Anthropía. Núm. 19 (2022)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Carta editorial Comisión editorial de Anthropía; 5-8

  • Dossier
  • Violencia Política y Estado: Entrevista a Anouk Guiné Chávez Pacheco, Ruth; Potestá Cortez, Alexia; Zavala Condori, Edith; Quispetupa Incattito, Diana; 13-28
  • Estado ausente, segregación lingüística del quechua y sus implicancias sociales en el valle del Mantaro Salazar Solano, Roberto; 31-43
  • Desmoralizando el trabajo: Análisis del Objetivo Prioritario N°5 de la Política Nacional de Competitividad y Productividad (PNCP) desde la Antropología Económica Tello Asencio, Jennifer; 45-58
  • Afrontando la inestabilidad: Estrategias de subsistencia y adaptación de dos artistas limeños ante la precariedad laboral Reynoso Gálvez, Micaela; Vara Aliaga, Judith; 61-82
  • A propósito del servicio militar voluntario peruano: Una revisión de los últimos debates que abordan el ejercicio constitucional en el Perú contemporáneo Morales Tinta, Stefany; 85-107
  • Lombardi, F. (Director). (1988). La boca del lobo. [Película]. Inca Films Palacios Gamboa, Bhin; 109-120

  • Artículos
  • Entre la incertidumbre y la adaptación: Un análisis socio-organizacional a través de las relaciones de poder de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos en tiempos de la pandemia por Covid-19 Canelo Castillo, Gonzalo; Esquives Bravo, Sebastián; Flores Goicochea, Daniela; Valdiviezo Gutierrez, Juan Jesús; 125-141
  • Experiencias de discriminación laboral hacia jóvenes profesionales con cabello afro-rizado en Lima, Perú Guevara Villamar, Fiorella; Higashi Suárez, Ana Sofía; Peña Mendoza, Nicolet; Pérez Guerra, Joaquín; Ramírez Roca, Renzo; Ramos Gomez, Javier Alonso; 143-168
  • Heroínas del Bicentenario: Representación femenina en la serie numismática “La mujer en el proceso de Independencia del Perú” Reyes Fernández, Alexandra; Cárdenas Fajardo, Roxy; 171-189
  • Un estudio comparativo de la circulación de las producciones artísticas Iskonawa y Shipibo-Konibo Hernández Ronchi, Hillary; Santamaría Samaniego, Valeria; 191-208
  • Sartrapi, M., & Parronaud, V. (Directores). (2007). Persépolis. [Película]. Celluloid Dreams Flores Goicochea, Daniela; 211-220
  • Ortner, S. (1979). ¿Es la mujer con respecto al hombre lo que la naturaleza con respecto a la cultura? En Harris, O., & K. Young, Antropología y feminismo (109-131). Anagrama Munive Rodríguez, Andrea Irene; Azurín Icaza, André Nicolás; 223-231
  • Explorar

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    • Ítem
      Sartrapi, M., & Parronaud, V. (Directores). (2007). Persépolis. [Película]. Celluloid Dreams
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Flores Goicochea, Daniela
      El presente texto analizará el proceso de construcción de la feminidad de la protagonista a partir de los cambios sociales y políticos que experimenta en su país natal, así como desde su trayectoria como migrante. Se tomarán en cuenta las etapas de la vida de la protagonista, así como experiencias clave que sólo se entienden desde su condición como mujer. En línea con lo anterior, a lo largo de este ensayo se evaluará el potencial explicativo de las teorías sobre la construcción de las feminidades y los sistemas de género, al igual que la manera en la que estas contribuyen al análisis de Persépolis.
    • Ítem
      Ortner, S. (1979). ¿Es la mujer con respecto al hombre lo que la naturaleza con respecto a la cultura? En Harris, O., & K. Young, Antropología y feminismo (109-131). Anagrama
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Munive Rodríguez, Andrea Irene; Azurín Icaza, André Nicolás
      En definitiva, el artículo ¿Es la mujer al hombre lo que la naturaleza a la cultura?ofrece luces en torno a la depreciación de formas de ser y hacer “femeninas”; sin embargo, su reivindicación resulta más relevante en el presente, no solo en medio de la crisis ambiental actual, sino a causa de un mundo en el que, pese a las continuas luchas por la conquista de derechos y reconocimientos hacia las mujeres, todavía se invalida y obstaculiza el desarrollo de paradigmas alternativos a los construidos como masculinos. Al respecto, Ortner sentencia su escrito argumentando que el cambio social es cíclico: “una concepción cultural distinta solo puede surgir de una realidad social distinta; una realidad social distinta sólo puede surgir de una concepción cultural distinta” (1979, p. 130). Por consiguiente, ambas concepciones, entre significados y supuestos culturales e instituciones sociales, tienen que transformarse a favor de un mundo más justo, inclusivo y ecoamigable.
