Anthropologica. Vol. 26 Núm. 26 (2008)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Reproducción identitaria y social en las redes translocales de migrantes de dos pueblos andinos Malengreau, Jacques; 7-32
  • Identidades sociales y representaciones políticas en conflicto: el sistema educativo chileno en los Andes de Arica, 1884-1929 Mondaca, Carlos; 33-62

  • Familia
  • La duplicación de funciones y posiciones de parentesco como estrategia para la construcción de la paternidad/maternidad en las familias reconstituidas Jociles Rubio, María Isabel; Villaamil Pérez, Fernando; 63-85

  • Amazonía
  • El yoco del cielo es cultivado: perspectivas sobre Paullinia yoco en el chamanismo airo-pai (secoya-tucano occidental) Belaunde, Luisa Elvira; Echeverri, Juan Alvaro; 87-111
  • Los yagua en el contexto del turismo étnico. La construcción de la cultura para el consumo en el caso de Nuevo Perú Chaparro Ortiz de Zevallos, Anahí; 113-142
  • Comparación de sistemas analogistas mesoamericanos y animistas del noroeste amazónico Otaegui, Alfonso Manuel; 143-172

  • Jesuitas
  • La agonía de la ética y la antropología. Notas a partir del pensamiento de Manuel Marzal Mujica Bermúdez, Luis; 173-197
  • El cacicazgo en la región pampeana-norpatagónica argentina a mediados del siglo XVIII. La actuación de los caciques en torno a la instalación de las misiones jesuíticas Irurtia, María Paula; 199-227

  • Reseñas
  • Abercrombie, Thomas. A. Caminos de la memoria y del poder. Etnografía e historia en una comunidad andina. La Paz: Sierpe, 2006, 630 pp. Huerta-Mercado, Alexander; 229-232
  • Reyes, Esperanza. En nombre del Estado. Servidores públicos en una microrred de salud en la costa rural del Perú. Lima: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia / Instituto de Estudios Peruanos / Salud Global, 2007, 286 pp. Anderson, Jeanine; 233-234
  • Els Lagrou: A fluidez da forma: arte e alteridade entre los Kaxinawa Belaunde, Luisa Elvira; 235-238
  • Romero, Raúl R. Andinos y Tropicales. La cumbia peruana en la ciudad global. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Instituto de Etnomusicología Andina, 2008, 104 pp. Huerta-Mercado, Alexander; 239-241
  • Efraín Rozas. Fusión: Banda Sonora del Perú Ulfe, María Eugenia; 243-245
  • Huber, Ludwig. La corrupción como fenómeno social. Romper la mano. Una interpretación cultural de la corrupción. Lima: Proética, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2008, 179 pp. Mujica, Jaris; 247-251
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

