■2023: II Congreso Red de Posgrados en Educación en Latinoamérica. III Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrados en Educación. IV Conferencia Internacional de Estudiantes de Maestría y Doctorado en Educación
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/195745
El II Congreso Red de Posgrados en Educación en Latinoamérica busca integrar a los diferentes países que componen la red, con el fin de dialogar sobre temas transversales que afectan a los diferentes países. La idea es generar espacios de reflexión con la posibilidad de escuchar las diferentes voces de la región.
Con relación al III Congreso de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrados en Educación es un evento académico en el que participan investigadores, estudiantes, egresados y público interesado en la investigación educativa en el marco de los nuevos desafíos en educación planteados desde el contexto actual.
Así también, la IV Conferencia REDEPEL se presenta como un espacio de encuentro donde estudiantes de maestría y profesionales en ejercicio reflexionan, dialogan y se enriquecen respecto a diversas líneas de investigación vinculadas a las nuevas demandas del contexto educativo.
Objetivo general / Objetivo geral
Objetivos específicos
Ítem Acceso Abierto Filosofia da educação e aceleração social: discussões contemporâneas para os estudos curriculares(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Taveira, Flavio Augusto Leite; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúIn this text, I aim to offer reflections for Curriculum Studies in Latin America, articulating Hartmut Rosa's sociological perspective of Social Acceleration with the concerns of Curriculum Studies for the educational field, assuming a hermeneutic stance based on writings from the Brazilian Philosophy of Education. In my reflections, I draw on curriculist Michael Apple and the use of Antonio Gramsci's concept of hegemony to argue that the Curriculum in its multiplicity can produce and/or reproduce a hegemonic current of Social Acceleration, and it is fruitful for Curriculum Studies to reflect on these possibilities in today's reality. As an example, I take the results of empirical research in psychology that show the growing rate of Burnout Syndrome in teachers, this syndrome being one of the main symptoms of Social Acceleration described by Hartmut Rosa.Ítem Acceso Abierto Uma análise dos currículos de Licenciatura em Física sob a perspectiva de Justiça Social(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Gonçalves Faria Rocha, Larissa; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúStarting from the advances and setbacks of the struggles of the LGBTQIAPN+ community in Latin America, more specifically, in Brazil, this paper presents an analysis of the Pedagogical Political Projects of the Degree in Physics courses at the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (São Paulo/ Brazil) focusing on issues related to gender and sexuality diversity in the initial training of Physics teachers. Methodologically, the work was conducted under the two-dimensional perspective of Social Justice by Nancy Fraser and presents conclusions with reflections about recognition and redistribution in the objectivity of degree.Ítem Acceso Abierto Aprendizaje organizacional luego de un proceso de licenciamiento de programas de estudio: percepciones y reflexiones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) González Colunche, Giuliana Antoinette; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúIn the management and direction of educational organizations, the quality of the service provided determines its success or failure as an institution. According to the Inter-American Development Bank (2020), quality assurance in higher education institutions is an area of action that must be addressed from the different management levels to give validity and sustainability to university and technical training in the Latin American region. However, in Peru a unique scenario has developed in which the demand for the educational service at a higher level has increased, with higher enrollment rates year after year, but to the detriment of its quality (Stratedu, 2018). This has repercussions with low satisfaction rates on the part of students, who do not perceive a favorable return on the investment made during their university or technical training (Lavado et al, 2016). In response, the Ministry of Education of Peru, since 2014 and 2016, has started with a national strategy for the achievement of minimum quality standards of the educational service at a higher level, both university and technical, respectively, giving rise to the processes of institutional licensing. Today, the great challenge of licensed educational institutions lies in giving sustainability to the changes made for licensing, as well as opening their doors to a culture of constant change to respond to the demands of the labor market. Given this, the present research work aims to describe the organizational learning of a private higher education technological institute in Lima, after a process of institutional licensing or study programs, from the perspective of its academic coordinators. The approach used is qualitative with a descriptive scope and phenomenological design. In addition, the in-depth interview was applied as a technique, through the interview guide and findings matrix instruments, in order to know and systematize the perceptions of the academic coordinators of three different careers about the learning achieved after a licensing process. of study programs. The sample consisted of three academic coordinators of different study programs with a seniority equal to or greater than 5 years in the institution, added between the period before and after the license. Some results, the institutional capacities of information management, team learning, work specialization, permanent learning and structural strengthening were identified as learning achieved by the institute. Likewise, it is recognized that the educational organization is at an initial level of Organizational Learning, since it does reach the stage of Carrying out through the execution of actions to guide its operation towards continuous improvement of processes, while it has not yet reached the stages of Connect and Integrate, since these executed actions do not reach a learning condition as they do not have a natural and organic functioning, since the presence of external agents that impose quality standards is necessary for the organization to begin to develop. Based on the above, it is concluded that recognizing the stages of organizational learning helps educational organizations to identify their strengths and opportunities for improvement, from which they can propose actions to improve their processes and interactions, thus achieving a capacity of self-regulation that allows them to continue learning autonomously.