Análisis de los factores que influyen en la implementación de las estrategias del CEM Callao, para promover la reducción de la violencia contra la mujer, durante los años 2018 - 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo de la presente investigación aborda una problemática de salud
pública y salud mental, pues se trata de la violencia contra la mujer la cual
se muestra en diferentes clases sociales y en múltiples dimensiones
públicos y privados, esto genera impactos negativos tanto en la salud física
como mental de las víctimas, como en el grupo familiar.
La violencia contra la mujer implica una vulneración de los derechos
humanos y la desigualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres, lo
cual los servicios que ofrece el MIMP- Programa Nacional AURORA, a
través de sus servicios especializados que son los Centros de Emergencia
Mujer, brindan un servicio de calidad con su equipo multidisciplinario y tiene
como finalidad proteger, ayudar a la recuperación psicológica y que se tenga
acceso a la justicia a las personas víctimas de violencia.
En el CEM Callao, en el año 2018 se registró un total de 329 casos de
mujeres violentadas, entre los tipos de violencia: patrimonial, psicológico,
físico y sexual; mientras que, en el año 2019, se registró un incremento
considerable de casos de violencia, siendo un total de 424 casos.
El objetivo central de la investigación es identificar los factores que influyen
en la implementación de las estrategias del CEM Callao, durante los años
2018- 2019, para promover la reducción de la violencia contra la mujer,
analizando, el nivel de participación de los actores claves y los servicios que
se implementan, para proponer recomendaciones de mejora que fortalezcan
la intervención del programa.
En esta investigación hemos considerado la participación de 20 usuarias
derechos en el rango de 18 a 59 años de edad, un (01) equipo
interdisciplinario del CEM Callao y 2 funcionarios de la Comisaría del Callao,
en la cual hemos podido analizar sobre los servicios que brinda el CEM
Callao, pues estos son especializados y ayudan a las personas víctimas de
violencia, sin embargo consideramos que puedan ir más allá, brindando
espacios de encuentro de mujer e intercambiar experiencias de vida y
reforzando su autoestima y sobre todo generando mujeres autónomas
capaces de tomar sus propias decisiones en bien de ellas y su entorno.
Con la investigación se ha logrado obtener información relevante para
identificar cómo se está logrando alcanzar los objetivos del CEM Callao,
conocer la participación que existe entre los actores involucrados y sobre
todo saber si los servicios que ofrece el CEM Callao responden a las
necesidades y expectativas de las usuarias de derecho.
Asimismo, con los hallazgos que se presentan en esta investigación, se
plantea una propuesta de mejora dirigida a las mujeres que son atendidas
en el CEM Callao para dar sostenibilidad y contribuir a mejorar la calidad de
The development of this research addresses a problem of public health and mental health, as it is violence against women which is shown in different social classes and in multiple public and private dimensions, this generates negative impact on both the physical and mental health of victims, as well as on the family group. Violence against women implies a violation of human rights and unequal opportunities between men and women, which the services offered by the MIMP- National Program AURORA, through its specialized services that are the Women's Emergency Centers, provide a quality service with its multidisciplinary team and aims to protect, assist in psychological recovery and access to justice for victims of violence. In the CEM Callao, in 2018 a total of 329 cases of violent women were registered, among the types of violence: patrimonial, psychological, physical and sexual; while in 2019, a considerable increase of cases of violence was registered, being a total of 424 cases. The main objective of the research is to identify the factors that influence the implementation of the strategies of CEM Callao, during the years 2018-2019, to promote the reduction of violence against women, analyzing, the level of participation of key actors and services that are implemented, to propose recommendations for improvement that strengthen the intervention of the program. In this research we have considered the participation of 20 female users in the range of 18 to 59 years of age, one (01) interdisciplinary team from CEM Callao and 2 officials from the Callao Police Station, in which we have been able to analyze the services provided by CEM Callao, since these are specialized and help people who are victims of violence. However, we believe that they can go further, providing spaces for women to meet and exchange life experiences and strengthen their selfesteem, and above all, generate autonomous women capable of making their own decisions for the good of themselves and their environment. The research has provided relevant information to identify how CEM Callao's objectives are being achieved, to know the participation that exists among the actors involved and above all to know if the services offered by CEM Callao respond to the needs and expectations of the women who have rights. Likewise, with the findings presented in this research, a proposal for improvement has been made to the women who are served at CEM Callao to provide sustainability and contribute to improving the quality of life.
The development of this research addresses a problem of public health and mental health, as it is violence against women which is shown in different social classes and in multiple public and private dimensions, this generates negative impact on both the physical and mental health of victims, as well as on the family group. Violence against women implies a violation of human rights and unequal opportunities between men and women, which the services offered by the MIMP- National Program AURORA, through its specialized services that are the Women's Emergency Centers, provide a quality service with its multidisciplinary team and aims to protect, assist in psychological recovery and access to justice for victims of violence. In the CEM Callao, in 2018 a total of 329 cases of violent women were registered, among the types of violence: patrimonial, psychological, physical and sexual; while in 2019, a considerable increase of cases of violence was registered, being a total of 424 cases. The main objective of the research is to identify the factors that influence the implementation of the strategies of CEM Callao, during the years 2018-2019, to promote the reduction of violence against women, analyzing, the level of participation of key actors and services that are implemented, to propose recommendations for improvement that strengthen the intervention of the program. In this research we have considered the participation of 20 female users in the range of 18 to 59 years of age, one (01) interdisciplinary team from CEM Callao and 2 officials from the Callao Police Station, in which we have been able to analyze the services provided by CEM Callao, since these are specialized and help people who are victims of violence. However, we believe that they can go further, providing spaces for women to meet and exchange life experiences and strengthen their selfesteem, and above all, generate autonomous women capable of making their own decisions for the good of themselves and their environment. The research has provided relevant information to identify how CEM Callao's objectives are being achieved, to know the participation that exists among the actors involved and above all to know if the services offered by CEM Callao respond to the needs and expectations of the women who have rights. Likewise, with the findings presented in this research, a proposal for improvement has been made to the women who are served at CEM Callao to provide sustainability and contribute to improving the quality of life.
Palabras clave
Violencia contra la mujer--Perú--Callao (Provincia Constitucional), Violencia contra la mujer--Programas sociales--Perú
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