Diseño de serie de micro animaciones para contribuir a la presentación de temas relacionados con la gestión y educación de la menstruación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio aborda el tema de la menstruación, un proceso natural e
importante para la salud femenina que tiende a ser ocultado; la mayoría de
niñas y adolescentes viven su primera menstruación o menarquia de manera
solitaria, con vergüenza y miedo debido a la escasa información y la circulación
de mitos o tabúes culturales alrededor de esta, la cual no solo afecta en sus
vivencias psico-sociales sino que repercuten en su salud general.
De tal manera, se analizan las raíces de esta problemática a nivel del
estado peruano, donde se encontró que existe muy poca información sobre el
tema al alcance de niñas y adolescentes entre los 10 a 15 años, y que el
material existente enfocado en las necesidades de este público tiende a ser
desactualizado o de difícil acceso. Por tal motivo, se propone una medida
concreta que contribuya a la educación y gestión menstrual, un proyecto de
diseño de una serie de micro animaciones que comunique asertivamente
información y experiencias durante el ciclo menstrual.
A través del diseño, se busca implementar material educativo que sea
didáctico y accesible para el público con una gráfica, narrativa y comunicación
que mejore las experiencias educativas desde el hogar; teniendo como eje
principal el juego pues es ideal durante la etapa de niñez. El proyecto "Fluyo"
ofrece un enfoque innovador que busca transformar los discursos negativos en
torno a la menstruación, y fortalecer la confianza en la reapropiación y cuidado
del cuerpo desde una perspectiva bio-psico-social; busca generar un impacto
significativo en la salud y empoderamiento de niñas y mujeres.
The current research explores menstruation, an important natural process in female health that tends to be hidden; meanwhile, most children and teenagers live their first menstruation or menarche on their own, with shame and fear due to the lack of information and myths or cultural taboos that surrounds it, which not only affects their psycho-social experiences but also their general health. As a result, the roots of this problem are analysed at national scale, where it was found that only few information is available to children and teenagers between 10 and 15 years old, and the existing material tends to be confusing, outdated, or difficult to access. For this reason, it is proposed a concrete measure that contributes to menstrual education and management, a design project consisting of a micro-animations series focused aimed at Peruvian children and teenagers from 10 to 15 years old to communicate assertively information, and situations that occur during the menstrual cycle. Through design, the goal is to develop educational material that is both didactic and accessible to the public with graphics, narrative, and communication to improve learning experiences at home; having play as the main pillar, as it is ideal during the stage of childhood. The "Fluyo" project offers an innovative approach that transforms the negative narratives around menstruation. In addition, it focuses on reinforcing confidence in the reappropriation and selfcare from a bio-psycho-social perspective. This project is designed to make a major impact on the health and self-empowerment for girls and women.
The current research explores menstruation, an important natural process in female health that tends to be hidden; meanwhile, most children and teenagers live their first menstruation or menarche on their own, with shame and fear due to the lack of information and myths or cultural taboos that surrounds it, which not only affects their psycho-social experiences but also their general health. As a result, the roots of this problem are analysed at national scale, where it was found that only few information is available to children and teenagers between 10 and 15 years old, and the existing material tends to be confusing, outdated, or difficult to access. For this reason, it is proposed a concrete measure that contributes to menstrual education and management, a design project consisting of a micro-animations series focused aimed at Peruvian children and teenagers from 10 to 15 years old to communicate assertively information, and situations that occur during the menstrual cycle. Through design, the goal is to develop educational material that is both didactic and accessible to the public with graphics, narrative, and communication to improve learning experiences at home; having play as the main pillar, as it is ideal during the stage of childhood. The "Fluyo" project offers an innovative approach that transforms the negative narratives around menstruation. In addition, it focuses on reinforcing confidence in the reappropriation and selfcare from a bio-psycho-social perspective. This project is designed to make a major impact on the health and self-empowerment for girls and women.
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