Ítem Acceso Abierto A Educação do Campo e a formação de professoras/es de Matemática: uma análise de documentos curriculares do Estado de Rondônia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Silva, Márcia Regina de Souza; Barboza, Sílvia Letícia da Silveira Neves; Peralta, Deise Aparecida; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúEl objetivo de este artículo es comprender cómo la Educación Rural (EdoC) se refleja en los Proyectos Pedagógicos de Licenciatura en Matemáticas (PPCs) de cuatro Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) públicas del estado de Rondônia. Además de estos PPCs, también utilizamos el PPC para la Licenciatura en Educación Rural (LEdoC), que se ha implementado en el estado, y el Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible del Estado de Rondônia (PDES), 2015-2030. El análisis revela que hay lagunas en la EdoC en los PPC; que el estado de Rondônia tiene una propuesta de EdoC vinculada a la profesionalización y una propuesta de educación rural, con la creación de una escuela superior. Aunque no se diga explícitamente, puede ser que en las dispersiones: Educación Matemática y Etnomatemática, se contemplen los presupuestos del EdoC. Sugerimos que los PPCs de los cursos investigados revisen sus currículos para incluir el EdoC de forma más explícita. Que la LEdoC ya existente en el estado (re)considere la posibilidad de ampliarla para incluir la formación inicial de futuros profesores de matemática para trabajar en escuelas rurales y abarcar los últimos años de la enseñanza primaria y secundaria.Ítem Acceso Abierto Cabildos infantiles como espacios educativos durante el estallido social 2019 en Chile: una mirada desde la educación parvularia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Olivares Ramos, Marwill Milixa María; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThis research had as a general objective to understand and describe the pedagogical practices presented in the children’s councils erected in three communes of the Metropolitan Region, during the social explosion that occurred in Chile in 2019. It is a comprehensive, qualitative research with a study case research design, constituted by the views of three infant educators in training belonging to the University of Chile. The research was framed in the different perceptions that have regarding childhoods and how this has progressed over time thanks to legal decrees in addition to the levels of participation that could reach in these spaces. Through discourse analysis, it was possible to demonstrate the ability of children to understand events that adults often believe are not possible, Finally, it was possible to contrast the pedagogical practices presented in the children’s councils with what the curriculum of initial education in Chile proposes. It should be noted that, although it is a phenomenon that happened at a sociological level in the country, this inquiry emphasized the pedagogical and educational perspective that these spaces had. In view of the fact that the participants were early childhood children, is that the theme is linked to early childhood education and stresses the curriculum of formal preschool educationÍtem Acceso Abierto La participación que tienen los niños y niñas desde el curriculum vivido(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Quezada Ramírez, Catalina Andrea; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThis research contributes to the curricular study in early childhood from a participatory perspective, understanding that its development in each context is unique and particular, for this reason, it sought to know the discourses of Second Level School Transition boys and girls about their participation in the Living Curriculum. The research was approached from a comprehensive qualitative approach and a phenomenological design. Individual interviews with educators and group interviews with boys and girls were conducted, the latter using the photo-elicitation technique. Among the main results, they highlight that, from the perspective of boys and girls, a simple participation in Educational Establishments would be developed, evidencing that they would not be an active part of the construction of their teaching and learning processes. In relation to the results of the educators, it is evident that they have carried out experiences that point to a more passive participation, however, since their speeches can show that their participatory practices correspond to conceptualized and democratic experiences. From a contrast of the discourses, it can be deduced that there would be a more "real" participation outside the classroom and that both discourses are assimilated in reflection of the same experience of prescription from school.