Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra. Vol. 03, Issue 02

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JCC Volume 3 - Issue 2 - 2010
  • Spillover Effects Among Gold, Stocks, and Bonds Sumner, Steven; Johnson, Robert; Soenen, Luc; 1
  • Behavioral Anatomy of the Financial Crisis Szyszka, Adam; 2
  • Positive Accounting Theory and Science Kabir, Humayun; 3
  • Competitive Strategy and Performance in Mexico, Peru, and the United States Parnell, John A; 4
  • Interest Rate Adjustment Mechanisms as a Response to External Shocks: Evidence from Argentina's Convertibility Plan (1991-2002) Farber, Vanina; 5
  • Employability Management Needs Analysis for the ICT sector in Europe: The Case of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises van der Heijden, Beatrice I. J. M; van der Schoot, Esther; Scholarios, Dora; Marzec, Izabela; Bozionelos, Nikos; Epitropaki, Olga; Jedrzejowicz, Piotr; Knauth, Peter; Mikkelsen, Aslaug; van der Heijde, Claudia; 6
  • The Impact of External Shocks and Preferencial Trade Arrangements on the Agricultural Gross Domestic Product of Peru, 1950-2007 Tello, Mario D; 7
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