Revista de Derecho Administrativo. Núm. 21 (2022)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado El Derecho de la Competencia en la Comunidad Andina de Naciones – can. Análisis y propuestas(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Miranda Londoño, AlfonsoThis paper briefly explains the Andean Community of Nations antitrust law, its development, background, exercise, procedure and relevance facing the current regulations. The free economic competition phenomenon has been a result of the free trade, the agreements between the countries and the globalization. This has led to the implementation of a European-style supranational competition regime in the Andean Community of Nations, with an authority that investigates and sanctions, a tribunal in charge of the judicial control and a legislative body. Although this structure seeks to promote the commercial cooperation, there are some difficulties in the way the competitive activity behaves in the sector. Some of the difficulties are the free movement of goods, services, and capital in the territory of the Andean community and the creation of macroeconomic and investment policies that may affect the application of the antitrust regime. This leads the economic agents to develop cross-border anticompetitive behaviors. Therefore, the antitrust law of the Andean Community of Nations should be upgraded in: The jurisdictional activation of the authorities, the requirements to open an investigation, the definition of anticompetitive conducts and their effects, the introduction of a Leniency Program that can harmonize with national legislations and the creation of a merger control regime. The last suggestions are presented in the final part of this paper.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ciclos de vida de los regímenes de competencia: análisis de la evolución de nuevos sistemas(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) López-Galdós, Marianela; Kovacic, William E.The article analyzes in an original way the patterns of evolution of competition systems at a global level. It establishes patterns of evolution and aims to identify those factors that influence the success or failure of the progression of competition systems.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Derecho de la Competencia y Regulación Económica(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Zúñiga Fernández, Tania; Crucelegui Gárate, Juan LuisNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado El programa de clemencia antimonopolio y sus repercusiones en otros programas de clemencia en Brasil(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Athayde, Amanda; Accioly, IsabellaThis paper aims to carry out a descriptive analysis of the Antitrust Leniency Program in Brazil, considered the precursor of other Leniency Programs in Brazilian legislation, such as the Anti-Corruption Leniency Program and the Leniency Program in the financial market. First, it is presented a brief historical review of the Program, followed by an explanation of the requirements for signing a Leniency Agreement in Brazil. Second, the paper details all phases of the negotiation process of an Antitrust Leniency Agreement. Finally, it will highlight some of the spillovers of its Program in other fields of Brazilian jurisdiction, with a brief comparison between the different Leniency Programs existent in Brazil in terms of Type of infraction; Competent institution; Legal bases; Infra-legal bases; Possible beneficiaries; Administrative benefits; Criminal benefits and Civil benefits.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El régimen de ayudas públicas: características y ventajas en el proceso de recuperación económica en tiempos de pandemia COVID19(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Rodríguez Miguez, José AntonioIn this paper we address the regulation of public aid, its characteristics and advantages for economic recovery based on a necessary conceptual delimitation, its economic foundation and its different regulatory areas, focusing on its importance in the current context of crisis created by the pandemic of Covid-19.With this objective in mind, we will successively expose its regulation in three different areas: multilateral, regional and national.In its multilateral dimension, we will focus on the rules contained in the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO), where we will make a critical review of its current situation and its possible reform, highlighting the unilateral response of the European Union, adopting its own rules to control subsidies from third party countries in the European market.Next, we will analyze the rules on public aid “State aid” contained in the “Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)”, highlighting the special temporary and exceptional measures adopted by the European institutions due to the current pandemic, both with regard to aid granted by the Member States, as well as the European aid intended to support those Member States for economic recovery. In a later section we will offer the Spanish domestic regulation on public aid, as well as the regulation currently being drafted by the British Parliament to regulate subsidies in United Kingdom after its exit from the European Union.We will conclude this paper with a final reflection on its advantages and difficulties in facing the challenge of economic recovery, based on the need for their eventual granting to be governed by criteria of economic efficiency in the administration of public resources that are transferred to the market, through public aid.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Abusos de posición dominante en mercados digitales: ¿Nuevos trucos para un perro viejo?