Anthropologica. Vol. 27 Núm. 27 (2009)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

Educación y crianza
  • Juventud rural y lucha por la ciudadanía: límites y posibilidades en los procesos de socialización Olivera Rodríguez, Inés; 7-24
  • Niñez y desplazamiento lingüístico: reflexiones acerca del papel del habla en la socialización de los niños tobas de Buenos Aires Hecht, Ana Carolina; 24-45
  • La crianza y educación infantil como cuestión social, política y cotidiana: una etnografía en barrios populares del gran Buenos Aires Santillán, Laura; 47-73
  • Procesos de enseñanza no formal de la danza peruana entre migrantes peruanos en Buenos Aires Benza, Silvia; 75-91

  • Danza
  • Apuntes histórico-arqueológicos en torno a la danza del Huacón Barraza Lescano, Sergio; 93-121

  • Amazonía
  • ¿Salvajes opuestos al progreso?: aproximaciones históricas y antropológicas a las movilizaciones indígenas en la Amazonía peruana Espinosa, Óscar; 123-168

  • Testimonios para la historia de la antropología
  • Semblanza de Teófilo Altamirano Ossio, Juan; 169-176
  • Movimiento estudiantil de 1928 Bejarano, Temístocles; 177-195

  • Reseñas
  • Jociles, María Isabel y Adela Franzé (eds.) ¿Es la escuela el problema?: perspectivas socio-antropológicas de etnografía y educación. Madrid: trotta, 2008, 414 pp. Martínez Alamillo, Laura; 197-201
  • Del Pino, Fermín (ed.). «El antropólogo como autor, o de la reflexividad del sujeto euro-americano». Madrid: csic. (número temático de la Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares. 2008, tomo 63, n° 1) Rivera Andía, Juan Javier; 203-211
  • Sales Salvador, Dora. Puentes sobre el mundo. Cultura, traducción y forma literaria en las narrativas de transculturación de José María Arguedas y Vikram Chandra. Berna: peter lang, colección perspectivas Hispánicas, 2004, 677 pp. Pinilla Cisneros, Carmen María; 213-217
  • Revista de Antropología. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Época 4, número 5, 2007 (publicado en octubre de 2008). Rivera Andía, Juan Javier; 219-222
  • Plaza, Orlando (coord.). Las clases sociales en el Perú. Visiones y trayectorias. Lima: PUCP – CISEPA, 2007, 475 pp. Pozo Buleje, Erik; 223-225
  • En memoria de Olivia Harris Rivera, Cecilia; 5-6
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 14
    • Ítem
      Plaza, Orlando (coord.). Las clases sociales en el Perú. Visiones y trayectorias. Lima: PUCP – CISEPA, 2007, 475 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-04-10) Pozo Buleje, Erik
      The review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Sales Salvador, Dora. Puentes sobre el mundo. Cultura, traducción y forma literaria en las narrativas de transculturación de José María Arguedas y Vikram Chandra. Berna: peter lang, colección perspectivas Hispánicas, 2004, 677 pp.
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Pinilla Cisneros, Carmen María
      The review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Niñez y desplazamiento lingüístico: reflexiones acerca del papel del habla en la socialización de los niños tobas de Buenos Aires
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Hecht, Ana Carolina
      This paper will analyze the relationship between language practices and childhood among Toba children. The study focused on a marginal urban setting in Buenos Aires where monolingual practices are replacing bilingual ones. Consequently, many children are rapidly shifting to Spanish and loosing their command of the Toba language. Through an ethnographic research, we observed native childhood categorization (nogotshaxac) to systematize the meanings, implicit and explicit, that languages have along different moments in children’s life.
    • Ítem
      La crianza y educación infantil como cuestión social, política y cotidiana: una etnografía en barrios populares del gran Buenos Aires
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Santillán, Laura
      Important advances have been made in the social sciences with respect to our understanding of cultural variation in forms of childrearing and education.  However, common sense and certain academic discourses are persistently reductionist in taking only some aspects of childhood into consideration. In this article I analyze the processes and relations that surround activities related to childcare and education in contexts of marked social inequality.  The analysis is based on ethnographic fieldwork in popular neighbourhoods of Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. I demonstrate how the socialization and education of children living in poor neighbourhoods are embedded in networks of intervention that depend on diverse social actors that include but also exceed the bounds of the institutions that might be expected to relate to this sector.  These actors, discussed as «social» and «political,» produce meanings that refer to education in its connections to different dimensions of social life, in a framework of social relations that are shot through with power.
