La concurrencia en estado de embriaguez al centro de trabajo como vulneración al deber de la buena fe laboral: Modificación al inciso e) del artículo 25° de la Ley de Productividad y Competitividad Laboral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La concurrencia en estado de embriaguez al centro de trabajo es una conducta
que a nivel normativo y jurisprudencial ha generado gran controversia, debido a
la interpretación extensiva y permisiva de los operadores de justicia. Asimismo,
existe una falta de rigurosidad para sancionar esta conducta, ya que nuestra
norma solo ampara dos supuestos para la aplicación de la medida disciplinaria
del despido, lo cual desvirtualiza la gravedad y el impacto que esta conducta
produce por si sola en el ámbito laboral, como es la baja productividad en sus
actividades, accidentes de trabajo, rendimiento deficiente, etc.
Siendo así, nuestra legislación no valora la afectación al principio de la buena fe
laboral que causa este comportamiento, así como a los lineamientos de
seguridad y salud en el trabajo, que velan por el bienestar físico y mental de
todos los trabajadores y los cuales se deben respetar a lo largo de toda la
relación laboral.
En esa línea, el objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es proponer la
modificación del inciso e) del artículo 25° de la Ley de Productividad y
Competitividad Laboral, con la finalidad de establecer parámetros pertinentes
que sancionen al trabajador a través del análisis de diversos factores, ya que
esta conducta no puede limitarse a ser sancionada legalmente por solo dos
supuesto, pues el simple hecho de que el trabajador se encuentre bajo los
efectos del alcohol implica, no solo una falta laboral, sino un incumplimiento a los
deberes de buena conducta y de seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
Go to the workspace drunkenness is a behavior that has generated great controversy at the legislation and jurisprudential level, due to the extensive and permissive interpretation of judge. Likewise, there is a lack of rigor in punishing this conduct, since our labor law only covers two cases for the application of the disciplinary measure of dismissal, which distorts the seriousness and impact that this behavior cause by itself in the workplace, such as low productivity in their activities, work accidents, poor performance, etc. In fact, our legislation does not value the affectation of the principle of good labor faith caused by this behavior, as well as the safety and health laws at work, which safeguard the physical and mental well-being of all workers and which are must be respected throughout the employment relationship. In this line, the main objective of this research work is to propose the modification of subparagraph e) of article 25 of Ley de Productividad y Competitividad Laboral, with the purpose of establishing pertinent parameters that punish the worker through the analysis of various factors, because this conduct cannot be limited to being legally sanctioned for only two cases, cause the simple fact that the employee is under the influence of alcohol implies, not only a lack of work, but a breach of the duties of good conduct and safety and health at work.
Go to the workspace drunkenness is a behavior that has generated great controversy at the legislation and jurisprudential level, due to the extensive and permissive interpretation of judge. Likewise, there is a lack of rigor in punishing this conduct, since our labor law only covers two cases for the application of the disciplinary measure of dismissal, which distorts the seriousness and impact that this behavior cause by itself in the workplace, such as low productivity in their activities, work accidents, poor performance, etc. In fact, our legislation does not value the affectation of the principle of good labor faith caused by this behavior, as well as the safety and health laws at work, which safeguard the physical and mental well-being of all workers and which are must be respected throughout the employment relationship. In this line, the main objective of this research work is to propose the modification of subparagraph e) of article 25 of Ley de Productividad y Competitividad Laboral, with the purpose of establishing pertinent parameters that punish the worker through the analysis of various factors, because this conduct cannot be limited to being legally sanctioned for only two cases, cause the simple fact that the employee is under the influence of alcohol implies, not only a lack of work, but a breach of the duties of good conduct and safety and health at work.
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