Ítem Acceso Abierto O Feminismo Negro e as Reformas Curriculares Latino-Americana no Currículo de Matemática da Educação Tecnológica Profissional(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Araújo Ribeiro de Castro, Josicléia; Peralta, Deise Aparecida; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúComparative Education can be perceived as an episteme of search for understanding the way educational systems develop, configuring itself as a conceptual and methodological perspective to approach educational phenomena from an international, supranational or intranational perspective, through analysis of the discourses that involve them. In this sense, this comparative study, constituent of the research agenda of the Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Research in Curriculum (Nipac), has as general objective: To discuss the mathematics curriculum in the curricular development of professional education in Latin American countries that have undergone curricular reforms in the last three decades (Brazil, Chile and Peru), characterizing, in these reforms, the conception of the public sphere undertaken in the construction of these curricula, the theoretical aspects that substantiate them, and the rationalities that underlie these processes, emphasizing the provision of ethnic-racial issues.Therefore, this investigation is philosophically and methodologically based on the framework of Jürgen Habermas, mainly on the theoretical contributions of the concepts of public sphere and discursive ethics; In Nancy Fraser for the understanding of the device of redistribution and social justice, going through the contributions of black feminism to the strengthening of social movements and the redemocratization of spaces of power and knowledge, analyzing mathematics curricula of three countries that, historically, undergo curricular reforms: Brazil, Chile and Peru, and in the case of Brazil, to perceive the struggle and the anti-racist theorization, in the construction of the mathematics curriculum. The constitution of the data involves bibliographic analyses, documentary analyses, interviews, and technical visits to the countries investigated.Ítem Acceso Abierto O ensino formal universitário tem considerado a etnobotânica?(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Quaresma, Miani Corrêa; Vieira, Eduardo Paiva de Pontes; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe term Ethno is conceptually used to refer to how subjects interpret, interact and relate to the world. In this sense, Ethnobotany is referred to as the study of human-plant relationships, and, in disciplinary terms, relatively new with regard to systematization with other sciences. For the teaching of biology, this can be analyzed as a curricular component, as a discipline or academic content, within the scope of constructed/developed subjects on ecology, botany and zoology, for example. In this way, the curricular matrices within this theme reflect pedagogical intentions in the classroom; in theory, these are rooted in the conception that the student's particularities, needs and life stories are essential for the construction of knowledge, thus being able to question or certify teaching practices, and, thus, build a significant scientific knowledge for students. In general terms, this research questions: Has formal university education considered ethnobotany? What dimensions of ethnobotany are or can be taught and what can we infer about it? As an empirical analysis, we analyzed the curricular matrices of the Licentiate in Biological Sciences course at the Federal University of Pará, in the disciplines of Living Beings and Environment - 102h (1st Period), Study of Natural Populations - 102h (3rd Period), Living Beings III: Plantae I - 68h (5th Period), Man and Environment - 102h (7th Period), Living Beings VI: Plantae II - 153h (9th Period) and Living Beings VIII - Plantae III - 102h (10th Period) ), as its contents include plants and social relations as issues to be developed. We used the theoretical framework of Michel Foucault, based on the concepts of statements (being these elements that allow us to say something about a certain object, attributing meaning in time and space, emerging according to the rules of discourse formation, therefore, in its singularity, in their space of action), discourses (as a set of conditions of existence, not being words distributed in sparse times, but that have historicity, such as a discontinuity and, in itself, a web of events that are linked to power relations ) and devices (defined as control mechanisms, such as regulatory decisions and guidelines, that maintain social control – the said as true). As a result, it is possible to state that ethnobotany is not described as a curricular element, subject or topic to be developed in the Licentiate in Biological Sciences course, either in disciplinary components of the matrices of disciplines whose title is the intersection of man - environment or of the specific about plants, such as what occurs in Plantae I, which has classification and taxonomic keys as a priority in its menu; Plantae II when it directs the contents to specific subjects, such as biological components; and, finally, Plantae III, whose scope is classification, systematic coordination, phytotaxonomy, taxonomic hierarchy, nomenclature, groups and categories of the plant kingdom. What we have are subjects focused on a taxonomic, classificatory and control reality of what can be said, planned for the practice of a (supposedly) licensed professional, but which in their statements refers to a discourse of professional practice in biological sciences. It is disregarded, in these terms, that the degree, especially in natural science courses, should encompass subjects, terminologies and themes that build the appreciation of knowledge in different categories, but this is found in a discursive order that does not include other forms of knowledge beyond the technical-scientific. We conclude that teaching must include knowledge specific to each segment, be it ethnic, popular and/or scientific, not with an antagonistic function to academic spaces, but as something that considers the identity, ethnicity and historical paths of different populations.