(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Burneo Labrín, José
This article base line bears on the relevance of the process– developed after 1945– of law’s constitutionalization, its foundations established and main characteristics. This process is framed by HumanRights fully implementation, such as rejection of impunity concerning serious human rights violations, respect to due process, the integrality and indivisibility of human rights, also respect to indigenous people and limits to state of emergency. Finally, through reviewing laws for compliance, the author highlights the importance of jurisdictional bodies for an effective fulfillment of constitutional and supranational rules signed by the States.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Montoya Vivanco, Yvan
After presenting assumptions of neo constitutionalism impact incriminal law, this article raises the possibilities of rebuild contents of categories on crime’s theory towards fundamental principles and rights recognized (explicitly or implicitly) in the Constitution.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Ruiz de Castilla Ponce de León, Francisco J.; Robles Moreno, Carmen
The author works with the increasing constitutionalization process of Tax Law in the country as starting point; then, makes an analysis of tax concept evolution from a general tax law theory point of view. Afterwards, explains Tax Law Constitutionalization specifying main communicating vessels between Constitutional and Tax Law. Finally, highlights the most important values and goals related with taxing and constitutional control implementation by the Tax Court.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Bustamante Alarcón, Reynaldo
This article point out the progressive enrichment by which fundamental rights concept have gone through, providing to holders—government and individuals— not only rights, liberties, powers and immunity but also the obligation to respect, defend, guarantee and promote all them regardless the conduct displayed by the holder in this field. With this in mind, the author examines arbitration definition and main characteristics, highlighting its constitutional dimension proposing a systematic reading in accordance with fundamental rights.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Huerta Guerrero, Luis Alberto
This article analyzes how Environmental Law can take intoconsideration some of fundamental rights study categories, by a constitutional point of view, particularly the right to a balanced and appropriate environment recognized in article 2, paragraph 22 of the 1993 Peruvian Constitution in order to develop policies oriented to implementation of constitutional legal status for environment rights and property.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Higa Silva, César; Saco Chung, Víctor
The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of international investment law rules in the Economic Constitutional Law, especially those included in investment chapters of Peruvian’s Free Trade Treaties. In particular, it is expected to demonstrate the following (i) International Investment Law is part of Peruvian Legal System; (ii) provisions of these laws are mandatory and should be applied domestically; and (iii) interpretation and implementation of this legal right should be executed consistently with domestic legal system and Peruvian international obligations. This agreed Interpretation between Investment Law and Economic Constitution will have a positive effect in rationalization of public entities actions avoiding abuses and maltreatment to investors, in order to improve investment climate as a key element forachieving country’s sustainable development.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Landa Arroyo, César
Constitutionalizaton of Law’s different areas is a phenomenon gradually more ingrained in our cultural and legal framework. Maybe the best demonstration is the increasingly prominent role of the Constitutional Court (TC) – Constitution’s Supreme Interpreter – in defining and redefining concepts, rights and legal principles touching a range of subjects, from TaxLaw to Human Rights. This is relevant to understand the Law and its current effects whether it is valued positively or negatively.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Rodríguez Hurtado, Mario Pablo
This article examines the close relationship between criminal procedure and constitutional law within a democratic State framework as well as the guarantees provided from a constitutional point of view in accordance with the current context of human rights globalization. Then, the author approaches us to criminal procedure main principles and guarantees, procedural models historically formed. Finally, it presents an interesting Criminal Procedural Code analysis describing guarantees, principles and procedural models recognized in our country.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Hernando Nieto, Eduardo
Since the beginning of modernity, the use of rhetoric have prevailed; that is, the technique of perverting the language giving concepts different meanings presuming nothing have changed when in fact, it has occurred. The same thing happens with the concept of Constitution, it has been completelymodified its sense from the progress of individual rights moral. In this article the intention is to demonstrate the nature of this change and at the same time claim on the «old constitutionalism» validity and also the rule of law and political will beginning on a critical reading of contemporary constitutionalism and considering its tendency to constitutionalize or materialize the law, ironically risking the same values intended to defend.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Morales Hervias, Rómulo
This essay examines protection duties arising under a contract. Its doctrinal and comparative case-law development is very broad. In Peru, national doctrine has studied it from case-law specific cases. The purpose ofthis study is to develop the analysis of autonomy of these duties towards main and secondary obligations arose under contracts in order to give legal bases not only from Civil Law but also from Constitutional Law perspective.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Ochoa Cardich, César