(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Tapia Canales, Javier; Abarca Meza, ManuelThis paper summarizes the most recent cases concerning unilateral conduct that have been brought in both the United States and Europe against the so-called “Tech Giants” (Amazon, Google Facebook and Apple). It also shows the regulatory solutions that are being put forward in different jurisdictions to deal with the conducts that have given rise to such cases. These conducts produce a tension that is at the core of today’s competition law: whether they are new categories that are not captured by the traditional standard of consumer welfare, or whether they are simply due to characteristics of technological markets that do not produce (new) competition problems.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Sistemas de gestión de cumplimiento y su consideración en la evaluación de multas(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Krauskopf, Patrick; Dugan, Armin F.; Rufer, LauraThe following article primarily addresses the questions of whether - and if so, why - Compliance Management Systems should be taken into account by courts and authorities to reduce fines in the event of antitrust violations in companies. In addition to an overview of the prerequisites for an efficient Compliance Management System, the practices in different countries are also examined in connection with this topic. Finally, future related challenges are discussed.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La defensa de la competencia como palanca para una contratación pública íntegra y alineada con el cumplimiento normativo(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Urresola Clavero, AlbaIn any country in the world, public procurement is the area in which governments not only carry out a significant percentage of public spending, but also serves to promote and develop public policies in such a way that it becomes a launching pad for a country’s social and economic objectives.Throughout the four generations of procurement directives, the European Union has focused on this goal: to turn public procurement into one of the integrating mechanisms of the internal market and, to this end, the procedures and rules governing this procurement system must respect the freedoms of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU): the free movement of goods, freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services, but also the principles derived from these, i.e. equal treatment, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, proportionality and transparency.The European Union’s public procurement policy is a fundamental pillar for the consolidation of the internal market and also a tool for the rationalization of spending and public funds in order to achieve a sustainable system.The latest procurement directives, the so-called fourth generation directives, and more specifically Directive 2014/24/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 26 February 2014, was implemented in the Spanish legal system through the current Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts (LCSP), a law that faithfully internalizes the relevance of procurement in the development of public policies and the achievement of its objectives. It is a law that consolidates the strategic vision of public procurement, accentuating the spirit of regulatory compliance that must preside over public action. Thus, the current LCSP focuses not only on what is purchased but also on how it is purchased.Section III of the Preamble of the LCSP refers to a legal system of public procurement. It is therefore a complex regulation that seeks open procurement at the European level, which is accessible to small and medium-sized companies. To this end, priority is given to safeguarding competition, a principle that acquires greater prominence than in previous regulations, being one of the main priorities not only in the substantive regulation but also in the established institutional scheme.In addition, the current Spanish and European regulations go a step further by placing at the center of the rules governing public procurement, not only the classic principles mentioned above (equality, non-discrimination, proportionality, etc.), but also a new principle, that of integrity, which until now was considered a moral value, but which becomes in the current LCSP a new transversal and integrating principle of the spirit that should govern public procurement. Thus, the LCSP is equipped, among others, with different mechanisms aimed at guaranteeing the integrity of the contracting authorities, based on free competition and, if necessary, on the intervention of the competition authorities. These mechanisms are aimed at ensuring compliance by public actors and are complemented by other tools aimed at verifying the legality of the actions of bidders; in short, these mechanisms and tools are aimed at promoting compliance with the regulations with the ultimate goal of guaranteeing integrity in the field of public procurement.Thus, the defense of competition is presented as a crucial instrument to ensure integrity, and as an indispensable value for an egalitarian procurement, open to the European market, accessible to small and medium enterprises and, ultimately, a more integral procurement and focused on compliance. For all these reasons, competition compliance is a tool that should be promoted by contracting authorities in their contractual practice, as well as by companies that participate in public procurement processes and that, given that they aspire to a business management with integrity, should advocate the development of their compliance programs also in the area of competition.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Régimen europeo de las ayudas públicas en tiempos del COVID 19(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Berenguer Fuster, LuisIn the context of the European Union, the competition policy ensures that the single market is maintained in order to guarantee the principles that characterise it. In terms of state aid, this policy means preventing Member States from granting aid to companies that would put them at an advantage over their competitors. Thus, Article 107 TFEU contains a general prohibition of state aid from which it is also possible to establish exceptions. Given the situation generated by COVID-19, the European Commission has been forced to make the European regime established for state aid more flexible on the basis of the possible exceptions with the aim of facilitating economic recovery in the Member States and, therefore, in the European Union. To this end, the European Commission has developed a “Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak”, which has been subject to successive modifications and extensions.