IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 65 (2022)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Un Estado al servicio de la ciudadanía Merino Lucero, Beatriz

  • Editorial
  • Editorial Diaz Ángeles, Ximena

  • Presentación
  • Presentación Loayza Ormachea, Carlos

  • Sección principal
  • Ejercicio de la autoridad y el poder político: ¿Cómo gobernar para generar confianza y esperanza en tiempos de crisis? Sagasti, Francisco; 18-23
  • Los mecanismos de articulación y coordinación intergubernamental de Políticas Nacionales y Territoriales en el Perú Chessman Olaechea, Yuri Alejandro; 24-40
  • Política Nacional de Transformación Digital: Aspectos centrales para la equidad digital Chocobar Reyes, Marushka; 41-56
  • El Sistema de Integridad pública en el Perú: una propuesta para fortalecer la gobernanza con integridad Munive Pariona, Eloy; 57-69
  • Políticas Públicas para la gestión de conflictos: entre la institucionalización y el estancamiento Huamani Ober, Giselle; Macassi Lavander, Sandro; 70-82
  • Sobre la naturaleza del delito de colusión del artículo 384 del Código Penal: Análisis del debate jurisprudencial Chanjan Documet, Rafael; Espinoza Marmolejo, Omar; Avendaño Cotrina, María Luisa; Santa María Alcázar, Felipe; Choque Moya, Alonzo; Gutiérrez Hinojosa, Lucrecia Samantha; Vega Malpartida, Adler Donnovan; 83-101
  • Cuando el Estado te llama: Calidad en los servicios de Cuidado en la primera infancia en la pandemia. Caso del programa JUNTOS Balbuena Palacios, Patricia; 102-114
  • Conflictos interpretativos, vacíos normativos y tareas pendientes para fortalecer el régimen legal en materia de evaluación de impacto ambiental García Cerrón, Erick Leddy; 115-133
  • Gobierno Corporativo y Corrupción Empresarial en las Empresas Estatales Vega Carrasco, Gian Carlo; Tabra Ochoa, Edison; 134-149
  • La eficacia del buen gobierno corporativo en las empresas del Estado: los casos de FONAFE y Petroperú Gárate Salvatierra, Carlos Enrique; 150-164

