(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Lara Ortiz, María Lidón
The content and extension of the right to good administration is analyzed through a comparative study between the Ibero-American Charter of Rights and Duties of citizens regarding the Public Administration of 2013 and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, especially in relation to the Spanish law, to determine the usefulness of good administration as a right of sub-rights that in addition to holding the status of independent right with its own autonomy, it serves as an instrument for the protection of other material rights of the citizen versus the public authorities, especially it happens regarding social rights.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Riaño Barón, Gina Magnolia
Since the end of XIX century and the beginning of XX century, the protection of workers and citizens has been a rising worried, which lead the birth of social security systems. It is not possible to understand how these systems are now ignoring its origin and development, even its subjective and objective areas, even its management and administration way, which is essential for getting the best efficiency. Nowadays, it is possible to say that social security systems have a very important challenge, due to its importance have been demonstrated after COVID-19 pandemic, and for it is necessary to recuperate the public management.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Ortiz Sánchez, Iván; Vílchez Vargas, Ximena
Is the Right to Adequate Housing recognized in the Peruvian Political Constitution of 1993? What has the Constitutional Court ruled regarding this Right? How may the Public Law help to overcome the challenges imposed by the need to guarantee the Right to Adequate Housing? This article tries to answer these questions by analyzing the regulation of the Right to Adequate Housing in international treaties and instruments applicable to our country, and the national regulation and jurisprudence. The last section will reflect on the challenges to the Right to Adequate Housing under the framework created by the National Housing and Urban Policy (2021) and the Act 31313, Sustainable Urban Development Act.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Zamora Roselló, María Remedios
In this study we analyze the access to and provision of two essential public services, education and water supply, and we focus on vulnerable groups, with special attention to exclusions linked to disability and socioeconomic status. We have taken the Spanish regulatory framework as a reference and we will analyze the case law, reports by the Ombudsman and the Sindic de Greuges, as well as other instruments and documents that allow us to know to what extent the public administration is fulfilling with its public service obligation towards these groups.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Palomar Olmeda, Alberto
This work examines the Health System established in Spain, where the 1978 Constitution established a decentralized territorial model with a great role for the Autonomous Communities. The evolution of the legislation that has been confirming the current public health system is analyzed from a historical perspective, highlighting the importance of coordination as well as the challenges to be faced in the future.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Devoto Ykeho, Andres
The article develops the regulation of the food market service in Peruvian legislation, after the new regulatory changes that occurred before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the existing typologies on markets, the public actors involved and the administrative legal regime that adheres to the Peruvian legal system are studied. Finally, two aspects that food markets maintain in regard to the new legislation related to urban development and food safety are analyzed. Likewise, after a legal analysis of the regulations, administrative doctrine, and jurisprudence we found an underway process to recover the role that the public administration has in the promotion, construction and operation of the food markets, after the processes of liberalization and privatization that occurred in Peru during the nineties.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Rodríguez-Arana Muñoz, Jaime
Public interest in a social and democratic state based on the rule of law is the key to understand the Administrative Law of today. Public interest is a specific concept, motivated, linked to the defense, protection and promotion of human dignity and the fundamental rights that come from and takes part in it.