(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Ortega, Enedina; Sued, Gabriela; Meneses, María Elena
This research is located in the context of the current debates related to the design and application of a mixed digital methodological proposal for the study of the construction of solidarity in the earthquake of September 19, 2017, in Mexico City. The study was carried out in four groups of users with different levels of aff ectation and the role played by the cell phone and the WhatsApp instant messaging application was evaluated on two levels: first, in the construction of solidarity during the stages of the earthquake and post-earthquake by the users of this application and, secondly, in the use of the cell phone and the instant messaging application WhatsApp as a fi eld of study,a digital method and a heuristic data collection tool within a focus of action research in situations of natural disasters, emergencies, crises and, particularly, earthquakes.