    • Ítem
      Apuntes histórico-arqueológicos en torno a la danza del Huacón
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Barraza Lescano, Sergio
      This article constitutes an attempt to document the origins of the «Huaconada,» a dance currently performed in the town of Mito (Mantaro Valley) but which, as can be inferred from archival sources, was widespread throughout the coast and central Andes of Peru during colonial times. The study of ethnohistorical sources from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries reveals a relationship between the «huacones»and the ancestral founders of the communities where the dance was performed. This explains the repeated association of these mythical characters with elements connected to ancestor cults in the Andes, such as caves (machay) and «huancas». The analysis suggests the role of this type of ceremonies in the agricultural calendar of native indigenous populations during the colonial period.From the review of archaeological evidence, it is suggested that certain pieces of wood carving from prehispanic burial wrappings and masks incorporating human remains represent the materials used for paraphernalia that is employed in the dance.
    • Ítem
      En memoria de Olivia Harris
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Rivera, Cecilia
      The article does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Movimiento estudiantil de 1928
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Bejarano, Temístocles
      The article does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Del Pino, Fermín (ed.). «El antropólogo como autor, o de la reflexividad del sujeto euro-americano». Madrid: csic. (número temático de la Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares. 2008, tomo 63, n° 1)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Rivera Andía, Juan Javier
      The review does not present a summary
    • Ítem
      Juventud rural y lucha por la ciudadanía: límites y posibilidades en los procesos de socialización
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Olivera Rodríguez, Inés
      This article is based on ethnographic fieldwork I conducted between January and March of 2007 in a small rural village on the north coast of Peru as part of the research for my Master’s Degree thesis. It addresses the ways that the rural youth give their own school experience. During the fieldwork, I lived in Chaquira for two months and conducted 18 in depth interviews with young people. I also visited the local high school and had informal conversations with different demographic groups in the village, mainly young parents (between 30 and 45 years old). Based on a definition of citizenship and a description of the youth’s every day life, this paper analyzes the processes of exclusion, not only as a structural problem, but also as the situation of internal oppression within a determined social space. The objective is to think about social space of rural youth as spaces that enable or hinder the formation of participatory citizens. For this reason, I focuse on the aspects of school experiences and on socia1 factors that contribute to the construction and exercise of citizenship.
    • Ítem
      Procesos de enseñanza no formal de la danza peruana entre migrantes peruanos en Buenos Aires
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009-03-29) Benza, Silvia
      The increasing migration of Peruvian citizens to Buenos Aires is a recent phenomenon, and the intensification of the development of organizations and their public presence are correlated with the participation in festivities, civic organizations and the like. This article is a preliminary report on research that focuses on Peruvian dance groups in Buenos Aires and that proposes to describe some of the ways that Peruvian folkdances are transmitted. I show how a process of non formal education is shaped by the interactions among dance groups and between them and representatives of the Peruvian Government in Buenos Aires; and how it is influenced by the need to «demonstrate through performance,» by ways of participating in the groups and by the previous knowledge of the dances that the performers bring with them. The analysis focuses on the microanalytic dimension of representations and practices of the dancers and directors of the dance groups. The fieldwork was carried out in the period 2005-2008 and focused on four groups of Peruvian folk dancers. The phenomena studied are shown to have great potential as intercultural mediators that transcend cultural manifestations to become mechanisms of consciousness raising that reach out to publics beyond the Peruvians themselves.