¿Empoderadas también a ras de cancha?: Percepción de la evolución de la participación de las mujeres en el periodismo deportivo peruano en la última década desde las propias participantes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación analiza, a partir de la percepción de ocho periodistas deportivas
peruanas, la evolución de su participación en el periodismo deportivo peruano en los últimos
diez años; ello debido a la escasa presencia de periodistas en roles como comentaristas,
productoras, narradoras, a comparación de sus colegas masculinos. Este análisis se llevó a
cabo mediante entrevistas a profundidad realizadas a un grupo de ocho mujeres periodistas
que se encuentren laborando en un medio de comunicación deportivo durante la última
década, en diversos formatos, tales como prensa escrita, televisión, radio o plataformas
digitales. Como resultado de este análisis se identificó cuatro categorías emergentes producto
de las entrevistas realizadas: 1) Trayectoria Profesional, en donde se exploró la experiencia
laboral de las periodistas, logros, desafíos, obstáculos y evolución en el ámbito deportivo; 2)
Oportunidad Laboral, se analizó las dificultades para acceder a puestos laborales, equidad
salarial y factores que influyen en su progreso profesional; 3) Equidad de Género, se detalló
las percepciones y experiencias de las periodistas, identificando obstáculos y avances hacia
una igualdad de oportunidades; 4) Acceso y relación con las fuentes, se analizó el acceso a
entrevistas, diferencias en el trato, prejuicios y restricciones debido a su género. A través de
esta investigación se concluyó que, a partir de la percepción de las ocho entrevistadas, la
participación de las mujeres ha aumentado significativamente en la última década, el cual se
atribuye a una mayor conciencia sobre la igualdad de género y la presencia creciente de
mujeres en roles de liderazgo en los medios de comunicación.
This research analyses, based on the perception of eight Peruvian female sports journalists, the evolution of their participation in Peruvian sports journalism in the last ten years; this is due to the scarce presence of female journalists in roles such as commentators, producers, narrators, compared to their male colleagues. This analysis was carried out through in-depth interviews with a group of eight women journalists who have been working in a sports media during the last decade, in different formats, such as written press, television, radio or digital platform. As a result of this analysis, four emerging categories were identified as a result of the interviews conducted: 1) Professional Trayectory, where the journalists‘ work experience, achievements, challenges, obstacles and evolution in the sports field were explored; 2) Job Opportunity, the difficulties in accessing jobs, salary equity and factors influencing their professional progress were analysed; 3) Gender Equity, the journalists’ perceptions and experiences were detailed, identifying obstacles and progress towards equal opportunities; 4) Access and relationship with sources, access to interviews, differences in treatment, prejudices and restrictions due to their gender were analysed. Through this research it was concluded that, based on the perception of the eight interviewees, women's participation has increased significantly in the last decade, which is attributed to a greater awareness of gender equality and the growing presence of women in leadership roles in the media.
This research analyses, based on the perception of eight Peruvian female sports journalists, the evolution of their participation in Peruvian sports journalism in the last ten years; this is due to the scarce presence of female journalists in roles such as commentators, producers, narrators, compared to their male colleagues. This analysis was carried out through in-depth interviews with a group of eight women journalists who have been working in a sports media during the last decade, in different formats, such as written press, television, radio or digital platform. As a result of this analysis, four emerging categories were identified as a result of the interviews conducted: 1) Professional Trayectory, where the journalists‘ work experience, achievements, challenges, obstacles and evolution in the sports field were explored; 2) Job Opportunity, the difficulties in accessing jobs, salary equity and factors influencing their professional progress were analysed; 3) Gender Equity, the journalists’ perceptions and experiences were detailed, identifying obstacles and progress towards equal opportunities; 4) Access and relationship with sources, access to interviews, differences in treatment, prejudices and restrictions due to their gender were analysed. Through this research it was concluded that, based on the perception of the eight interviewees, women's participation has increased significantly in the last decade, which is attributed to a greater awareness of gender equality and the growing presence of women in leadership roles in the media.
Palabras clave
Periodismo deportivo--Perú, Mujeres periodistas--Perú, Mujeres en los medios de comunicación de masas--Perú, Rol sexual--Perú