El proceso creativo y de realización del cortometraje “La mejor mamá del mundo” desde la producción y dirección
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
“La mejor mamá del mundo” es un cortometraje de género dramático que busca retratar el
mundo infantil de una niña cuya madre se encuentra atrapada en una situación de abuso
doméstico. Asimismo, representa la necesidad de una madre desesperada por preservar la
inocencia e integridad psicológica de su hija. A través de los colores, las atmósferas sonoras,
y en general un lenguaje audiovisual pausado, quieto e intrigante se trata de desvelar la
oscura realidad detrás de un universo infantil que intenta en vano ser protegido por una madre
abnegada. El presente trabajo de investigación busca recopilar los procesos de realización
audiovisual generados desde las áreas de dirección, producción y edición para llevar a cabo el
producto final. El trabajo comprende el desarrollo del proyecto desde su concepción como
idea, pasando por el desarrollo del guión, el planteamiento de las propuestas creativas y su
eventual realización, hasta el proceso de postproducción, específicamente en su
procesamiento visual. El resultado final es un cortometraje con un lenguaje audiovisual lleno
de simbolismos, los cuales sumergen al espectador en la visión infantil de una niña afectada
por el abuso doméstico hacía su madre, a pesar de los intentos de ésta por protegerla de la
“La mejor mamá del mundo” is a dramatic genre short film that seeks to portray the childhood world of a girl whose mother is trapped in a situation of domestic abuse. Likewise, it represents the need of a desperate mother to preserve the innocence and psychological integrity of her daughter. Through the colors, the sound atmospheres, and in general a slow, still and intriguing audiovisual language, it tries to reveal the dark reality behind a childish universe that tries in vain to be protected by a devoted mother. This research work seeks to compile the audiovisual production processes generated from the areas of direction, production and editing to carry out the final product. The work includes the development of the project from its conception as an idea, going through the development of the script, the approach of the creative proposals and its eventual realization, up to the post-production process, specifically in its visual processing. The final result is a short film with an audiovisual language full of symbolism, which immerses the viewer in the childish vision of a girl affected by domestic abuse towards her mother, despite her attempts to protect her from the truth.
“La mejor mamá del mundo” is a dramatic genre short film that seeks to portray the childhood world of a girl whose mother is trapped in a situation of domestic abuse. Likewise, it represents the need of a desperate mother to preserve the innocence and psychological integrity of her daughter. Through the colors, the sound atmospheres, and in general a slow, still and intriguing audiovisual language, it tries to reveal the dark reality behind a childish universe that tries in vain to be protected by a devoted mother. This research work seeks to compile the audiovisual production processes generated from the areas of direction, production and editing to carry out the final product. The work includes the development of the project from its conception as an idea, going through the development of the script, the approach of the creative proposals and its eventual realization, up to the post-production process, specifically in its visual processing. The final result is a short film with an audiovisual language full of symbolism, which immerses the viewer in the childish vision of a girl affected by domestic abuse towards her mother, despite her attempts to protect her from the truth.