Anthropologica. Vol. 24 Núm. 24 (2006)

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Tabla de Contenido

La identidad cultural en debate
  • Pueblo de humanos: metáforas corporales y diferenciación social indígena en Bolivia Salazar, Cecilia; 5-27
  • Turismo y representación de la cultura: identidad cultural y resistencia en comunidades andinas del Cusco Pérez Galán, Beatriz; 29-49

  • Cuerpo, enfermedad y salud
  • Pasando por comadrona, midwife y médico: el itinerario terapéutico de una embarazada en Guatemala Fleischer, Soraya; 51-75
  • «Enfermedad de indio»: sobre el principio patogénico de la alteridad y los modos de transformación en una cosmología amazónica Barcelos Neto, Aristóteles; 77-106

  • Temas de Etnohistoria
  • Los problemas del poder: política local y gobierno en las reducciones de la costa de Piura, siglo XVII Diez, Alejandro; 107-127
  • El desierto y la miseria: indios y tributación en el sur peruano (Sibaya, 1822) Díaz, Alberto; Morong, Germán; 129-152
  • Los misioneros salesianos y la polémica sobre la extinción de los Selk’nam de Tierra del Fuego Nicoletti, María Andrea; 153-177

  • Reseñas
  • Remesas y nueva «fuga de cerebros». Impactos transnacionales. / Teófilo Altamirano Rua. Lima: Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2006, 246 pp. Iguíñiz Echeverria, Javier María; 179-182
  • La agricultura andina ante una globalización en desplome. / John Earls. Lima: Centro de Investigaciones Sociales Económicas Políticas y Antropológicas PUCP, 2006, 178 pp. Sánchez Infantas, Edgar; 183-187
  • La antropología urbana en México. / Néstor García Canclini (coord.). México: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes-Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2005, 381 pp. Ramirez Corzo, Daniel; 189-192
  • The Plebeian Republic. The Huanta Rebellion and the Making of the Peruvian State, 1820-1850. / Cecilia Méndez Gastelumendi. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005, XVI + 343 pp. Pereyra Chávez, Nelson E; 193-195
  • Comunicación y cultura. Propuestas para el análisis transcultural de las interacciones comunicativas cara a cara. / Francisco Raga Gimeno. Madrid/ Fráncfort. Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2005, 277 pp. Sales Salvador, Dora; 197-199
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    • Ítem
      La antropología urbana en México. / Néstor García Canclini (coord.). México: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes-Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2005, 381 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Ramirez Corzo, Daniel
      This review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Los problemas del poder: política local y gobierno en las reducciones de la costa de Piura, siglo XVII
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Diez, Alejandro
      Local power may be understood either as a government, shaped on the basis of social relationships and institutions, that adjusts to social structures, or as a series of mechanisms and procedures of symbolic mobilization generating the effect that an order is required for daily coexistence. In a territorialized space, both approaches are complemented and shape the areas where local power operated. This article analyzes local power in the Indian towns of San Juan de Catacaos and San Martín de Sechura (in the coast of Piura), in the context of the making up of the government structures that the colonial regime imposed. The author focuses on the figure of the colonial cacique, on the mechanisms he used to have access to power and to legitimate it, on the interests he mobilized according to his obligations with the colonial regime and with the Indians living in his territory (parcialidad), as well as on the spheres of influence of local power both at the reducciones and at the larger arenas of the Corregimiento de Piura and the colonial State.
    • Ítem
      Pueblo de humanos: metáforas corporales y diferenciación social indígena en Bolivia
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Salazar, Cecilia
      The social differentiation of indigenous groups, in the Andean region of Bolivia, takes place against the backdrop of the notion of "desanclaje" (disanchoring). According to this, the transit from an agrarian society to an industrial society generates in individuals a sort of "estrangement" from their local and traditional relationships of presence. This relationships are then structures at the space time intervals of modernity and capitalism through the notion of a state-nation. Education plays a key role in this process that is made visible through one of the main consequences that the differenced and unequal integration of indigenous groups to the state order entails, the social division of labor generating a separation between manual workers and intellectuals. . All these aspects are analiyzed on the basis of body metaphors that refer to the complex administration of signs and meanings under the periods of colonization and capitalism in the Andean region of Bolivia.