Ítem Acceso Abierto A transição da Educação Infantil para o Ensino Fundamental: uma revisão de literatura(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Tavares Gasparone, Nathalia; Tassoni, Elvira Cristina Martins; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe article intends to analyze the results from researches about student’s transition from kindergarten schools to elementary schools, through researching revised pieces published at CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), from the year 2017 to 2022. Upon reading the selected articles, it's possible to conclude that a great number of schools’ managers and teachers are aware of the importance of welcoming kids with kindness and respect to this particular moment of student's l ife, but it’s not what really happens on a regular basis, which can cause insecurity and anxiety in studentsÍtem Acceso Abierto El poder en la micropolítica escolar(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Antezana Mercado, Sofía Zenaida; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPower interactions are inherent to people and function by adopting roles according to the objectives pursued by the members within an entity, especially in educational contexts such as school institutions. The purpose of the study was to recognize the power tactics used by educators in educational organizations in the locality of Huánuco. The methodological approach was based on data collection through semi-structured interviews with three teachers who teach at the secondary school level. Subsequently, an analysis matrix was elaborated to order and evaluate the information collected. From the results obtained, it was established that teachers implement various power strategies in order to achieve their objectives and exert influence through their positions, which influences the behavior and thinking of both other teachers and students.Ítem Acceso Abierto Significados que otorga el profesorado a las prácticas interculturales en un establecimiento educativo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Ibarra Bravo, Felipe; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúIntercultural education has become more popular in our country, Chile, over the last few years. That is why, the different educational institutions must be situated in this reality and begin to apply intercultural practices to establish an effective inclusion. Therefore, the following thesis project aims, through content analysis and a qualitative methodology, to understand what intercultural practices mean to teachers in a school located in Maipú (Santiago de Chile). This project will allow comparing and analyzing the different perceptions that exist by the teaching staff of a school in relation to this concept. Furthermore, it is expected to explore other studies regarding this topic by visualizing the phenomenon of interculturality from a new perspective. In conclusion, the relevance and contribution of this work lies in understanding the context in which the phenomenon develops, the subjective perspectives, the experiences, and the teachers' own ideas.Ítem Acceso Abierto Educação em ciências, esfera pública e fake news: o papel dos “influenciadores” digitais(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Gama, Elda de Aguiar; Peralta, Deise Aparecida; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThis work is directed to Information and Communication Technology in Education. Virtual environments are used as spaces of speech in a social, political and economic context. The potential of these environments is undeniable, and they have become a wide-ranging place for research and interaction. This research, which is qualitative in nature and has an analytical-descriptive format, aims to explore ethnographic spaces online, through digital social networks, discussing, according to Habermasian assumptions of the public sphere, the potential of so-called "digital influencers" to contribute to science education and the dissemination of fake news on scientific topics. In methodological terms, the study is characterized as ethnography, more specifically a netnography on social networks, preceded by a survey, via questionnaires and interviews, with primary and secondary school students of the most accessed digital social networks and most "followed" influencers, and preceded by an interview with science and biology teachers, of the semi-structured interview type. Netnography will be used to analyze videos, comments and the flow of collective interactions in forums, with a focus on the online communities involved. The analytical movement will include the construction of a critique of the role of "influencers", the reconfiguration of today's public sphere caused by them and the resulting new curricular demands on science education in this scenario.Ítem Acceso Abierto Estrategias de poder utilizadas por los directivos de una institución educativa particular en postpandemia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Mamani Roman, Ruth; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe study focuses on identifying which are the power strategies used by the directors of a particular institution under the gaze of the micropolitical approach. Therefore, the objective of this research is to describe the power strategies used by managers in a particular educational institution in the post-pandemic period. The present study is of a qualitative type, the technique and the instrument to be used was the semi-structured interview, which was applied to 3 directors of the institution who describe through anecdotes and particular events the power strategies they use to achieve the objectives of the organization. organization. Likewise, the interview was based on 2 categories: Communication strategies and coercive strategies. As general conclusions of the study, the 3 managers use the strategies based on the first category, communication strategies, such as: Horizontal treatment, dialogue, emotional support, empathy, flexibility, individual conversations, ingratation, logical arguments and negotiations.