Modelo prolab: Petilove, app que integra productos y servicios para mascotas en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente documento explica un modelo de negocio basado en el crecimiento del mercado
de las mascotas y el comercio electrónico en los últimos cinco años. En el cual mediante la
aplicación de metodologías ágiles se pudo determinar que la problemática incide en la oferta
fragmentada y poca confianza en los proveedores por el medio digital, así como la limitación
de servicios digitales y de tiempo por parte de los usuarios. En ese sentido, se propone como
solución a Petilove, que consiste en un marketplace dirigido a dueños de mascotas del NSE
AB de Lima Moderna inicialmente, que satisface la necesidad de encontrar una variedad de
servicios y productos de forma integral y en un solo lugar.
La solución fue validada mediante 153 encuestas realizadas a usuarios petlovers, en
donde el 73% estaría dispuesto a usar la plataforma. Asimismo, también se realizaron 47
encuestas a proveedores pet shops y veterinarias, donde el 72% afirmó que le interesa la
solución presentada y se sumaría como aliado, puesto que complementará sus canales de
venta con una disposición de pago en promedio del 8% de comisión, lo que demuestra la
deseabilidad y factibilidad en conjunto con el plan de operaciones y marketing. En cuanto a la
viabilidad financiera, se obtiene un VAN de S/ 2,929,727; con una TIRM de 66%, a una tasa
de descuento del 25% y un payback a 2.68 años.
Finalmente, se concluye que Petilove es un negocio sostenible alineado a las ODS 8,
11, 12, fomentando el crecimiento de pequeños negocios del rubro mascotas, el trabajo
decente, la reducción de desperdicios de alimentos, así como la reducción y prevención de
residuos contaminantes. La solución busca combinar la venta de productos, y servicios como
asesoría veterinaria, entre otros, además de canalizar servicios de adopción y donación, a
través de alianzas con albergues; cubriendo así los servicios principales más demandados por
los usuarios dueños de mascotas. Dentro de los principales beneficios es el ahorro de tiempo
para los usuarios, obteniendo un VAN social de S/. 4,190,637.
This document explains a business model based on the growth of the pet market and e commerce in the last five years. In which, through the application of agile methodologies, it was possible to determine that the problem consists in the fragmented offer and lacking trust in providers through the digital medium, as well as the limitation of digital services and free time by users. In this sense, Petilove is proposed as a solution, which consists of a marketplace initially aimed at pet owners of the NSE AB of Lima Moderna, which satisfies the need to find a variety of services and products comprehensively and in one place. The solution was validated through 153 surveys of petlover users, where 73% would be willing to use the platform. Likewise, 47 surveys were also conducted of pet shop and veterinary suppliers, where 72% stated that they are interested in the solution presented and would join as an ally, since it will complement their sales channels with an average payment arrangement of 8% commission, which demonstrates the desirability and feasibility in conjunction with the operations and marketing plan. Regarding financial viability, a NPV of S/ 2,929,727 is obtained; with an IRRM of 66%, at a discount rate of 25% and a payback of 2.68 years. Finally, it is concluded that Petilove is a sustainable business aligned with ODS 8, 11, 12, promoting the growth of small businesses in the pet category, decent work, the reduction of food waste, as well as the reduction and prevention of polluting waste. The solution seeks to combine the sale of products, and services such as veterinary advice, among others, in addition to channeling adoption and donation services, through alliances with shelters; thus, covering the main services most demanded by users who own pets. Among the main benefits is the saving of time for users, obtaining a social NPV of S/. 4,190,637.
This document explains a business model based on the growth of the pet market and e commerce in the last five years. In which, through the application of agile methodologies, it was possible to determine that the problem consists in the fragmented offer and lacking trust in providers through the digital medium, as well as the limitation of digital services and free time by users. In this sense, Petilove is proposed as a solution, which consists of a marketplace initially aimed at pet owners of the NSE AB of Lima Moderna, which satisfies the need to find a variety of services and products comprehensively and in one place. The solution was validated through 153 surveys of petlover users, where 73% would be willing to use the platform. Likewise, 47 surveys were also conducted of pet shop and veterinary suppliers, where 72% stated that they are interested in the solution presented and would join as an ally, since it will complement their sales channels with an average payment arrangement of 8% commission, which demonstrates the desirability and feasibility in conjunction with the operations and marketing plan. Regarding financial viability, a NPV of S/ 2,929,727 is obtained; with an IRRM of 66%, at a discount rate of 25% and a payback of 2.68 years. Finally, it is concluded that Petilove is a sustainable business aligned with ODS 8, 11, 12, promoting the growth of small businesses in the pet category, decent work, the reduction of food waste, as well as the reduction and prevention of polluting waste. The solution seeks to combine the sale of products, and services such as veterinary advice, among others, in addition to channeling adoption and donation services, through alliances with shelters; thus, covering the main services most demanded by users who own pets. Among the main benefits is the saving of time for users, obtaining a social NPV of S/. 4,190,637.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles, Servicios digitales, Comercio electrónico--Perú, Desarrollo sostenible--Perú
Licencia Creative Commons
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