    • Ítem
      Remesas y nueva «fuga de cerebros». Impactos transnacionales. / Teófilo Altamirano Rua. Lima: Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2006, 246 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Iguíñiz Echeverria, Javier María
      The review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Pasando por comadrona, midwife y médico: el itinerario terapéutico de una embarazada en Guatemala
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Fleischer, Soraya
      In this article, I discuss, according to the theoretical-analytical framework of Menéndez (1994), how women and their midwives follow a plural therapeutical itinerary during pregnancy and labor in the region of Antigua, Guatemala. I look forward to present and analyze an example of a delivery that happened during my research, first, as a paradigmatic example of dialogue, not always friendly and pacific, among various local medical systems: a Mayan comadrona (the local midwife), a ladino doctor and a foreign nurse-midwife. Second, this delivery illustrates an encounter that brings together ethnic, class, and gender relations influences by power and conflict that has structured the material and symbolic construction of this "young" country.
    • Ítem
      Comunicación y cultura. Propuestas para el análisis transcultural de las interacciones comunicativas cara a cara. / Francisco Raga Gimeno. Madrid/ Fráncfort. Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2005, 277 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Sales Salvador, Dora
      This review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      La agricultura andina ante una globalización en desplome. / John Earls. Lima: Centro de Investigaciones Sociales Económicas Políticas y Antropológicas PUCP, 2006, 178 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Sánchez Infantas, Edgar
      This review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      The Plebeian Republic. The Huanta Rebellion and the Making of the Peruvian State, 1820-1850. / Cecilia Méndez Gastelumendi. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005, XVI + 343 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Pereyra Chávez, Nelson E.
      Esta reseña no presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Turismo y representación de la cultura: identidad cultural y resistencia en comunidades andinas del Cusco
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Pérez Galán, Beatriz
      The meaning of a type of theatrical representations on the preHispanic past –which have become quite popular all over Latin America in recent years– is explored in this paper as one of the main attractions for cultural tourism in the region. In Peru, these representations are known as “raymis” (the Quechua word for “festivals”). From an anthropological perspective, the relevance of studying these festivals is twofold: first, because given that tourism is the basis of the local political economy developed in wide areas of the “Sacred Valley of the Incas” (Cuzco), the industry of tourism has an active role in producing an ethnical discourse that is locally elaborated by the political and intellectual elite of Cuzco (the so-called “incanistas”) and globally consumed by tourists, natives, institutions, etc. Second, because these representations involve the participation of traditional authorities (the Mayors or “varayoqkuna”) as the political representatives of their communities in the staging of rituals for tourism. The hypothesis guiding this research suggests that, in the context of the post-colonial situation characterizing the insertion of peasant communities to the Peruvian society, the participation of “authentic” natives in these representations for tourism may be interpreted as an example of the political negotiation of indigenous groups vis-à-vis foreign powers.
    • Ítem
      El desierto y la miseria: indios y tributación en el sur peruano (Sibaya, 1822)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2006-04-12) Díaz, Alberto; Morong, Germán
      This article attempts discusses the local context associated with taxes and tributes in the Andean communities of the Peruvian South, particularly in the community of Sibaya. Documents desribing the social and economic conditions in which Sibaya inhabitants lived are analyzed in connection with two issues: (1) the problem that tax collection represented for foreign authorities (sub-delegates) and, (2) the impossibility of the community of Sibaya to pay taxes and tributes due to the death of community members, the territorial dispersion of the local and foreign inhabitants, and the precarious condition of the lands. This is an article which is partly aimed at offering a testimony on a moment in the past of the Andean societies located in Tarapaque during the 19th century and is ,therefore, an opportunity to go through the silent period of Peruvian history to which the people living in the area of the Atacama Desert adhered.