Ítem Acceso Abierto Significados de la Base Nacional Común Curricular (BNCC) en Brasil y la autonomía docente(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Craveiro, B. Clarissa; Silva, Maristela Ramalho Lopes; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe objective of this paper is to present a theoretical discussion on the relationship between teacher autonomy and the implementation of the national curricular proposal in Brazil, Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), especially with the increase in the use of online platforms by teaching networks. In addition, increased circulation of this government policy. This dialogue brings the BNCC to the Base Nacional Comum Curricular for the Base Nacional Curricular para a formação de Professores (BNC-formação) and on paths in defense of teacher autonomy from the local context. In Brazil, the implementation of the BNCC raises important questions about the balance between curricular standardization and the autonomy of schools and teachers, as well as the need to meet demands and needs that are not homogeneous. We understand that it is in the contextual space of each school that the school community (parents, teachers, directors, students, and employees, others who are immersed in this daily life) produces its identity, its curriculum and its difference. Our study is guided by a post-structural theoretical option of the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe in dialogue between the Curriculum Research Group (GPeC) and the Curriculum Policies and Culture research group of Alice Casimiro Lopes. This study it is to understand how curricular policies were and are being forged (discursively) by certain contingent and provisional conditions that sustain their hegemonies. We also bring some traces of Stephen Ball's approaches regarding the understanding of how schools build their curricular policies. We use a documentary study methodology of curricular texts in dialogue with authors who help us think about issues that these texts bring up, such as teacher training, teaching and the curriculum. The speeches in the BNCC text argue that minimizing inequalities in Brazilian education, taking into account regional and cultural differences, would lead to an improvement in the country's educational levels. However, they determine the basic skills and abilities that each student must learn during their learning process. Questioning how the BNCC and the BNC-Formação affect teaching practice is the main objective of this work. Based on our readings, we maintain that the degree of centrality of the BNCC disregards the school's floor and the cultural plurality of both teachers and students. Moreover, therefore, we defend that this proposal does not guarantee a "true quality in education" as described in the document. Education is a field of dispute; therefore, it is not possible to have neutrality, since the curriculum is also a cultural policy, since politics, from this approach, is understood as disputes between discourses in search of power to fix a meaning. However, the speeches of the BNCC bring a direction that hurts the freedom of the teacher, since any teaching practice that deviates from this indicative can be considered inappropriate. Although the BNC-Formação text deals with the assessment of teachers, the idea of assessment is linked to the act of “testing” the teacher. We highlight discourses of the teacher leadership considered necessary to comply with the base and guarantee the results in the national evaluations. This text presents a provisional closure, still under construction, but we highlight that the curricular reforms in Brazil focused centrally on teacher training, since the 1980s, by defending that the success of any curricular reform will be achieved when the teacher can commit to the expected results of the curriculum (the knowledge to be assessed). In this discourse, teachers are a "strategic axis" for the success of the reforms. Political analyzes on teacher training are, therefore, of fundamental importance to understand curricular policies for Basic Education.Ítem Acceso Abierto Metacognição em Educação Matemática: uma análise das pesquisas apresentadas no ENEM (2010-2022)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Silva, Ana Mara Coelho da; Braun, Layane Caroline Silva Lima; Moura-Silva, Marcos Guilherme; Gonçalves, Tadeu Oliver; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThis study aims to present the metacognition approach and its associations as an alternative to qualify the teaching and learning process of mathematics, present in publications in the most important event on Mathematics Education, the ENEM. As a methodological path, all linked works in editions from 2010 to 2022, available on the SBEM website, were mapped. The bibliographical research allowed finding 11 articles presented in different formats, from which the relevant information was extracted to constitute the analysis. We found that the approach to metacognition and metacognitive strategies in the classroom is relevant for students to be able to reflect on their actions and self-evaluate when solving mathematical problems, as well as providing teachers with a way to think about teaching activities.Ítem Acceso Abierto Opresión, racismo y enajenación en Chile/Chiloé. Una lectura intercultural desde el currículum(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Meza Bravo, Miguel; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe reflections in this work arise within the framework of a pedagogical experience in the subjects of History and Language and Culture of Indigenous Peoples at a rural school in southern Chiloé Island (Quellón), a territory characterized by maintaining a series of ancient indigenous practices. In this sense, this work falls within the methodological proposal of Action Research, as it is a self-reflection on a specific social practice within the context of a historical phenomenon in a particular time and physical space. It proposes to carry out a critical and intercultural contextualized analysis of the educational context in question, with special consideration given to the analysis of the curriculum, which is conceived as a social construct resulting from power relations among individuals and society throughout history. From this perspective of the curriculum (as a social and historical product) and through the use of analytical categories from various strands of critical and intercultural theory, the aim is to delve deeper into the comprehensive analysis of this social phenomenon or process. In this sense, by analyzing technical rationality, Eurocentric rationality, hidden curriculum, subjective factors, identity, and alienation, the objective is to understand the connection between the production of a specific subjectivity linked to the educational experience of the curriculum imposed by modern institutions and the socio-historical conditions of Chilote society. Considering that this work is still in progress, we can provide some initial synthesis and preliminary conclusions. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, indigenous communities on Chiloé Island suffered a profound undermining of their identity, memory, and knowledge like never before in thousands of years of existence in the territory. In this regard, for these peoples, their late inclusion in the modern national life of the Chilean state implied the absolute alienation of the Mapuche-Williche identity, leading to a dialectic of Inclusion/Exclusion. We propose that the development of educational institutions (with a particular curriculum concept), along with the historical, social, and economic development imposed by large capital, functioned in an interrelated manner. This resulted, from the educational perspective, in the internalization of technical and Eurocentric rationality into the identity of the population, undermining the importance of the history and memory of the ancestral indigenous peoples of the territory (Williche and Chono) and, as a consequence, the alienation and degradation of indigenous identity. On the other hand, it led to the internalization of capitalist and modern values, legitimized by the state's institutions, as desirable and positive. We believe that this work can make a contribution on various levels, both in the academic, professional, and social spheres. Firstly, it brings academia closer to the reality in which the curriculum is experienced in schools. Additionally, developing reflections on educational practice from within the educational practices themselves becomes a fundamental resource for school teachers. Lastly, we argue that researching and generating knowledge about a specific social issue, in this case, the oppression of indigenous peoples and the alienation of their identity, enables the production of political tools for understanding and potential transformation toward a better life.Ítem Acceso Abierto La ciudadanía activa desde la perspectiva del directivo, docente y estudiantes de una I.E. pública de Amazonas, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Torres Chavarría, Luis; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe purpose of this qualitative research was to analyze the perception of management, teachers and students about active citizenship in a public IE in Amazonas to describe their conceptualization, importance, purpose and characteristics of active citizens. The focus group and the interview were used to collect the information. It was processed with the inductive method through open and axial coding. The results show that active citizenship is membership in the political community, compliance with rules and participation in socio-political activities. Its development in schools is important to form citizens with socio-personal values. Its purpose is constructive interaction, participation in the community and knowledge of rights and duties. Active citizens are characterized by possessing socio-personal values, being agents of healthy coexistence and common good. The conclusions show that aspects of passive citizenship prevail in the narrative of the informants.Ítem Acceso Abierto Percepción de los docentes sobre la implementación del constructivismo en la práctica pedagógica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Camargo Cuéllar, Mónika; Marion Montoya, Marcelle; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe study arises as a need to know the conceptions of constructivism in RBE. The constructivist paradigm understands knowledge as a mental and subjective construction of the subject who learns, who in his active role interprets reality from his previous knowledge and cognitive conflict. The teacher is understood as a mediating agent of the process that provides the scaffolding that promotes the development of learning. Therefore, part of the research question: What are the perceptions of teachers of a private institution in Lima on the implementation of constructivism in pedagogical practice? The objective is to analyze the perceptions of primary school teachers on the implementation of constructivism in pedagogical practice. The study is assumed under a qualitative approach on a descriptive level. The informants are primary school teachers selected with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis were applied. The results show that teachers have information regarding constructivism, but present certain gaps of constructivism for planning and implementation. As outstanding conclusions, it can be mentioned that there is still a presence of traditional practices, it is also pointed out that what was learned in the initial training provided bases for pedagogical practice but that through continuous training teachers can understand and apply new educational approaches.Ítem Acceso Abierto Contenidos sustantivos y metaconceptos históricos en narrativas de estudiantes de la carrera de educación primaria(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., 2023) Tapia Chávez, Ana María; Red de Estudiantes y Egresados de Posgrado en Educación en Latinoamérica (REDEPEL); Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThis research aimed to describe how a group of student’s primary education career used substantive knowledge and meta-concepts in the elaboration of their historical narratives about the Peruvian Independence process. To do this, a qualitative methodology was used. For the analysis, the instrument of levels of complexity of the substantive knowledge and meta-concepts (Sáiz & Gómez, 2016) was used. Additionally, open coding was performed to identify emerging categories in student narratives. Most narratives showed low levels of complexity in the use of meta-concepts and substantive knowledge. It also identified the presence of several of the traits of master narratives.