Economía. Volumen 45 Número 90 (2022)
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SPECIAL: Economic inequality and redistribution policies
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Allocating an indivisible good. A questionnaire-experimental study of intercultural differences (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-30) Schokkaert, Erik; Capeau, Bart; Kurt, Devooght; Lelli, SaraAbstract We present the results of a questionnaire study in Belgium, Burkina Faso and Indonesia focusing on the problem of the just allocation of an indivisible good. The formal axioms proposed in social choice theory offer an attractive framework to structure the response patterns. Interindividual differences can be interpreted in a meaningful way in terms of basic intuitions about desert, efficiency and compensation. Belgian students are most resource-egalitarian, Burkinese students attach a large weight to innate capacities, Indonesian students focus on actual production. The crucial no-envy criterion is supported by a majority of respondents, but this majority becomes small if there is an unavoidable conflict between no-envy and the “responsibility” requirement of the stand-alone upper bound. We discuss the pros and cons of questionnaire-experimental studies as compared to large representative surveys.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Mobility prospects and preferences for redistribution in Latin America(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-30) Lasarga, Evelin; Leiter, MartínThe present paper aims to provide evidence about the POUM hypothesis (prospects of upward mobility) in Latin America. It postulates that preferences for redistribution decrease with the prospects of upward mobility of individuals, given that in a possible economic improvement they would be harmed by redistribution. The case of Latin America is analyzed for the period 2009-2018, which has registered changes in inequality and intragenerational mobility in part, due to redistributive policies in the past decade. For this, data from Latinobarómetro and the Probit-Adapted OLS methodology are used. The results support the POUM hypothesis, unlike what the studies carried out for previous periods obtain, in another context of inequality and mobility in Latin America. In addition, suggestive results are obtained about the influence of intergenerational mobility, religiosity, ideology and institutional quality on preferences for redistribution. It should be noted that these results vary according to the country.Ítem Desconocido Monetary Policy and Inequality under Household Heterogeneityand Incomplete Markets(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-30) Villarreal, Francisco GabrielMotivated by the empirical evidence of the effects of unanticipated nominal interest rate increases on the evolution of household inequality in Mexico, which highlight the importance of insurance mechanisms to deal with idiosyncratic risks, the paper uses a Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian model to analyze the relationship between monetary policy and household inequality. The model is able to capture the main features that characterise both the business cycle dynamics, as well as the distribution of income and wealth. Results indicate that heterogeneity affects the transmission of monetary policy, and that the design of monetary policy has important distributive effects.Ítem Desconocido Poverty dynamics in Nairobi's slums; Testing for state dependence and heterogeneity effects(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-30) Islam, Md Nizamul; FAYE, OusmaneWe investigate the factors underlying poverty transitions in Nairobi’s slums focusing on whether differences in characteristics make people more prone to enter poverty and persist in, or whether past experience of poverty matters on future states. Understanding these issues is essential for the design of effective policy programs aimed at enhancing the lives of the poor. The paper uses an endogenous switching model, which accounts for initial conditions, non-random attrition, and unobserved heterogeneity.Estimations are based on a panel dataset from the Nairobi Demographic Surveillance System. Results indicate that true state dependence (TSD) constitutes the major factor driving poverty persistence. There are little heterogeneity effects. Even when household and individual observed characteristics differ notably, the TSD size remains very large. Active anti-poverty programs aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty constitute then the most appropriate policies for taking people out of poverty and preventing them to fall back in.Ítem Desconocido Presentation: Special Issue of ECONOMÍA “Economic Inequality and Redistribution Policies”(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-30) Andreoli, Francesco; Olivera, JavierNo presenta resumenÍtem Desconocido Women Empowerment and Demand for Sexual and Reproductive Health Services(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-30) Francke, Pedro; Quispe-Ortogorin, DiegoWe analyze the effect of women's empowerment on their demand for reproductive and sexual health services. In particular, we explore their use of modern contraceptive methods, if the women have had an HIV screening and if they have made a health consultation after experiencing symptoms of sexually transmitted infections. We calculate four women empowerment indexes, proxies to the economic dimension of empowerment, the freedom of movement to visit family or friends, the respect of their couple to their opinions, wishes and rights, and the ability of women to decide about their health. We found that freedom of movement for women at a medium level increases the probability of using modern contraceptive methods as well as screening for HIV/AIDS and that the couple's respect for the views and rights of women positively influences the use of modern contraceptive methods. However, women´s autonomy to make decisions regarding their health is the empowerment indicator with the most robust results on the use of sexual and reproductive health services, increasing the probability of using modern contraceptive methods and consulting for STI symptoms.