  • Sección General
  • La actividad de fiscalización y derechos de los administrados: Las actas de inspección Villegas Vega, Paul; 166-175
  • La actividad extraterritorial de la Administración Pública: un acercamiento a los actos administrativos transnacionales Vignolo Cueva, Giancarlo; 176-190
  • La compraventa sobre el bien ajeno en el Perú y sus fuentes: ¿validez o ineficacia? Villota Cerna, Marco Antonio; 191-214
  • Aciertos y defectos de la protección jurídica de los conocimientos tradicionales en el Perú Sierra Roque, Nicole Alexandra; 215-232
  • La aplicación de sanciones tributarias en el marco del procedimiento de fiscalización: afectación al derecho de defensa de los contribuyentes Casma Rocha, Julio César; 233-243
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 15
    • Ítem
      La compraventa sobre el bien ajeno en el Perú y sus fuentes: ¿validez o ineficacia?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Villota Cerna, Marco Antonio
      This article deals with the trading of other’s property in Peru as to whether it constitutes a case of invalidity or ineffectiveness of the contract, based on the different jurisprudence and doctrine that has been produced on the matter. This is based on a historical and comparative study of the contract of sale in Roman Law and in the various civil law legislations, including the figure of the sale of another’s property and the treatment of the registry rules. In the case of Peru, the influence of comparative law in the regulation of the sales contract is analyzed and how it has influenced the different interpretation of the sale of another’s property and the registry rules. Additionally, an analysis is made of the different cases of sale and purchase of another’s property, the corresponding remedies, the concordance with the registry rules; and finally, the corresponding conclusions are drawn.
    • Ítem
      Aciertos y defectos de la protección jurídica de los conocimientos tradicionales en el Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Sierra Roque, Nicole Alexandra
      Peru is a diverse country, and traditional knowledge (TK) is found within this diversity. TK is an intellectual product and is part of the identity (culture and values) and the sustainable development of indigenous communities. Based on them, it is possible to generate advances in different sciences, such as medicine and other technologies. However, there is a latent risk of illicit appropriation of this type of knowledge in order to block communities’ access to their own intellectual production (inherent to them). In that sense, the present academic work will focus on studying the way in which the protection of TK is proposed in Peru, analyzing its effectiveness and deficiencies. Likewise, new measures will be proposed for the purpose of complementing and improving the system.
    • Ítem
      La aplicación de sanciones tributarias en el marco del procedimiento de fiscalización: afectación al derecho de defensa de los contribuyentes
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Casma Rocha, Julio César
      The Public Administration has powers that must be used in order to achieve the objective of protecting the general interest and always guaranteeing the fundamental rights of administered subjects. Within these powers we find the power to sanction, expression of the ius puniendi, that will be activated to the commission of administrative infractions. The sanctioning power requires to be exercised within the framework of a legal procedure that provides to administered subjects sufficient defense guarantees to deal with the imposition of a sanction.However, the current tax regulations deviate from the above-mentioned reasoning: the imposition of tax penalties on the taxpayers takes place within the framework of the supervision procedure. That is to say, the activity of supervision of the Tax Administration will conclude not only with the “Resolución de Determinación”, but also with a “Resolución de Multa”.This regulation is the result of an obvious confusion between the power to supervise and the power to sanction of the Administration, whose actions need to be properly separated. This situation also seriously affects the right of defense of taxpayers, who will not be able to defend themselves adequately against the imposition of a tax penalty.
    • Ítem
      Políticas Públicas para la gestión de conflictos: entre la institucionalización y el estancamiento
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Huamani Ober, Giselle; Macassi Lavander, Sandro
      In this article, the authors analyze the role of the various conflict management strategies proposed by Peruvian governments over the last twenty years from an approach based on public policies and their sustainability. First, they present the phases of the public problem and its relationship with the public policy production process. Secondly, the development presented during the presidential administrations in relation to conflict management and the production of related public policies is analyzed. Finally, the pertinent conclusions are presented.
    • Ítem
      La actividad de fiscalización y derechos de los administrados: Las actas de inspección
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Villegas Vega, Paul
      By means of this article, the author explains the legal nature of the audit reports or inspection reports, detailing their evidentiary value and the manifestation of the principles of due process, material truth and legitimate exercise of power. To this end, the author starts by developing the nature of the audit activity in the Peruvian legal system and its link with the sanctioning power of the public administration, taking into account the provisions of Chapter II of Title IV on the audit activity in the General Administrative Procedure Law.
    • Ítem
      La actividad extraterritorial de la Administración Pública: un acercamiento a los actos administrativos transnacionales
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Vignolo Cueva, Giancarlo
      In this paper the author reflects and analyzes the Peruvian regulation and the existing national and foreign doctrine on transnational administrative acts, whether they have been issued by a Peruvian or a foreign Public Administration, and whether or not they are valid and effective in the legal systems where they were not issued. Finally, it raises the possibility of an ad intra normative review both at the legal level and in international treaties.
    • Ítem
      Gobierno Corporativo y Corrupción Empresarial en las Empresas Estatales
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Vega Carrasco, Gian Carlo; Tabra Ochoa, Edison
      Currently, according to the latest survey of perception on corruption in Perú corruption is the second biggest problem for the country, the first being citizen insecurity.In recent years, Peru has experienced many corruption scandals closely related to private sector companies, such as the Lava Jato, Club de la Construcción cases, among others; where the participation of public companies under private law such as Petro Perú stands out. For this reason, it is proposed to promote tools such as the governance of the principles of good corporate governance as a mechanism for the prevention of corporate corruption.
    • Ítem
      Sobre la naturaleza del delito de colusión del artículo 384 del Código Penal: Análisis del debate jurisprudencial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Chanjan Documet, Rafael; Espinoza Marmolejo, Omar; Avendaño Cotrina, María Luisa; Santa María Alcázar, Felipe; Choque Moya, Alonzo; Gutiérrez Hinojosa, Lucrecia Samantha; Vega Malpartida, Adler Donnovan
      This article analyzes the nature of the crime of collusion regulated in article 384 of the Peruvian Penal Code, based on the recent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice. The relationship between the illicit of the first paragraph of the aforementioned article -called “simple collusion”- and the second paragraph -called “aggravated collusion”, its protected objects and its nature of crimes of injury or danger will be examined. On this point, a critical analysis of some jurisprudential pronouncements will be made and a position will be adopted on the autonomous nature of both crimes in order to solve practical problems such as the moment of consummation of the crime, the attempt and criminal participation.
    • Ítem
      Conflictos interpretativos, vacíos normativos y tareas pendientes para fortalecer el régimen legal en materia de evaluación de impacto ambiental
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-13) García Cerrón, Erick Leddy
      This article takes a critical look at the application of the National Environmental Impact Assessment System. Thus, recognizing the importance of this legal regime to empower the role of the State in the environmental management of investment projects, as well as the prevention of socio-environmental conflicts, a review of the current institutional framework is carried out, specifically the changes and advances regarding the exercise of functions by Senace. In this line, the scope of an interpretative conflict related to the scope of non-significant environmental impacts on bodies of water is presented. Likewise, a critical view of the corrective environmental management instruments is presented. Finally, some ideas are presented regarding the procedure for updating environmental studies as a mechanism for the continuous improvement of environmental management instruments.
    • Ítem
      Política Nacional de Transformación Digital: Aspectos centrales para la equidad digital
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Chocobar Reyes, Marushka
      For some years, Peru has started a determined push towards a national process of digital transformation that guarantees access to the opportunities of the digital environment for all people. This process has been accelerated by the demand for change and the disruption generated by the health crisis and, in turn, by the citizen’s decision to incorporate digital into their daily lives. The National Digital Transformation Policy emerges as a guiding document with the purpose of promoting digital citizenship, guaranteeing equitable and safe access to digital transformation and what determines the actions of the country’s Digital Agenda towards 2030. This article addresses those aspects of this Policy that will constitute the critical success factors to guarantee digital equity.