    • Ítem
      Un estudio comparativo de la circulación de las producciones artísticas Iskonawa y Shipibo-Konibo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Hernández Ronchi, Hillary; Santamaría Samaniego, Valeria
      Taking into account Appadurai’s proposal on the social life of things and regimes of value (1991), the following article analyzes the circulation of some artistic pieces of the Iskonawa and Shipibo-Konibo indigenous peoples in new circuits and spaces of value. Likewise, Alfred Gell’s proposal on art as a system of action is used to reflect on the social effects that these objects of art produce on the intermediaries and their social environment. Initially, the case of the artistic production of the Iskonawa women of the ‘Asociación de artesanas Pari Awin’ is worked, followed by the artistic production of the Shipibo-Konibo. For this purpose, it has been chosen to present a comparative study between both of these productions, with a focus on the aesthetics and their insertion into contemporary markets such as galleries, fairs, among others. The way in which certain objects are inserted in specific spaces and how others do not attain the same exposure is analyzed. This takes into account the relationship between both indigenous peoples, as some of the Iskonawa artists have a previous history with the production of Shipibo-konibo designs, due to the cultural exchange generated by their coexistence on the same territory.
    • Ítem
      Heroínas del Bicentenario: Representación femenina en la serie numismática “La mujer en el proceso de Independencia del Perú”
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Reyes Fernández, Alexandra; Cárdenas Fajardo, Roxy
      The present research arises from the production and circulation of the numismatic series “La mujer en el proceso de Independencia del Perú” as part of the activities developed for the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru. The main objective is to investigate the narrative of the nation from the female figures of heroines represented in this series. On the one hand, concepts such as the nation and banal nationalism are presented to lay the theoretical framework. Then, the main feminine iconographic representations in the country’s coins will be explained. Likewise, based on official information, the objectives of the production and circulation of the series in question are exposed. On the other hand, based on a set of interviews, the meaning of this series is explained from the point of view of a group of coin collectors, as well as members of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. From this, their impressions of the series will be taken into account, as well as its meanings. Finally, this article will end with some final thoughts on the main findings of this research.
    • Ítem
      Afrontando la inestabilidad: Estrategias de subsistencia y adaptación de dos artistas limeños ante la precariedad laboral
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Reynoso Gálvez, Micaela; Vara Aliaga, Judith
      In this article, we discuss the cases of two artists from Lima, focusing on the strategies they develop to confront institutionalized job insecurity. It is argued that such insecurity is due to the nature of a national art system co-opted by the elites and the State, in which external actors are left aside. Plus, this phenomenon is caused by the capitalist mode of production that frames the artistic labor in a specific way and logic. After carrying out fieldwork during June and July 2021, it is proposed that strategies can be analysed from four different axes: market relations, institutional and/or governmental support, use of social networks and cooperation networks with other colleagues. To achieve analytical depth, we put this empirical data in dialogue with the theoretical approaches that come from anthropology of art and studies of job insecurity and strategies developed by individual actors. Following a material perspective, we read these cases as embedded within a national art system that conditionates specific social and material foundations.
    • Ítem
      Experiencias de discriminación laboral hacia jóvenes profesionales con cabello afro-rizado en Lima, Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Guevara Villamar, Fiorella; Higashi Suárez, Ana Sofía; Peña Mendoza, Nicolet; Pérez Guerra, Joaquín; Ramírez Roca, Renzo; Ramos Gomez, Javier Alonso
      Racism is a current problem that generates structures of violence and structural inequality; it directly affects the individual experiences and quality of life of afro-descendant individuals. One of the ways in which this system expressed itself is in labor discrimination. Within the workplace, aesthetic categories such as “good presence” are often used to justify discrimination against individuals who, supposedly, do not fit into a professional climate. This article’s objective is to reflect on the experiences of labor discrimination against young Afro-Peruvian professionals because of their afro-curly hair in Metropolitan Lima. From the dialogue with the interviewees, it was found that the rejection of people with afro-curly hair in work spaces occurs implicitly and explicitly. This is based on stereotypes and prejudiced attitudes, and results in discrimination, which ends up reproducing and reinforcing racist structures. Faced with these, young people generate strategies that consist in the modification of their bodies, which bring consequences for the construction of their identity.
