Conexión. Núm. 16 (2021)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Rivas Frías, Bruno; Dajes Kaufman, Talía; Illa Boris, Jorge; 9-15

  • Comunicación, cultura y educación en la nueva normalidad
  • Análisis de la utilización de redes sociales por parte de instituciones culturales durante la pandemia: casos Museo de Arte de Lima y Gran Teatro Nacional Navarro Hospinal, Susana; 19-37
  • La experiencia del teatro digital durante la pandemia por la COVID-19 en Lima Rebata Delgado, Sofía Magaly; 39-64
  • Percepciones sobre el tránsito a modalidades de enseñanza no presenciales. Un estudio exploratorio entre docentes de educación pública básica en la ciudad de Guadalajara, México Chávez Palencia, Talía; González Reyes, Rodrigo; 65-84

  • Discursos e información en tiempos de la COVID-19
  • Migración y redes sociales: discursos sobre la ayuda social hacia los migrantes venezolanos en contexto de pandemia por los usuarios peruanos en Twitter Yalta Gonzales, Edgar Mauro; Robles Muñoz, Mirella Alexandra; 87-110
  • Periodismo, experticia y toma de decisiones técnicas Irarrázabal Elliott, Manuela; 111-132
  • Capital humano, social e intelectual en la era COVID-19: establecimiento de la agenda, encuadre, plausibilidad y verificabilidad en los repositorios García Lirios, Cruz; 133-150

  • Acción colectiva y comunicación durante la pandemia
  • Movimientos feministas en México y sus transformaciones en el contexto de la pandemia por la COVID-19 a partir de las prácticas comunicativas en las redes sociodigitales García González, Lidia Ángeles; 153-173
  • Culturas de prototipado y prototipado de caretas durante la pandemia: comunicación y economización de la participación cívica en México Uribe del Águila, Verónica; 175-193

  • Ensayo
  • La educación física en la sombra de la pandemia: realidad del Perú Torres Paz, Luis Edwin; Granados Barreto, Juan Carlos; 195-205

