(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Canziani, José
With questions still surrounding the indefinition of the Paracas social formation, we consider that analyses of architecture, ur-banism, and territorial transformations play a fundamental role in forming hypotheses and approaching an understanding of its possible characteristics. Unlike other valleys on the south coast, the Chincha valley sees consistent expressions of monumental architecture, urban organization and territorial transformations, which together acquire an exceptional character in the Paracas region. The special condition of the valley offers a unique setting that allows us to build crucial inferences about the level of economic and social development that this society could have reached.However, this picture contrasts with the limited progress of archaeological research conducted in the Chinca valley. This reality illuminates the paradox of a hole in archaeological knowledge right in the place that was an apparent nucleus for the social and cultural articulation of what we define as Paracas. In this article, I intend to a review and a critical discussion of the subject,from previously work on land management, urban planning, and Paracas architecture in the Chincha valley.