    • Ítem
      A propósito del servicio militar voluntario peruano: Una revisión de los últimos debates que abordan el ejercicio constitucional en el Perú contemporáneo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Morales Tinta, Stefany
      With the arrival of the pandemic due to Covid-19, the worsening of citizen insecurity and the rise of the new government, the nature of voluntary military service has been debated, seeking to make it part of a public policy that addresses young people. Against this background, at the social level some debates have been developed that point out before the importance of understanding the structural bases of youth. Starting from this approach, the following paper presents a review that shows the trajectory and scope of the exercise of voluntary military service in contemporary Peru. The structure of the text is based on two thematic axes: studies and approaches to military service and military service in the political agendas of governments. Interest in the exercise of military service in Latin America and its variants is part of a large body of research and there is a varied literature on the historical notion of military service. However, only in some cases have social aspects been considered in a very superficial way and not directly related to military service, but with respect to the profession. Given this absence, it is hoped to contribute with a scope that highlights this often invisible and complex space, considering that it can be promising in terms of data for the analysis of political decisions that lead to strengthening the actions of the Armed Forces institutions by time to convene volunteer military personnel and future public policies for youth.
    • Ítem
      Desmoralizando el trabajo: Análisis del Objetivo Prioritario N°5 de la Política Nacional de Competitividad y Productividad (PNCP) desde la Antropología Económica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Tello Asencio, Jennifer
      This article aims to present an analysis of the Priority Objective N°5 of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Policy (NCPP) from the perspective of economic anthropology. This objective refers to the creation of conditions to enable the Peruvian labor market to be more dynamic and competitive and to generate decent employment. To do this, we resort to key concepts used in this branch of anthropology, such as the labor theory of value (Marx, 1975; Collins, 2016), that of accumulation by dispossession (Kasmir and Carbonella, 2014), precariousness (Castel, 2014), as well as the theoretical approach of the moral economy (Carrier, 2018; Thompson, 1991; Scott, 1977; Palomera and Vetta, 2016). In the first part, the main aspects of the diagnosis of the Peruvian labor market from the NCPP are presented. Next, the policy measures proposed in the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan are examined to determine how they fulfill the objective. Afterwards, the NCPP design and approval process is explored. Finally, it is concluded that the approval of this policy should be understood as part of a larger-scale process that aims to stripping workers of their non-wage labor benefits. This dispossession makes workers’ lives precarious and weakens the moral component of the Peruvian economy, that is, respect for the fulfillment of the obligations that people contract with each other in the framework of social relations and economic transactions.
    • Ítem
      Estado ausente, segregación lingüística del quechua y sus implicancias sociales en el valle del Mantaro
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) Salazar Solano, Roberto
      In this so far unpublished interview, carried out on September 20, 2019 in the city of Huancayo, doctor Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino (Ph D. in Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), with honorary doctorate from the National University of the Center of Peru, exposes his reflections on the social problems of the Quechua language and the constant segregation of its speakers. He provides us an account and reason, from an interdisciplinary approach, of the colonial history whose effects radiates up to the present, evidencing, in an absent State, official educational strategies and private ones that, buried and at the same time manifested, turn out to be symbolically violent, stigmatizing the practice and knowledge of the comunolects in the Mantaro valley. Professor Cerrón-Palomino also explains in detail his work in interpreting and modernizing the vocabulary compiled by the Franciscan huancaíno, José Francisco María Ráez, in the first decades of the XXth century, by editing philologically the Diccionario huanca quechua-castellano/ castellano-quechua of the illustrius Franciscan friar. Finally, reference is made to his tenacious investigation on the Puquina language, which the interviewed proposes as the ancestral tongue of the Incas.
    • Ítem
      Carta Editorial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-28) de Anthropía, Comisión editorial
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