Revista del Instituto Riva Agüero. Vol. 8 Núm. 2 (2023)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Montañez Sanabria, Elizabeth; 7-11

  • Dosier: Cartografías iberoamericanas
  • Atlas Vallard: Uma narrativa francesa da América em meados do século XVI de Queiroz Pinto, Luciana; 15-38
  • La cartografía de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala: El “Mapa Mundi” y las “Ciudades y villas” Venturi, Fabio; 39-64
  • La odisea pirata de Sharp, el derrotero español y sus copias inglesas: ¿Transmisión o apropiación de conocimiento? Montañez Sanabria, Elizabeth; 65-101
  • Todo mezclado en el terreno: Los conocimientos geográficos de los mamelucos aplicados por los jesuitas en la producción cartográfica del Backlands paraguayo (1746-1753) de Moura, Denise A. S; 103-162
  • Cartografiando los confines del imperio: El intendente Francisco Hurtado y los caminos y poblados de Chiloé Mansilla-Utchal Almonacid, José; 163-188
  • Un recorrido por los barrios extramuros de La Habana en los planos de los archivos españoles (1763-1834) Azorín García, Eduardo; 189-252
  • Los trabajos de la Comisión Topográfica en La Paz, Bolivia, a mediados del siglo XIX y la construcción del Estado nacional Machaca, Victor Hugo; 253-286
  • El ‘Atlas Geográfico Ibero-Americano’ de la editorial barcelonesa Alberto Martín (1901-1915) Montaner, Carme; 287-318

  • Artículos
  • El camino de Damasco del converso Francisco de Acevedo: De Galicia al Perú (1591-1604) Tardieu, Jean-Pierre; 321-371

  • Notas
  • Un viajero nacionalista por los Andes: Comentario a propósito de una nueva edición de ‘Paisajes peruanos’, de José de la Riva-Agüero y Osma Gómez Acuña, Luis; 375-387
  • Publicación de la ‘Colección Villasante de cantos y música tradicional ashaninka (1981-1985)’ y proyecto de investigación Villasante Cervello, Mariella; 389-415

  • Reseñas
  • Villasante Cervello, Mariella. ‘La violencia política en la selva central del Perú, 1980-2000 [...]’, y ‘La guerra interna entre los Ashaninka y Nomatsiguenga de la selva central del Perú, 1980-2000 [...]’ Lerner Febres, Salomón; 419-426
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    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
    • Ítem
      Un recorrido por los barrios extramuros de La Habana en los planos de los archivos españoles (1763-1834)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-28) Azorín García, Eduardo
      This article analyzes a series of urban plans, collected from Spanish archival collections, of the suburbs of Havana with the aim of knowing the transformation and growth of this space. The cartographies presented show that the expansion of these suburbs was a major problem for the land defense of the city. To contain this problem, numerous provisions were implemented. However, the increase in the suburbs was unstoppable and the circumstance led to new defense and urban projects to safeguard the interests of the population settled outside the wall.
    • Ítem
      La odisea pirata de Sharp, el derrotero español y sus copias inglesas: ¿Transmisión o apropiación de conocimiento?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-28) Montañez Sanabria, Elizabeth
      This article will focus on the cartography resulting from the raids of the English buccaneer Bartholomew Sharp and his pirate comrades in the Spanish American Pacific between 1680 and 1681. Mainly, I will examine some of the atlases produced by William Hack based on the Spanish derrotero of the South Sea that Sharp captured on the coasts of Ecuador. Also, I will examine the copy that the English pirate Basil Ringrose made based on the same waggoner. Our main interest is to determine whether the English cartography resulting from this pirate expedition is a transmission of pirate expertise or an appropriation of Hispanic knowledge.
    • Ítem
      Todo mezclado en el terreno: Los conocimientos geográficos de los mamelucos aplicados por los jesuitas en la producción cartográfica del Backlands paraguayo (1746-1753)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-28) de Moura, Denise A. S.
      Cartographic images made by Jesuits in the 18th century turned out to be transnational and locally mixed cognitive experiences, as these missionary agents of a global institution were forced to establish a collaborative relationship with the multicultural spaces where they settled and undertook their activities. One of the cartographic genres developed by the missionaries, the Paraquariae Provinciae, combined information and geographical knowledge of the mamelucos, a mestizo social type of Amerindian with white Portuguese settler which has been widely acknowledged but poorly elucidated by the historiography making process. The present paper aims to address these issues by applying concepts and methods of critical cartography in order to compare maps built by the Jesuits.
    • Ítem
      La cartografía de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala: El “Mapa Mundi” y las “Ciudades y villas”
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-28) Venturi, Fabio
      The “Mapa Mundi del Reino de las Indias” contained in the Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno of Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala constitutes the introductory sheet to the chapter of “Ciudades y villas”. Compared with the contemporary maps of professional cartographers, it is noticeable how implausible the chronicler’s map appears. However, the lack of cartographic technique on the part of Guamán Poma is an irrelevant fact since the intention of the chronicler was to make a synthetic graph of the resources of the viceroyalty of Peru. The “Mapa Mundi” summarizes and complements the chapters of the “Ciudades y villas” and the “Tambos”, which, studied in conjunction with the previous chapter “Preguntas”, constitute an organic unit that, apparently, is connected to the Relaciones Geográficas de Indias, the system that the Spanish authorities implemented to be able to know the new social, cultural, and economic reality that was being formed in the colonies.
    • Ítem
      Cartografiando los confines del imperio: El intendente Francisco Hurtado y los caminos y poblados de Chiloé
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-28) Mansilla-Utchal Almonacid, José
      At the end of the 18th century, some military engineers were assigned to the Chiloé Archipelago to carry out work on fortification works. They were also invested with the hierarchy of Governors or Mayors in charge of the administration, and as such, they were protagonists of a broader horizon of activities, which contemplated taking care of the planning of the territory, its integration through the improvement of existing roads or the construction of new roads, which entailed territorial recognition and mapping. One of these military engineers that stands out is Francisco Hurtado del Pino, author of the three maps that we will expose and that give an account of his work and his days in the Archipelago.