(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-10-21) Barrantes Serrano, Rosmery Cristina; Tambini Ávila, Mónica Margot; Atahualpa Cossio, Adolfo Fabián
This article delves into the importance of fashion law as a new specialty that has a transversal character in its relationship with the rest of the legal specialties. It highlights the importance of consumer associations as institutions that are at the service of fashion consumers’ interests, using the Fashion Law Latam Association as an example. The existing challenges presented by fashion law are closely related to the legal specializations that are part of fashion law. Legal professionals who decide to specialize in fashion law have the advantage of advising a wide range of clients who are part of the supply chain for those products produced in the fashion industry.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-10-21) Bello Knoll, Susy
This paper seeks to achieve a definition of Fashion Law. For this, the author has chosen to deconstruct the different elements of the term, explaining each one of them. The deconstruction determines what is Law for the author, what is Fashion and the use of connectors. To specify the task, the Fashion industry and the meaning generated by the use of binding prepositions in the case of Fashion Law and Fashion Law are analyzed. Thoughts, definitions and opinions of the legal sector around the world are collected as an additional contribution. The conclusion provided by the explanation comes from the construction of a concept with the chosen elements of deconstruction.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-10-21) Albanese, Carolina
This paper analyzes the right to the image, its extension and complexity in some sectors of the fashion industry, from the specialized perspective of Fashion Law, especially in Argentina. Thus, I investigate questions about the relevance of the image together with the identity, the extension of this prerogative as support and media, some issues that may arise from copyright and photography. I also reflect on the role of sustainability in the image of the human person.