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El control de concentraciones en mercados financieros en la política antitrust en Brasil(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Bagnoli, VicenteThe financial market, in general, has specific characteristics that attract the attention of competition authorities around the world. It is no different in Brazil, where the trend of bank concentration in recent decades has put CADE, the competition authority, on constant alert. In this sense, since the entry into force of the Competition Law in 2012, CADE has analyzed significant concentrations in financial markets. In addition to CADE, the Central Bank of Brazil also analyzes concentrations in the financial system. The conflict of jurisdiction between the Central Bank of Brazil and CADE in competition matters generated legal uncertainty, but the 2018 Memorandum of Understanding between the authorities brought more certainties to the market. However, a Memorandum is not legally binding for the authorities and may be revised at any time.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El análisis de instituciones económicas en el Derecho de competencia(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Beneke Ávila, Francisco EduardoCompetition law enforcement is informed by the knowledge of the economic phenomenon to be regulated: market power of one or more companies. Such knowledge is currently based on the fields of price theory and industrial organization. These fields of economic theory have helped, on the one hand, to structure a framework in which it is possible to analyze factors such as market structure and incentives of economic agents in order to determine whether a conduct is anticompetitive or not. On the other hand, the question arises as to whether the variables derived from these fields are enough for a complete understanding of market performance. This article shows two aspects of the literature in the field of neo-institutionalism that can be used to complement the analytical framework of competition based on price theory and modern industrial organization: 1. The influence of companies with market power in the process of adopting state regulations that may affect the intensity of competition; 2. Uncertainty regarding public policies that may affect the profits of an investment project.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Entrevista a Cani Fernández, Presidenta de la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC)(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Zúñiga Fernández, Tania; Crucelegui Gárate, Juan LuisNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Historia y política del antitrust: Reflexiones sobre la experiencia peruana(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Távara Martín, José IgnacioThe paper examines the origin and conception of antitrust policies in Peru, highlighting the historical context, theoretical principles, motivations, values and interests that explain their adoption since the end of 1991. As a comparative reference, the paper delves into the origin and controversies on antitrust in the U.S. and post-war Germany. In contrast to these experiences, we show that competition rules in Peru were adopted without further discussion of their nature and objectives, ignoring the serious consequences of an excessive concentration of economic power on democracy and social order.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Economía digital en América Latina: Reflexiones sobre las concentraciones económicas en la región(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Greco, Esteban; Viecens, María FernandaThe article analyzes mergers and acquisitions in the digital economy in Latin America, in line with the international discussion and the new or reformulated theories of harm that have been emerging. It highlights the importance of the regional context and to not automatically transfer the criteria and conclusions of the international discussion to Latin American countries. Based on the analysis of cases of different agencies, it is remarked that preventive merger control in the region can be a tool that contributes to prevent new players in the digital economy, who bring innovation and new services, from encountering barriers.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Respuesta europea al control judicial la discrecionalidad administrativa: Especial atención al test de racionalidad y al control de plena jurisdicción en el Derecho de la competencia(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Soldevila Fragoso, SantiagoThe jurisdictional control of Administration’s resolutions constitutes one of the central objects of Administrative Law. A modern State in which democratic principles must be reconciled with the efficiency of the Administration requires the adoption of clear and precise rules in order to delimit the extent of the jurisdictional control of the Administration. This need is more evident in the administrative-economic sphere, where the Administration enjoys a wide margin of discretionary action. In this context, the control of the rationality of administrative action is offered as an effective control technique, fully respectful for both Administration’s competences and fundamental rights of the administered.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Entrevista a Javier Tebas Medrano, Presidente de la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional (LaLiga)(Revista de Derecho Administrativo, 2022-12-15) Zúñiga Fernández, Tania; Crucelegui Gárate, Juan LuisNo presenta resumen