Planeamiento estratégico para el sector capsicum en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Comprender la situación actual del sector del Capsicum peruano supone entender su
relevancia histórica y económica en la vida de los peruanos. Al 2016, el Perú ocupó el octavo
lugar en las exportaciones mundiales de Capsicum y se ubicó en el tercer lugar en la
presentación en conserva y, en el cuarto lugar, en la presentación seco. Considerando este
punto de partida, el presente Plan Estratégico propone una visión de largo plazo al 2028 para
la industria del Capsicum peruano, que busca incrementar su producción y productividad,
mejorar su posición actual en el ranking mundial y lograr el reconocimiento internacional de
la denominación de origen del Capsicum peruano y su condición de “Superfoods Perú”. Las
principales ventajas para lograr este objetivo están asociadas con el crecimiento sostenido de
la economía del país, el rol promotor asumido por el gobierno peruano (a través de leyes,
tratados, beneficios y planes estratégicos enfocados en el sector agrario), la diversidad y
calidad de los productos, la posibilidad de adoptar nuevas tecnologías de producción y la
oportunidad de ampliar y acceder a nuevos mercados internacionales aprovechando la contra
estación con el hemisferio norte. El reto consiste no sólo en superar la informalidad y crisis
institucional del Estado, la deficiente infraestructura agrícola y la poca tecnificación y
financiamiento del sector; sino también en afianzar los logros obtenidos por las grandes
agroexportadoras de la industria y ampliar la base de la producción agrícola incorporando a
los pequeños productores dentro de la cadena de valor: asociándolos, capacitándolos,
impulsando la adopción de tecnología y promoviendo el acceso a fuentes de financiamiento.
De esta manera, la industria del Capsicum peruano puede mejorar su acceso y
posicionamiento en los mercados internacionales diferenciándose con denominación de
origen y marca “Superfoods Perú”, apoyándose en la innovación, respeto al medio ambiente
y desarrollo sostenible. Las estrategias para lograrlo están planteadas en el presente Plan
Understanding the current situation of the Peruvian Capsicum industry requires the recognition of its historical and economic importance for Peruvians. As of 2016, Peru was the eighth largest exporter of Capsicum in the world; within which it occupied the third place among preserved Capsicums and fourth in dehydrated presentations. Considering this starting point, this Strategic Plan proposes a 2028 vision for the Peruvian Capsicum industry that seeks to increase production and productivity, improve its global rankings, and achieve international recognition of a protected designation of origin and its brand “Superfoods Peru”. The main objectives of achieving these goals are related to the sustained economic growth it will promote, support the national development assistance initiatives of the Peruvian government (through the implementation of laws, international treaties, tax benefits and incentives targeting the agricultural sector), highlight the quality and diversity of Peruvian Capsicums, incorporate new production technologies, and grow in new and existing overseas markets taking advantage of the counter-seasonal agricultural calendar versus the northern hemisphere. The challenges that lie ahead include the endemic informality and the crisis that affect many of the Peruvian’s government institutions; the lack of infrastructure, tight access to financing and the limited implementation of modern technologies that affects the agricultural sector; reinforcing the achievements of the large agro-export companies and incorporating small farmers in the modern value chain: through association, training, adoption of new technologies and improving access to adequate financing. The Peruvian Capsicum industry can improve its positioning and gain access to new international markets differentiating itself with protected designation of origin and the brand of “Superfoods Peru”, supported by innovation, respect for the environment and sustainable development. The strategies required to achieve these goals are set forth in this Strategic Plan.
Understanding the current situation of the Peruvian Capsicum industry requires the recognition of its historical and economic importance for Peruvians. As of 2016, Peru was the eighth largest exporter of Capsicum in the world; within which it occupied the third place among preserved Capsicums and fourth in dehydrated presentations. Considering this starting point, this Strategic Plan proposes a 2028 vision for the Peruvian Capsicum industry that seeks to increase production and productivity, improve its global rankings, and achieve international recognition of a protected designation of origin and its brand “Superfoods Peru”. The main objectives of achieving these goals are related to the sustained economic growth it will promote, support the national development assistance initiatives of the Peruvian government (through the implementation of laws, international treaties, tax benefits and incentives targeting the agricultural sector), highlight the quality and diversity of Peruvian Capsicums, incorporate new production technologies, and grow in new and existing overseas markets taking advantage of the counter-seasonal agricultural calendar versus the northern hemisphere. The challenges that lie ahead include the endemic informality and the crisis that affect many of the Peruvian’s government institutions; the lack of infrastructure, tight access to financing and the limited implementation of modern technologies that affects the agricultural sector; reinforcing the achievements of the large agro-export companies and incorporating small farmers in the modern value chain: through association, training, adoption of new technologies and improving access to adequate financing. The Peruvian Capsicum industry can improve its positioning and gain access to new international markets differentiating itself with protected designation of origin and the brand of “Superfoods Peru”, supported by innovation, respect for the environment and sustainable development. The strategies required to achieve these goals are set forth in this Strategic Plan.
Palabras clave
Sector Capsicum--Perú, Agroindustria--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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