THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho. Núm. 81 (2022)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Consejo Ejecutivo; 3

  • Derecho Bancario y Financiero
  • La cláusula de aceleración en las operaciones financieras García Long, Sergio; 13-31
  • ¿Tener una buena calificación crediticia sin haber pedido antes un préstamo? Una propuesta para la inclusión financiera Delgado Yábar, María Paz; 33-41
  • El riesgo legal en el sistema financiero: Una mirada práctica a la naturaleza cualitativa de este riesgo y su impacto Pineda Galarza, John; 43-61

  • Derecho Bursátil: Capital Markets
  • El nuevo reporte de sostenibilidad corporativa en el mercado de valores: Apuntes en torno a la cadena de producción y el consumo responsable Arce Rodríguez, Mario Marcelo; 63-76
  • Criterios ASG: Tendencias y algunos apuntes sobre la situación en el Perú Fernández Moscol, Mercedes Elizabeth; Mogollón Calderón, Astrid; 77-88
  • Los procesos de titulización de activos: Comentarios al precedente de observancia obligatoria emitido por la superintendencia del mercado de valores Viale Leo, Miguel Antonio; Lanata Dávila, Mateo; 89-108

  • Mesa Redonda
  • Control de tasas de interés Barrantes Cáceres, Roxana; Naranjo Landerer, Martín; Alonso, Ivan; 111-117

