Nuevas formas de construir masculinidades: La construcción de masculinidades en jóvenes varones voleibolistas de la PUCP en el año 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Como actividades deportivas alternativas al fútbol, básquetbol, boxeo, se han
ido impulsando diversas actividades deportivas, como es el caso del voleibol. En Perú,
el voleibol es uno de los deportes sobre el que menos estudios se han realizado y,
sobre todo, en relación a sus orígenes. En este contexto, la presente investigación
propone como objetivo analizar la manera en que los jóvenes varones, que tienen
como actividad deportiva principal al voleibol de piso, construyen su masculinidad en
la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Para lo cual, se busca identificar las
percepciones preconcebidas de los jóvenes respecto a este deporte; a los sentidos de
masculinidad que hay sobre este; a los cambios que encontraron en el proceso de
construcción de masculinidades al verse inmerso en el voleibol; qué matices existen
entre los diferentes jugadores; y qué elementos configuran una diferente construcción
de la masculinidad en torno al deporte. A través de una aproximación metodológica
cualitativa y de la técnica de entrevistas semiestructuradas, se encontró que los
jóvenes varones de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú que se dedican a la
práctica del voleibol tienden a desarrollar un tipo de masculinidad que difiere mucho
de la común (según algunos, la hegemónica) debido a que, al entrar en contacto con
el deporte, y con un ambiente ajeno a las prácticas discriminatorias permite la
construcción de sus masculinidades, y que estas no se asocien a la práctica
hegemónica que muchas veces está articulada a este tipo de disciplina deportiva.
As alternative sports activities to football, basketball, and boxing, in various scenarios, various sports activities have been promoted, such as volleyball, so that men are included and part of them. In Peru, volleyball is one of the sports studied the least and, above all, in terms of its origins. In this context, this research aims to analyze the way in which young men, whose main sports activity is floor volleyball, build their masculinity at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. For which, it seeks to identify the preconceived perceptions of young men regarding sport and the sense of masculinity about it, the changes they found in the process of building masculinities when getting immersed in volleyball, and what nuances exist between the different players and what elements configure a different construction of masculinity around sport. Through a qualitative methodological approach and the technique of semistructured interviews, it was found that young men from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru who are dedicated to the practice of volleyball tend to develop a type of masculinity that differs greatly from the common one – the hegemonic – because, when getting into contact with sport, they realize the changes that this action generates in the construction of their masculinities, since this does not allow them to associate themselves with this type of sports discipline.
As alternative sports activities to football, basketball, and boxing, in various scenarios, various sports activities have been promoted, such as volleyball, so that men are included and part of them. In Peru, volleyball is one of the sports studied the least and, above all, in terms of its origins. In this context, this research aims to analyze the way in which young men, whose main sports activity is floor volleyball, build their masculinity at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. For which, it seeks to identify the preconceived perceptions of young men regarding sport and the sense of masculinity about it, the changes they found in the process of building masculinities when getting immersed in volleyball, and what nuances exist between the different players and what elements configure a different construction of masculinity around sport. Through a qualitative methodological approach and the technique of semistructured interviews, it was found that young men from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru who are dedicated to the practice of volleyball tend to develop a type of masculinity that differs greatly from the common one – the hegemonic – because, when getting into contact with sport, they realize the changes that this action generates in the construction of their masculinities, since this does not allow them to associate themselves with this type of sports discipline.
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