  • Reseña
  • Cartografía de la comunicación postdigital: medios y audiencias en la sociedad de la COVID-19 Sánchez Benavides, Óscar; 207-213
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 11
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      Análisis de la utilización de redes sociales por parte de instituciones culturales durante la pandemia: casos Museo de Arte de Lima y Gran Teatro Nacional
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-10) Navarro Hospinal, Susana
      Digital tools are not new, but the pandemic has made visible the need for cultural institutions to establish new alternatives and digital has not only become a tool, but has become vital for the empowerment of museums and culture in general. According to Conseil International des Musées (ICOM), communication is often not a priority for cultural organi-zations, and even less so when it comes to digital, specifically social networks (2019, p. 5). An analysis was made of the digital responses of two Peruvian institutions, the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) and the Gran Teatro Nacional (GTN), to determine how their presence in social networks and on the web evolved. For this purpose, we also talked to the people in charge of the communication areas of these institutions.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-10) Rivas Frías, Bruno; Dajes Kaufman, Talía; Illa Boris, Jorge
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Cartografía de la comunicación postdigital: medios y audiencias en la sociedad de la COVID-19
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) Sánchez Benavides, Óscar
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Periodismo, experticia y toma de decisiones técnicas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) Irarrázabal Elliott, Manuela
      This paper addresses the problem of false balance in the press, in the context of technical decision making those in which science intersects with the public domain because the issues at stake are relevant for the population as a whole. It sets out to frame the problem in a broad context, the sociology of sciences, that enables meeting the need for recognising the democratic commitments of journalism and the importance of communicating technological progress efficiently to confront the challenges posed by misinformation. The methodology consists in a conceptual analysis, grounded in recent cases of false balance: climate change and vaccines. It concludes that the conceptual categories proposed by the theory help journalism regain a place of credibility where both the role of expertise and citizen participation find legitimacy in technical decision making, without blurring the distinction between the expert and the lay person.
    • Ítem
      La educación física en la sombra de la pandemia: realidad del Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) Torres Paz, Luis Edwin; Granados Barreto, Juan Carlos
      In a globalized world, directed by technologies and communications, the reality for physical education is adverse, because of a large inequality gap that has made difficult to reinvent it in a balanced and inclusive way in the virtual sphere, unlike other areas. In addition, in some institutions it disappeared, at a time when the improvement of physical education programs would play an important role in the prevention of mental disorders, increased physical health and resilience in students, as stated by Unesco (2019). Also, in Peru, in International Baccalaureate schools and private schools with high costs, the hours of physical education increased, evidencing the recognition of its need and importance to reduce stress, anxiety and sedentary lifestyle in the medium and long term. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the Peruvian situation addressing the socioeconomic aspect and teaching of physical education in the context of the pandemic and globalization.
    • Ítem
      Capital humano, social e intelectual en la era COVID-19: establecimiento de la agenda, encuadre, plausibilidad y verificabilidad en los repositorios
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) García Lirios, Cruz
      The health and economic crisis caused by the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease has accelerated the emergence of an informational economy focused on the use of electronic networks. The impact of this scenario on education led to the transition from the traditional classroom to the electronic whiteboard. The objective of the present work is to analyze the relationships between human, social, and intellectual capital. A model showing the prevalence of human capital creation as indicated by data processing in the virtual class-room and self-management of knowledge was established.
    • Ítem
      Culturas de prototipado y prototipado de caretas durante la pandemia: comunicación y economización de la participación cívica en México
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) Uribe del Águila, Verónica
      This text analyzes how makers in Mexico used prototypes in the implementation and management of supply networks for the manufacture of masks for front-line personnel during the first months of the pandemic. In conversation with information theories and feminist science and technology studies, the text maintains that these prototypes had three communicative functions: (1) organizing work in a context of social distance (Suchman et al., 2002; Valentine, 2013); (2) manage uncertainty regarding contradictory health information (Corsín Jiménez, 2014; Lindtner, 2020); and (3) articulate processes of innovation and production of market value (Beckert, 2016; Eisenhardt, 1989). This triple communicative function of the prototypes made possible the articulation of civic practices and neoliberal logics, what I call, following other authors, the economization of civic participation (Lindtner, 2020; Murphy, 2017).
    • Ítem
      Movimientos feministas en México y sus transformaciones en el contexto de la pandemia por la COVID-19 a partir de las prácticas comunicativas en las redes sociodigitales
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) García González, Lidia Ángeles
      This article is a qualitative study on feminist movements in Mexico and their transformations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic based on communicative practices in social network sites. Its purpose is to learn about the challenges, changes and communicative strategies employed in the face of the confinement, which limited the use of public space for feminist protest and accompaniment of women victims of violence. It also presents a theoretical discussion on social movements and feminist collective action in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (Della Porta, 2020b; Pleyers, 2021; Tabbush, 2021). The results show significant changes in their communicative strategies in social network sites and an increase in emotional exhaustion, given the confinement imposed by the health contingency; however, the use of local initiatives shows a hopeful perspective of retaking the streets in the future.
    • Ítem
      Migración y redes sociales: discursos sobre la ayuda social hacia los migrantes venezolanos en contexto de pandemia por los usuarios peruanos en Twitter
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) Yalta Gonzales, Edgar Mauro; Robles Muñoz, Mirella Alexandra
      The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the economic, health, political and social problems that exist in Peru. Among them, the issue of Venezuelan migration and its vulnerability during the pandemic has not been the exception. For this reason, a debate was generated, both among the population and in the media, regarding Venezuelan migrants and whether they should also receive social support from the State. In this article, our objectives are to analyze the discourses generated in their tweets by Peruvian users of the social network Twitter regarding the debate on social support for Venezuelan migrants, and to identify the strategies and resources used by users to elaborate these discourses. To do so, we selected an online survey proposed by the Twitter account of the news channel ATV+ Noticias and collected the most representative tweets from the comments section to elaborate the corpus. The results indicate that Peruvian users show a marked polarized position with a greater tendency to comment negatively on migrants.
    • Ítem
      La experiencia del teatro digital durante la pandemia por la COVID-19 en Lima
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-11) Rebata Delgado, Sofía Magaly
      The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted human coexistence and the alternative to social distancing has been to maintain communication links through technology. With this, gathering in Jorge Dubatti’s terms (2015), a substantial feature of the identity of theater, was affected, and the choice was made for techno-gathering through digital theater. The definition of digital theater and the relationship mediated by technology between scenic artists and audiences are under construction and sustainable management. To analyze the local experience, we have reviewed the situation of Peruvian theater before and during the pandemic and conducted semi-structured interviews with three-stage creators from Lima, who had seasons during the health crisis. Through the qualitative data collected, the strengths, weaknesses, and future scope of this format are identified.