This study analyzes the guardianship role on entrepreneurial freedom fundamental rights, non- discrimination in economic and property aspects exerted by the Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Commission from the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and IntellectualProperty (Indecopi) developed throughout resolutions and administrative cases set up by the Defense of Competition Chamber #1. This role is particularly relevant in our legal system, due to their special functions the Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Commission is entitled by legal mandate to establish the non- application of rules in specific cases exercising legal control. This administrative function- initially misunderstood-has proved to be an efficient tool for the guardianship of economic rights due to our judicial system ineffectiveness in contentious administrative matters. The author considers the possibility of making a constitutional reform in order to provide specialized administrative bodies, such as INDECOPI, with the quality of “primary administrative jurisdiction” whose resolutions will only be reviewed by the State Council jurisdiction.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) García Cobián Castro, Erika
Constitutional doctrine has little addressed on the General Comptroller of the Republic and its controlling function of public resources execution and management. Efforts have been made to explain this situation in other realities, regarding high budgetary, accounting and auditing content needed to carry out auditing activities constitutionally assigned to this kind of entities. Nevertheless, identifying competences of the General Comptroller of the Republic and its nature of autonomous constitutional body shapes an important expression of Constitutional State and the principle of powers division. This entity controls State’s Public Budget execution contributing to constitutional property protection, legality of budget implementation and the appropriate management of public resources, also the «efficiency» of social needs, proper functioning of public administration and prevention of corruption, among others duties. This article analyzes the constitutional mission of the General Comptroller in a Constitutional State promoting the process of given a constitutional status to the legal system in its area of influence, also optimizing constitutional properties protected. For such purpose, the 29622 recent law («Law that modifies the 27785 Organic Law of National Control System and the General Comptroller of the Republic extending powers in order to sanction in accordance of functional administrative responsibility») shall be used as object of constitutional analysis.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Boza Pró, Guillermo; Aguinaga Meza, Ernesto
This work studies constitutional bases of two essential institutions of Collective Labor Law: employer’s obligation to negotiate collectively and facultative arbitration. In relation to the first one, using tools provided bythe Theory of Law, it is argued that the section 28º of Peruvian Constitution establishes a collective negotiation concept as claim (not as permission) so, employers legal obligation of collective negotiation is constitutional. In theother hand, regarding facultative arbitration, it has constitutional support on state’s obligation to promote pacific ways to labor conflicts; even though, it is questioned that a «sub constitutional» rule has restrictively regulated this institution.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Villavicencio Ríos, Alfredo
After presenting the evolution of labor stability law in Peru, public and private scopes of the right to work are described allowing the Constitutional Court redefine dismissal regime (working stability of exit), in general, and specifying temporary recruitment regime (working stability of entry). Redefinition of dismissal legal framework is analyzed from constitutional and judicial case law stressing solved and pending issues.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Rubio, Patricio
This article deals with Cultural, Social and Economic Rights established in the Constitution and in Constitutional Case Law. So, after explaining its nature, state’s role according preservation and enforceability,relationship with other fundamental rights, among other key points, it isi ntended to answer, dealing with those rights, which of two scenarios have prevailed: internationalization of constitutional law or constitutionalization of international law.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Borrillo, Daniel
The article analyzes the implications of shifting from modernto a welfare state according with the definition of equality principle, then explains the consequences of promoting the non discrimination principle and its structure as surety element of free competition. On that basis, the author presents the main tools of non discrimination in European law and then gives details about three components of discrimination: “tracto, criterium and spatium”. Finally, the article explores the debate surrounding the notion of evidence when it is related to discrimination, emphasizing States duty on promoting equality in European law.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Chang Kcomt, Romy
This article intends to analyze treatment and functions assigned to the penalty by our Peruvian Constitution and the way this legal institution is conducted at the prescribed basic penalty level (imposed by the legislator ineach type of criminal offence), the specific penalty level (imposed by the judge according to its individual characteristics in each case) and at the penitentiary enforcement level. Finally recommends some considerations for carrying out a possible legislative reform in accordance with a criminal policy plan within our constitutional framework.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-11-21) Arkhipov, Vladislav; Bartenev, Dmitriy; Belov, Sergey; Kudryashova, Olga; Mushtakova, Diana; Vasil’ev, Ilya
This article is about new constitutional order in Russia emphasizing fundamental areas as the role of judiciary in the Russian Constitutional System from 1993 Constitution, the one which replaced the 1978 Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Constitution based on communist ideology. Therefore, it is intended to examine the principle of separation of powers, constitutionally recognized human rights and liberties, relationship between international bodies’ case law of human rights and the Russian Constitutional Court, among others issues.