El uso de los recursos didácticos y su relación con el desarrollo del componente léxico-semántico del lenguaje en niños de 3 años de una institución educativa pública de nivel inicial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se centra en analizar los recursos didácticos y su
relación con el desarrollo del componente léxico-semántico del lenguaje en niños
de 3 años. Para ello, en primer lugar, se identifica los tipos de recursos didácticos
que emplean los docentes y su relación con el desarrollo del componente léxico
semántico del lenguaje y, en segundo lugar, se describen las dimensiones del
componente léxico semántico del lenguaje que se desarrollan a través del uso de
los recursos didácticos.
Se considera relevante presentar este tema, ya que, dentro del escenario
educativo actual, ha surgido una nueva cultura del aprendizaje, la cual ha traído
exigencias dentro del desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas, pues su práctica es
fundamental para que los estudiantes compartan e interpreten conocimientos.
Estos cambios traen consigo un nuevo camino a la práctica educativa que se
desarrolla en la educación preescolar, pues, autores expertos postulan que el
desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas permite que los estudiantes resuelvan
problemas y logren un desarrollo personal significativo. Así pues, la investigación
tiene el enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo. La información se obtuvo a partir
de la aplicación de dos instrumentos: guion de entrevista y ficha de observación.
Finalmente, cabe mencionar que las participantes del proceso de investigación son
docentes especialistas que trabajan con estudiantes de tres años.
This research focuses on analyzing the use of teaching resources and their link with the development of the lexical-semantic language component. For that, in the first place, the types of teaching resources used by teachers and their link with the development of the semantic lexical language component are identified and, secondly, the dimensions of the semantic lexical language component that are developed through the use of teaching resources. It is relevant to present this research because in the current educational scenario, a new culture of learning has emerged, which has brought demands in the development of communication skills, because its practice is essential for students to share and interpret knowledge. These changes bring a new path to the educational practices in preschool education, because expert authors state that the development of communication skills allow students to solve problems and achieve significant personal development. Thus, the research has a descriptive qualitative approach. The information was obtained using two tools: an interview through a script and an observation sheet. Finally, the participants are teachers of the initial level who worked with three-year-old students.
This research focuses on analyzing the use of teaching resources and their link with the development of the lexical-semantic language component. For that, in the first place, the types of teaching resources used by teachers and their link with the development of the semantic lexical language component are identified and, secondly, the dimensions of the semantic lexical language component that are developed through the use of teaching resources. It is relevant to present this research because in the current educational scenario, a new culture of learning has emerged, which has brought demands in the development of communication skills, because its practice is essential for students to share and interpret knowledge. These changes bring a new path to the educational practices in preschool education, because expert authors state that the development of communication skills allow students to solve problems and achieve significant personal development. Thus, the research has a descriptive qualitative approach. The information was obtained using two tools: an interview through a script and an observation sheet. Finally, the participants are teachers of the initial level who worked with three-year-old students.
Palabras clave
Comunicación oral--Estudio y enseñanza, Niños--Lenguaje, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones
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