El rol del diseño en la creación y transformación de experiencias: de la experiencia de marca a la experiencia de usuario
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional, titulado "El rol del diseño
en la creación y transformación de experiencias: De la experiencia de marca a
la experiencia de usuario", tiene como objetivo demostrar la capacidad del
diseño para generar experiencias significativas en diversos contextos,
incluyendo marcas, productos, servicios y organizaciones. Para ello, se
abordarán tres proyectos distintos: la creación de una marca desde cero para
un emprendimiento gastronómico, mediante un proceso estructurado y
cocreativo con los clientes; el rediseño de la experiencia de recojo de pedidos
en una tienda de mejoramiento del hogar, mejorando tanto las interacciones
digitales como físicas para el cliente final y optimizando procesos para los
usuarios internos; y el diseño de prácticas y rituales que faciliten el trabajo
remoto durante la pandemia para equipos administrativos, entendiendo las
necesidades de los diferentes equipos y cocreando con ellos soluciones a
implementar. En cada uno de estos proyectos se compartirá el paso a paso de
la metodología utilizada, los aprendizajes obtenidos, las propuestas realizadas
y el diseño final de la solución. Por último, a través de la trayectoria profesional
narrada, se reflexionará sobre el alcance expansivo del diseño, así como las
competencias necesarias para enfrentar los desafíos en un mercado en
constante evolución.
The current work, titled "The Role of Design in the Creation and Transformation of Experiences: From Brand Experience to User Experience," aims to demonstrate design's capacity to generate meaningful experiences across various contexts, including brands, products, services, and organizations. To achieve this, three different projects will be addressed: the creation of a brand from scratch for a gastronomic venture through a structured and co-creative process with clients; the redesign of the order pickup experience at a home improvement retailer, enhancing both digital and physical interactions for the end customer while optimizing processes for internal users; and the design of practices and rituals to facilitate remote work during the pandemic for back-office teams, understanding their needs and co-creating solutions with them. Each project will detail the step-by-step methodology used, the lessons learned, the proposed solutions, and the final design. Finally, through the narrated professional journey, we will reflect on the expansive scope of design and the essential competencies needed to face challenges in a continuously evolving market.
The current work, titled "The Role of Design in the Creation and Transformation of Experiences: From Brand Experience to User Experience," aims to demonstrate design's capacity to generate meaningful experiences across various contexts, including brands, products, services, and organizations. To achieve this, three different projects will be addressed: the creation of a brand from scratch for a gastronomic venture through a structured and co-creative process with clients; the redesign of the order pickup experience at a home improvement retailer, enhancing both digital and physical interactions for the end customer while optimizing processes for internal users; and the design of practices and rituals to facilitate remote work during the pandemic for back-office teams, understanding their needs and co-creating solutions with them. Each project will detail the step-by-step methodology used, the lessons learned, the proposed solutions, and the final design. Finally, through the narrated professional journey, we will reflect on the expansive scope of design and the essential competencies needed to face challenges in a continuously evolving market.