InnovaG. Núm. 3 (2017)
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Ítem Acceso Abierto El Gerente Coach en las Organizaciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Bravo Monteverde, Guido HumbertoPersonal development is a concern for anyone with various paths that can be followed in the search for such development; the actions of people are the most important things in life, because they are what is visible: what I do is stronger and more important than what I say. In this sense, coaching in general and Management - Coach in particular, have an opportunity to contribute to this better performance. In the present article, the actions of traditional managers are compared with those of a Manager - Coach, which is, mainly to achieve a greater commitment with their people, to achieve superior results. The Manager - Coach uses conversational techniques, understands the processes that are traversed and makes it easier for his collaborators to find the answers that each situation requires, contributing to gain confidence and security in what they do.Ítem Acceso Abierto Un modelo pragmático de crecimiento en ventas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Céspedes Flores, Jorge HumbertoSales growth requires a management model. In this way, the following article describes a pragmatic sales growth model based on the intersection of two growth options (organic or inorganic) and the two most common distribution channels (direct and indirect). The correct execution of a model that combines those four variables at the same time or independently, according to the business need, will determine a sustainable growth, but only if our organization has the appropriate commercial and functional capabilities.Ítem Acceso Abierto La gestión de las TIC y su impacto en la cadena de valor: Oportunidades para las empresas del siglo XXI(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Bravo Sotomayor, DanielThe development of information and communication technologies (ICT), mainly in the 21st century, has generated a series of changes within an increasingly globalized world, allowing companies to incorporate technological tools according to their needs.As a result of the above, the article presents the impacts of incorporating ICTs at the level of the value chain, with the aim of analyzing the consequences within the business activities defined within it. Likewise, the potential opportunities generated by these tools are raised, in order to support decision making at the managerial level through knowledge of its benefits and implications.Ítem Acceso Abierto Logística inversa: Estrategias de recuperación en empresas zulianas de derivados lácteos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Huérfano Piñeiro, Eneida María; Meleán Romero, Rosana AlejandraReverse logistics is a concept of recent introduction and little known in companies of dairy products sector in Zulia state (Venezuela), most of them have started in their implementation; either as part of an after-sales service, or as part of the production and / or marketing process. Apparently, it only needs to be structured integrally and give it a strategic dimension.In this article processes and operations binding aspects of Zulia dairy circuit with reverse logistics are presented. In this sense, the reverse logistics in the supply chain of dairy derivatives companies in Zulia is characterized. Guide strategies and reverse logistics activities as socially responsible practices are submitted. This becomes challenging, since implementing a reverse logistics system as an essential and potential strategy is a difficult issue given the country’s socio-economic and political situation. Reflections are presented to face the barriers in retro logistics implementation. The main one being the need to internalize in each individual rational resources using and acting effectively to engage with private companies and state organizations in the sustainable institutions operations.Ítem Acceso Abierto Del planeamiento a la implementación: principales brechas del contexto peruano bajo el enfoque de la Nueva Gestión Pública(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Calderón la Madrid, Luis RicardoThe implementation, as a phase that goes beyond from planning, is, currently one of the most effective tools to check and feedback the New Public Management’s system, due in that phase actor makes contact with social and cultural variables that could define the success or failure of a Public Policy or Program.In that way, the article presents the main technical and political gaps that do not allow an adequate implementation, delimiting those that influence more in Peruvian context, with the objective that they can be identified in the daily reader’s performance. Likewise, the article gives recommendations, with the purpose of guide the necessary abilities to confront successfully the exposed gaps.Ítem Acceso Abierto Maintenance, a Forgotten Part of the Strategic Plan(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Riva Zaferson, Franco AlbertoThis article exposes the reasons behind the relegation of maintenance management as an operative unit instead of a strategic tool in the organizational management. It works with literature review and the peruvian business context. Finally, it shows some statistical criteria relevant to the maintenance planning.Ítem Acceso Abierto Proceso de distribución de alimentos del Estado venezolano(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Galué Sandreaa, Melisa Andreina; Meleán Romero, Rosana AlejandraThe lack of production and distribution of food in Venezuela brings with it scarcity and shortages in basic food products. Regulations on prices control over products to buy and excessive queues have affected the access and availability of these by the population. Faced with this reality, the Venezuelan government has defined policies, strategies and programs to guarantee access to food products, for which it has developed since 2000, food programs to solve the situation described above. Consequently the purpose of this research work is to characterize the process of food distribution of the Venezuelan State during the period 2000-2017. The methodology used is descriptive-analytical, under a documentary and qualitative approach. Specialized documents are reviewed, identifying relevant theoretical elements associated with the distribution process.The large investments made in this sector have not resulted in lasting benefits, social welfare and a greater and better quality of life of the population. The architecture of the distribution process, defined at the beginning (at the birth of the Mercal Network) elements, actors and clearly defined strategies, these were restructured over the years. Today, a house-to- house distribution system is assumed, with new actors and new strategies, but without the guarantee of a national supply of food products with a frequency that will continuously support the development of the food distribution process assumed by the national government.Ítem Acceso Abierto Hacia servicios públicos centrados en el ciudadano: Desafíos pendientes de la Estrategia “Mejor Atención al Ciudadano” – MAC(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) López Chávez, Brenda; Vega Paucar, CatherineThe “Better Citizen Attention” Strategy - MAC proposes the development of multiple attention channels so that citizens can realize their procedures in one place. This governmental initiative is aligned with the new trend of public management, which is focused on the citizen. That means a change in how organizations provide their services, which are the result of analysis and understanding of the needs of the citizens.This article describes and analyzes the MAC Strategy and identifies what factors should be promoted and/or strengthened in order to consolidate it as model service focused on the citizens. Although MAC has accomplishment important achievements by reducing the time and costs of the citizens, it is still pending to develop essential technical and political factors.Ítem Acceso Abierto Innovación: ¿De dónde proviene realmente la creatividad?(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Arroyo Andonaire, Gerardo EnriqueOrganizations around the world are looking to be more competitive the last years, in that way, organizations demand workers with innovative and creativity skills. So now exist many tools for generating innovative ideas and impact in the organizations and its necessities. The most wellknown methodologies are Design Thinking and Lean Startup. Nevertheless, many researchers and specialists mentioned that these methodologies are not enough to generate innovative solutions because the real creativity was killed by the education system. Also, universities and organizations do not help on that. There is evidence that affirms a creative power in each person and that potential we can rediscover. Based on that organizations can generate innovative solutions.Ítem Acceso Abierto Business Intelligence: un balance para su implementación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-22) Silva Solano, Luis ErnestoBusiness Intelligence (BI) is the set of methodologies, practices and capacities focused on information management that allows companies to make better decisions. The practice of BI is developed through IT systems and an in-depth knowledge of the company’s “core business”. This article seeks to make an assessment of the difficulties, costs and benefits that are taken into account before acquiring a BI tool.Among the difficulties is the adaptation of complex information, the deficient data entry, the privacy problems. Related to costs, the costs of licensing and acquiring a tool are developed, as well as those derived from the adaptation of personnel to these solutions. Likewise, regarding the main benefits, the control of the activities, the improvement in the productivity of the collaborators, the technological support to reach the objectives, the promotion of a data-oriented culture and the improvement in the decision-making are exposed. In this way, it shows the challenge that companies in the information age, where knowledge has become a source of competitive advantage for the market and in which people are prepared to achieve success.