  • Misceláneas
  • Bid rigging o concertación en licitaciones: ¿Qué, cuándo y cómo se produce un hard core cartel bajo esta modalidad? Chang Tokushima, Juan Santiago; Drago Alfaro, Mario Fernando; 119-134
  • Pensar y sentir de estudiantes de derecho en su contacto con el mundo profesional del Mastro Puccio, Fernando; 135-148
  • El género en la concepción y aplicación de la justicia penal Miró Quesada Gayoso, Josefina; 149-168
  • La aplicación del principio de oponibilidad para la solución de casos de doble venta inmobiliaria: Un análisis jurisprudencial Vargas Sequeiros, Luis Diego; 169-185
  • Aproximaciones y comentarios a las reorganizaciones societarias transfronterizas: La fusión y la redomiciliación Véliz Ortíz, Samuel Jair; D’Medina Valdez, Paula; 187-203
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 13
    • Ítem
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Consejo Ejecutivo
      El presente volumen es fruto de todo el trabajo editorial construido desde nuestra posición estu-diantil, partiendo siempre desde la más férrea dedicación, diligente vocación y arduo compromiso, poniendo de relieve que tal nivel de excelencia no sería posible sin la colaboración de los exponen-tes más destacados del medio, quienes, al igual que en cada entrega, logran plasmar con la más notable erudición una serie de cuestiones que ponen en el foco del debate las más innovadoras temáticas de nuestra disciplina.
    • Ítem
      La aplicación del principio de oponibilidad para la solución de casos de doble venta inmobiliaria: Un análisis jurisprudencial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Vargas Sequeiros, Luis Diego
      Cases of double sale of property are handled by the supreme court of this country with a diversity of interpretations of the Civil Code. Good faith and the correct systematic interpretation of articles 1135 and 2022 of the Civil Code are important aspects that have been overlooked over the years, despite being essential to provide a coherent solution to this problem.This article dives deeper into this issue. The author urges the development of good faith in the articles mentioned and challenges for good faith interpretation. To support his claims, the author further analyzes a variety of Supreme Court cases and appeals.
    • Ítem
      Pensar y sentir de estudiantes de derecho en su contacto con el mundo profesional
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) del Mastro Puccio, Fernando
      In Peru, law students must complete a preprofessional internship period. Despite the relevance of these experiences as their first encounter with the reality of the professional practice, there are no investigations that inquire into their impact on the student learning process. In this article, based on a theoretical framework around Hannah Arendt and the narrative analysis of students accounts, we seek to identify and understand how frozen thoughts operate in their experience as trainees.In our analysis, we identified the following frozen thoughts: (i) it is necessary to work in excess in order to learn, (ii) mistreatment is acceptable if everyone is subject to it and (iii) tasks must be carried out without thinking or questioning them. Even though these thoughts are transmitted to the students in grave situations of legal non-compliance, mistreatment, and the commission of professional ethic violations, they act as expected without saying or doing anything. What reigns in them is the fear of not being valued, and not a process of reflection where they can question what they’re being told. There are, however, cases where students do doubt that these thoughts are correct, but the inner conflict is left unresolved.The relevance of this work lies in showing part of what happens in a training environment that has a great impact on learning, but has been neglected. In particular, it shows ways in which emotional factors, such as the desire to be recognized and self-worth doubt, works as barriers in the processes of thought and action. Finally, at the level of pedagogical reflection, Socratic pedagogy is presented as an approach that can have good results at the level of ethical training of students who experience situations such as those analyzed.
    • Ítem
      Bid rigging o concertación en licitaciones: ¿Qué, cuándo y cómo se produce un hard core cartel bajo esta modalidad?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Chang Tokushima, Juan Santiago; Drago Alfaro, Mario Fernando
      In the last couple of years, the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property has focused its efforts on the persecution and sanction of horizontal practices, initiating a substantial step in favor of improving free market competition.This paper analyses the reasons why public bid riggings are considered per se illegal conducts by our national legislation, as well as how the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property has prosecuted and sanctioned these practices. The authors consider that classifying bid riggings as per se illegal is a consequence of their social impact, since there aren’t any economic reasonsthat differentiate them from other per se illegal conducts.
    • Ítem
      El género en la concepción y aplicación de la justicia penal
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Miró Quesada Gayoso, Josefina
      The article analyzes, from a legal and criminological perspective, the role of gender in the conception and application of the criminal justice system, throughout its different stages. As such, it starts by questioning the apparent neutrality offered by criminal law categories, built up and interpreted from an androcentric lens that excludes and devalues female experiences, interests and values.Through a critical literature review that studies the interaction of punitive and patriarchal power, the direct and indirect empirical effects, at a comparative level, of criminal laws, substantive and procedural, designed and applied without a gender perspective are exposed and analyzed. The author afifirms that legal practitioners that apply criminal law tools ought to do so in consideration with gender sensitivity, while formulas of alternative justice that decentralize the traditional punitive paradigm are devised.
    • Ítem
      Aproximaciones y comentarios a las reorganizaciones societarias transfronterizas: La fusión y la redomiciliación
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Véliz Ortíz, Samuel Jair; D’Medina Valdez, Paula
      The aim of this paper is to analyse the so-called cross-border corporate reorganisations, which have the particularity of involving companies incorporated and existing in different countries, focusing on mergers and the redomiciliation of companies.To this end, the authors analyse the legal concepts of nationality and domicile of legal entities, mergers and redomiciliation of companies, the considerations that lead to the implementation of this type of operations and, finally, whether it is possible to carry out a cross-border merger and redomiciliation of a Peruvian company abroad according to the current regulations.
    • Ítem
      El riesgo legal en el sistema financiero: Una mirada práctica a la naturaleza cualitativa de este riesgo y su impacto
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Pineda Galarza, John
      In this article, the author presents the definition of risk and its link with financial law. Along these lines, he provides a legal definition in the light of Basel II, identifying and defining the three pillars that comprise it. It also shows the link between these pillars and banking regulation rules. According to the author, this linkage responds to the fact that the rules present a risk variable in their structure, creating, in some cases, situations of legal uncertainty in the face of certain assumptions.In this respect, the article develops the three pillars of legal risk through their practical application in financial regulation. The qualitative nature of legal risk is also highlighted and explained, in order to show its impact on the banking business; to this end, the author presents various practical cases and visual aids, such as charts and graphs that facilitate understanding.
    • Ítem
      ¿Tener una buena calificación crediticia sin haber pedido antes un préstamo? Una propuesta para la inclusión financiera
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Delgado Yábar, María Paz
      Financial inclusion is both a process and a challenge, especially in countries like Peru, where many people are not part of the financial system. The author provides a business idea and a regulation proposal that could help in one of the aspects that affects the unbanked population, not having a credit record.The absence of a credit rating means that many people are rejected by the formal financial system, thus creating a vicious circle that leads to the development of a parallel informal financial system. The article proposes a novel way to help people build a credit history and thus be able to access more financial products at lower costs.
    • Ítem
      El nuevo reporte de sostenibilidad corporativa en el mercado de valores: Apuntes en torno a la cadena de producción y el consumo responsable
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Arce Rodríguez, Mario Marcelo
      In this article, the author questions the new corporate sustainability report, issued by Superintendent Resolution 018-2020-SMV/02. In this line, it deals with the meaning of corporate sustainability, or how it should be understood, in the current market. It also highlights the importance of the principle of market transparency with respect to corporate sustainability in the face of the necessary information that investors must have.Focusing on the production chain and responsible consumption, the author evaluates the questions of the form on corporate sustainability issued by the Superintendence of the Stock Market through the standards set by the Ethos-IARSE indicators, as well as by the Global Reporting Initiative. All this to conclude that, although a great step has been taken regarding the information provided, there are still many aspects to specify to reach the current standards on corporate sustainability.
    • Ítem
      Los procesos de titulización de activos: Comentarios al precedente de observancia obligatoria emitido por la superintendencia del mercado de valores
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Viale Leo, Miguel Antonio; Lanata Dávila, Mateo
      Recently, in Peru, the SMV has issued a Mandatory Precedent in which some aspects referring to two securitization trusts have been questioned. This is because, from the SMV’s point of view, the securities issued against said trust assets had not met the requirements to be classified as transferable securities, in accordance with the regulations applicable to the case.The purpose of this article is to address certain aspects regarding asset securitization processes and the regulation that is applicable to them in the peruvian context.