(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-09) Acacio, Juan Antonio
This article aims to problematize the entry of the unconventional hydrocarbon activity that is carried out by means of the fracking technique, or hydrofracture, to the protected natural area of Auca Mahuida, in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. In order to account for the advance of extractivism in these peculiar territories, we take the case of Auca Mahuida’s analysis to investigate, with a strong descriptive and chronological component, in the way in which the state technical sectors in charge of the administration of these areas they problematized the entry of the Total Austral company into protected territory. We focus on the diagnoses and the links that they forged with the movement that sought to resist unconventional activity at the provincial level that began to develop strongly in 2013. In this key, we also realize the jump in scale of the conflict by getting involved the organization Friends of the Earth France, which carried out a reading in terms of north/south ecological debt regarding the activities of the French company.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-09) Hudson, Juan Pablo
This article presents some of the most relevant findings of a qualitative research that included fifteen interviews with health workers (doctors, kinesiologists and nurses) who work in areas of care for patients with Covid-19 in public hospitals and private clinics in seven provinces of Argentina.The objective was to highlight the transformations in their daily routines, with a particular emphasis on the consequences that the emergence of new occupational risks brought. The main hypothesis states that since the emergence of the pandemic, health personnel, especially those working in the Intensive Care Units, began to work at a risk threshold. That is, in a daily relationship with an imminent or effective health catastrophe, which caused physical and psychosocial symptoms and sufferings even in the case of those that had a vast experience. If anything was intensely modified, it was the historical relationship with patients and their families, as well as with their co-workers, as a consequence of the unprecedented contagiousness of this virus and the permanent inclusion of new care protocols.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-09) Vásquez Castillo, Yeison; Godoy Boy, Fanny
In Peru, participatory democracy includes descriptive notions, typical of deliberative democracy, a concept that has not been developed, and that could be the cause of its attrition and incorrect operation. This article questions the emergence and institutionalization of participatory democracy and proposes a research framework that allows identifying the quality of participation and deliberation. Finally, some guidelines are given that seek to lay the foundations for an approach that restructures citizen participation: Engineering of citizen participation.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-09) Gonzales Huaman, Meylin; Moraes Silva, Graziella; Sulmont, David
Scholarly work that examines the production of ethnoracial categories has more closely examined the role of nation-states, social movements, and transnational trends. This focus has shifted attention away from the internal institutional processes that influence the production of ethnoracial categories. In particular, the role of the census-takers as key actors in these institutional processes has been underexamined. In this study, we draw from fifty-four semi-structured interviews with census-takers who participated in the 2017 Peruvian National Census to argue that census-takers can be considered street-level bureaucrats because of the influence they exercise in the production of ethnoracial categories. In a context where ethnoracial categories are contested, participants in our study drew from their own understandings of the ethnoracial question which ultimately –albeit inadvertently– influenced the self-identification of household members and, to a greater extent, increased the probability that household members self-identify as mestizo. Although census-takers play a temporary role, they are still important actors who can be considered street-level bureaucrats in the production of ethnoracial categories in contexts where these categories are continuous subjects of debate and contestation.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-09) Narváez, Iván
This article outlines the substantive content of Latin American Indigenous Constitutionalism; as a locution of millenary cognitive practices, social mobilizations and emancipatory uprisings that validate the collective epistemological construction of the managerial sense of the State, society, and life: this is their standard of recognition. One goal is to connote how this Constitutionalism radiates a political approach that unhinges the legionaries of nineteenth century, of transnational constitutional theory and the “Lex Mercatoria”; And, in the other side, reveal the ineffectiveness of the so-called New Constitutionalism implemented under the guidelines of the Report of the Trilateral Commission of 1975. Three key conditions of the Latin American socio-economic political crisis of the 1960´s and 1970´s are described as backgrounds, and decisive for the establishment of military dictatorships that, after taming society, they organize the return to electoral democracy and the adoption of that New Constitutionalism. The descriptive-analytical perspective assumed, allows to make visible the ontological change that contributes to the reposting of the ´other knowledge´, of the ´other powers´ in the scenario of the current political conflict, as well as its impact on the construction of a new hegemony due to the power dispute. The watchword is that without power there is no change.