(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Liva, Stefano
Thanks to Severan jurists’ testimonies collected in the Digest, we know that the appeal eligibility was conditioned by the «a quo» judge’s analysis of the respect of the prescribed terms and formalities and the nature of the contested measure. Against the possible refusal of the first instance judge, the parties were given the opportunity to take their case to the «ad quem» judge, who could confirm the decision and give way to the implementation of the judgment, or accept the part’s motion and proceed to the examination of the merits of the case. The Draft of the Model Civil Procedure Code for Ibero-America (texto del anteproyecto del Código Procesal Civil Modelo para Iberoamérica) follows, on the subject of appeal, Roman discipline faithfully, as regards both the «a quo» judge’s role and the possibility of contesting the latter’s decision before the «ad quem» judge through the complaint (recurso de queja). The strong Roman stamp also arises, similarly, in Peru’s Civil Procedure Code, where the right to a second court has a very incisive constitutional backing. The traditional problem to keep the justice process within reasonable time limits is closely connected with the appeal eligibility. The solution adopted by Roman Law —to take financial penalties to discourage daring appeals, filtering thus the merely delaying appeals— could represent an interesting indication for legislators, who are still grappling with the need to ensure the right, on the one hand, to appeal and to efficiency regarding the administration of justice on the other hand.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Arrieta Caro, José
Since its appearance in Europe, the trial by jury had to travel a long path until it became the official procedure to try criminal cases in the United States. Although it was not really created with that specific purpose, over the years it experienced memorable moments in which it was granted with the prestige and value required to be inserted in the Constitution of that country, as a safeguard against the arbitrariness of the governmental power. Today, however, the great importance that it had in the past has significantly decreased. The needs and practices of a system with a particularly high rate of convictions have relegated and transformed it into a real endangered specie. The following article describes and explains its birth and rise, as well as its subsequent virtual disappearance due to the not so efficient as dangerous guilty pleas.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Glave Mavila, Carlos
Given the lack of regulation about the protection of collective rights in Peru, the main goal of this investigation is to show what should be some elements of the content of a due collective process. Thus each of its elements is studied taking into account the Peruvian jurisprudence and legislation.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Basaure Miranda, Isaac Marcelo
The objective of this paper is to analyze the causes and antecedents that have contributed to the fact that, in Argentina, the office of Ombudsman remains vacant. Likewise, the normative origins of the organ are reviewed, in order to understand its value and democratic mission. In the ruling entitled Center for Studies for the Promotion of Equality and Solidarity and Others and the Ministry of Energy and Mining under Collective Protection (Centro de Estudios para la Promoción de la Igualdad y la Solidaridad y otros c/ Ministerio de Energía y Minería s/ amparo colectivo), issued on August 18, 2016, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation exhorted the Congress of the Nation to appoint an Ombudsman in accordance with the provisions conferred on it by article 86 of the National Constitution. The Court’s decision exposed a long-standing legal problem: the absence of an Ombudsman.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Zufelato, Camilo
El artículo analiza la llamada prohibición de la decisión-sorpresacomo regla que deriva del principio de contradicción y en tanto innovacióndel Código Procesal Civil brasileño del año 2015, observando el plano desu incidencia. Llega a la conclusión de que tal prohibición es inherente ala previsión general del derecho de defensa y, por lo tanto, resulta aplicableprescindiendo de una disposición legal expresa, tal como en el caso delderecho peruano.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Brandt, Hans-Jürgen
The Constitution of Peru claims a law, which regulates the coordination of the indigenous justice with the national judicial system. But since 1993 when the Constitution was enacted, Congress has failed to fulfill this task. The article describes the problems resulting from this legal vacuum and substantiates the need for a law of intercultural coordination of the judiciaries. However, the content of the required law is controversial. In the discussion four currents of opinion can be determined. The end points are characterized, on the one hand, by the «minimalists», who want to reduce the legal competences of the communities to a minimum, and the «maximalists», on the other hand, who advocate unlimited competences of the indigenous judiciary. The article analyzes the arguments of the different currents of opinion and identifies the challenges of the legislative work.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Rivarola Reisz, José Domingo; Núñez del Prado Chaves, Fabio
What is «liquidable» and how should this concept be faced by arbitrators and judges? Can an enforcement judge determine concepts such as costs, interests and/or penalties if the arbitral tribunal has not provided any parameters? What fundamental rights might be violated? In accordance with international arbitration practice, we will deal here with the problems arising from the division of functions between judges and arbitrators in relation to the enforcement of the «liquidable» concepts.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Alfaro, Luis
In this article, the issue around abandonment in judicial proceedings (Procedural abandonment) related with the imprescriptible pretensions will be analyzed, with a special mention to those relative to the right to property. The issue discussed in the National Jurisdictional Plenary of Civil Law and Civil Procedure of 2016 will be criticized. The true issue to be solved is revealed, it’s the one related to the imprescriptible pretensions as case of inappropriateness of abandonment. It raises reasons that put in question the normative provision that links the procedural abandonment with those pretensions. Precisely because of the lack of strong arguments to justify the relation, a necessary legislative amendment is proposed.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-06-15) Blanco, Cristina; Marinelli, Chiara
The text aims to identify aspects that should be considered in preparing the State’s institutions to effectively combat human trafficking of a transnational nature. It addresses four main issues. First, it notices the specific problems of foreign human trafficking victims, which could be confused or overlapped with other categories, such as migrant smuggling and illegal migrant status. Subsequently, it develops three fundamental arguments that give primacy to their status as victims of human trafficking and their specialized attention from a human rights perspective. Thirdly, it provides guidelines on the elements that should constitute this approach from the specific rights of foreign victims of human trafficking. Finally, the Peruvian legal and institutional framework is analyzed, as well as its possibilities and challenges for adequate attention to foreign victims of trafficking.