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    • Ítem
      Huber, Ludwig. La corrupción como fenómeno social. Romper la mano. Una interpretación cultural de la corrupción. Lima: Proética, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2008, 179 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Mujica, Jaris
      The review does not present a summary
    • Ítem
      El yoco del cielo es cultivado: perspectivas sobre Paullinia yoco en el chamanismo airo-pai (secoya-tucano occidental)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Belaunde, Luisa Elvira; Echeverri, Juan Alvaro
      This article associates Airo-pai shamanistic vision and interpretation of dreams with their silvicultural management of yoco (Paullinia yoco), a wild vine rich in caffeine, endemic to the pleistocene refuge of Napo. According to Airo-pai ethnobotanic notions, yoco is a plantthat «gives advice» to those who intake it. From the analysis of a shamanic chant of yajé (Banisteriopsis caapi), myths and interpretation of dreams, we show how the management of this species is conceived from contrasting perspectives: for celestial beings, yoco is a domesticated plant that grows in the celestial gardens; for cuacuiyó (yoco’s «Master»), a seed-dispersing bird, yoco is its own plantation; and for terrestrial human beings, the collection of wild yoco is like hunting, associated in dreams with the nocturnal curassow (Nothocrax urumutum). This study thus illustrates the relevance of a perspectivist approach to understand the ethnobotanic lore underlying the management and extraction of a wild species of ritual and practical importance.
    • Ítem
      Identidades sociales y representaciones políticas en conflicto: el sistema educativo chileno en los Andes de Arica, 1884-1929
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Mondaca, Carlos
      This paper aims to explain and analyze how certain contradictionis manifested in the social identities in the population of the Andeanhighlands of Arica during the process of implementing the post-PacificWar education, specially in its act of incorporating the policies ofthe Chilean education in these territories when there was a renewedresidue of Peruvian citizenship in the everyday act of this Andeanpopulation (currently, northern Chile).In characterizing this process of socio-political and socio-culturalmixtures, I intend to discuss two points: first, that beyond the processitself, there was since before the occupation a Chilean idea of modernityimplemented by a liberal ideology that permeated the wholenineteenth century Peruvian society. Second, that there was a disputeof an education beyond the nationalities in conflict as an articulatingaxis. Since there was a clear involvement of local schools to theirdesignated Andean spaces, I suggest using the idea of modernity thatcould support this proposal.
    • Ítem
      La duplicación de funciones y posiciones de parentesco como estrategia para la construcción de la paternidad/maternidad en las familias reconstituidas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Jociles Rubio, María Isabel; Villaamil Pérez, Fernando
      It is interesting to notice that authors such as Théry (1985), le Gall and Marin (1993) and le Gall (1996) who study reconstituted families have not dealt with all of the possible consequences of the idea of family constellation, specially the one which states that the concept of family should include more than just residency. Another point to notice is that the paternity and maternity analysis hasn’t been applied within the family modality. This article presents the results of an investigation where this idea has proven to be very successful in analysing the ways in which father/mother and stepfather/stepmother parental positions and roles are formed in the basis of these families, given that the ways in which the role or parental position of a biological father without custody is formed is not independent from other ways in which a stepfather manages to build his parental position, just like during these processes members of the family constellation also have some influence, such as the spouses’s or couple’s parents.
    • Ítem
      Reproducción identitaria y social en las redes translocales de migrantes de dos pueblos andinos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Malengreau, Jacques
      This article contrasts strategies adopted by migrants from two Andeancommunities located in different regions in Peru, in their useof social, cultural, and material networks, taking into consideration the place they settle in and where they come from, their translocal experience. These strategies are embedded in a parallel form; on the one hand there is an extension of the domestic bonds from the original village in the place they finally settle down in, mostly givenby a transgenerational continuation, based on collateral descendance (uncle/aunt – nephew/niece), which weakens the original supradomestic collective identities; and, on the other hand, the newly interethnic neighborhood bonds which transform the social solidarity model in the place they settle down in. These strategies that combine hierarchy, clientelism, reciprocity and redistribution, also imply a new interpretation of norms regulated by the «liberal», productive, competitive and consumer model, conditioned by a foreign world which is manifested in a transnational and transregional form.Hence, these strategies can be seen as a development of common traits, particularities related not only to social-historic and cultural heritage, but also to a type of destination chosen by these migrants, for example metropolitan Lima, the urban and regional centers and the Oriental tropical valleys.
    • Ítem
      La agonía de la ética y la antropología. Notas a partir del pensamiento de Manuel Marzal
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Mujica Bermúdez, Luis
      This paper is divided into three different sections. The first sectionconsiders the annotations of Manuel Marzal, an anthropologist and professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú who passed away in the year 2005, about ethics as a concern coming form an anthropological perspective. Secondly, the article presents a balance on the bibliography about this issue, contrasting Marzal’s preoccupations with the latest bibliography, mainly Peruvian, which deals with ethics and morals in an explicit or implicit sort of way. Finally, living in the post-political violence and Commission for Truth and Reconciliation Final Report period, in order to make an anthropology on ethics one has to consider two methodological references and four dimensions to explore the people’s behaviors in relationto others. The methodological references require a «dense description » on morality to try to understand the simplicity of the relations and investigate and reflect on a multidisciplinary perspective. The four dimensions in which to explore ethics are daily life, religiosity, economics and politics.
    • Ítem
      Els Lagrou: A fluidez da forma: arte e alteridade entre los Kaxinawa
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Belaunde, Luisa Elvira
      The review does not present a summary
    • Ítem
      Efraín Rozas. Fusión: Banda Sonora del Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Ulfe, María Eugenia
      The review does not present a summary
    • Ítem
      El cacicazgo en la región pampeana-norpatagónica argentina a mediados del siglo XVIII. La actuación de los caciques en torno a la instalación de las misiones jesuíticas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008-03-29) Irurtia, María Paula
      Between 1740 and 1754 the Society of Jesus established three missionsin the south of the frontier that shaped the Salado river in the present territory of the State of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Concerning the colonial authorities the sites operated as advance post; for the indigenous groups they became a place of encounter, barter and confrontation and pacific dealings, where caciques (chiefs) played a fundamental role. I propose to identify the caciques that went to the missions, their purposes and strategies; to define a model of actions on a certain context and interests. A critic reading has been done from the documents concerning this Jesuit attempt and it has been confronted with the bibliographical production from different authors. It was possible to display the strategic approach to the missions, the kind of bonds that made possible this dynamic and different components which were part of the chiefdomship, specially, the hechicero (sorcerer). The chiefdomship in the middle of the 18th Century in Pama-North-Patagonia has been characterized as a dynamic form of leadership that operated in different levels and could be assumed by several persons in different circumstances.
    • Ítem