estudiantes, egresados y público interesado en la investigación educativa en el marco de los nuevos desafíos en educación planteados desde el contexto actual.
Así también, la IV Conferencia REDEPEL se presenta como un espacio de encuentro donde estudiantes de maestría y profesionales en ejercicio reflexionan, dialogan y se enriquecen respecto a diversas líneas de investigación vinculadas a las nuevas demandas del contexto educativo.

Objetivo general / Objetivo geral

  • Crear espacios de diálogo y reflexión a partir de la socialización de proyectos de investigación, experiencias pedagógicas y estudios vinculados al ámbito educativo desde la perspectiva de estudiantes, egresados y especialistas de Posgrados en Latinoamérica / Criar espaços de diálogo e reflexão por meio da socialização de projetos de pesquisa, experiências pedagógicas e estudos vinculados ao campo educativo a partir da perspectiva de estudantes, egressos e especialistas em Programas de Pós-Graduação na América Latina.

  • Objetivos específicos
  • Difundir aportes teóricos, experiencias y resultados de investigaciones sobre temas relacionados a diversas líneas de investigación del ámbito educativo a través de mesas de diálogo / Divulgar contribuições teóricas, experiências e resultados de investigações sobre temas relacionados às diversas linhas de pesquisa no campo educacional por meio de mesas de diálogo.

  • Brindar paneles sobre tendencias contemporáneas relacionadas a las líneas de investigación establecidas para este magno evento con el fin de profundizar en herramientas prácticas / Oferecer painéis sobre tendências contemporâneas relacionadas às linhas de pesquisa estabelecidas para este grande evento, a fim de aprofundar as ferramentas práticas.
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      Filosofia da educação e aceleração social: discussões contemporâneas para os estudos curriculares
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Taveira, Flavio Augusto Leite; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
      In this text, I aim to offer reflections for Curriculum Studies in Latin America, articulating Hartmut Rosa's sociological perspective of Social Acceleration with the concerns of Curriculum Studies for the educational field, assuming a hermeneutic stance based on writings from the Brazilian Philosophy of Education. In my reflections, I draw on curriculist Michael Apple and the use of Antonio Gramsci's concept of hegemony to argue that the Curriculum in its multiplicity can produce and/or reproduce a hegemonic current of Social Acceleration, and it is fruitful for Curriculum Studies to reflect on these possibilities in today's reality. As an example, I take the results of empirical research in psychology that show the growing rate of Burnout Syndrome in teachers, this syndrome being one of the main symptoms of Social Acceleration described by Hartmut Rosa.
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      Significados de la Base Nacional Común Curricular (BNCC) en Brasil y la autonomía docente
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Craveiro, B. Clarissa; Silva, Maristela Ramalho Lopes; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
      The objective of this paper is to present a theoretical discussion on the relationship between teacher autonomy and the implementation of the national curricular proposal in Brazil, Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), especially with the increase in the use of online platforms by teaching networks. In addition, increased circulation of this government policy. This dialogue brings the BNCC to the Base Nacional Comum Curricular for the Base Nacional Curricular para a formação de Professores (BNC-formação) and on paths in defense of teacher autonomy from the local context. In Brazil, the implementation of the BNCC raises important questions about the balance between curricular standardization and the autonomy of schools and teachers, as well as the need to meet demands and needs that are not homogeneous. We understand that it is in the contextual space of each school that the school community (parents, teachers, directors, students, and employees, others who are immersed in this daily life) produces its identity, its curriculum and its difference. Our study is guided by a post-structural theoretical option of the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe in dialogue between the Curriculum Research Group (GPeC) and the Curriculum Policies and Culture research group of Alice Casimiro Lopes. This study it is to understand how curricular policies were and are being forged (discursively) by certain contingent and provisional conditions that sustain their hegemonies. We also bring some traces of Stephen Ball's approaches regarding the understanding of how schools build their curricular policies. We use a documentary study methodology of curricular texts in dialogue with authors who help us think about issues that these texts bring up, such as teacher training, teaching and the curriculum. The speeches in the BNCC text argue that minimizing inequalities in Brazilian education, taking into account regional and cultural differences, would lead to an improvement in the country's educational levels. However, they determine the basic skills and abilities that each student must learn during their learning process. Questioning how the BNCC and the BNC-Formação affect teaching practice is the main objective of this work. Based on our readings, we maintain that the degree of centrality of the BNCC disregards the school's floor and the cultural plurality of both teachers and students. Moreover, therefore, we defend that this proposal does not guarantee a "true quality in education" as described in the document. Education is a field of dispute; therefore, it is not possible to have neutrality, since the curriculum is also a cultural policy, since politics, from this approach, is understood as disputes between discourses in search of power to fix a meaning. However, the speeches of the BNCC bring a direction that hurts the freedom of the teacher, since any teaching practice that deviates from this indicative can be considered inappropriate. Although the BNC-Formação text deals with the assessment of teachers, the idea of assessment is linked to the act of “testing” the teacher. We highlight discourses of the teacher leadership considered necessary to comply with the base and guarantee the results in the national evaluations. This text presents a provisional closure, still under construction, but we highlight that the curricular reforms in Brazil focused centrally on teacher training, since the 1980s, by defending that the success of any curricular reform will be achieved when the teacher can commit to the expected results of the curriculum (the knowledge to be assessed). In this discourse, teachers are a "strategic axis" for the success of the reforms. Political analyzes on teacher training are, therefore, of fundamental importance to understand curricular policies for Basic Education.