El juego de roles como estrategia para el desarrollo de la oralidad en niños de 4 años de una institución privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Durante los últimos años, se ha evidenciado que los niños del nivel inicial presentan
dificultades en el desarrollo de su oralidad, siendo una de las razones la falta de
pertinencia en las estrategias que implementan las docentes. Por ende, la presente
investigación tiene como objetivo general analizar el juego de roles como estrategia
para el desarrollo de la oralidad en niños de 4 años de una institución privada de Lima,
siendo los objetivos específicos identificar los tipos de juegos de roles que utilizan las
docentes y describir las acciones que realizan en el juego de roles para desarrollar la
oralidad en niños de 4 años. La investigación está realizada bajo una metodología
cualitativa, que busca explicar y obtener conocimiento sobre la implementación del
juego de roles para favorecer al desarrollo de la oralidad a través de la recopilación
de datos extensos. Asimismo, las técnicas que se usan para el recojo de información
son la entrevista y la observación, siendo los informantes dos docentes de un aula de
4 años y los niños de la misma. En la investigación, se ha encontrado que el juego de
roles favorece al desarrollo de la oralidad de los niños, realizándose como estrategia
no intencionada donde los niños generen diálogos de forma autónoma. En relación a
ello, se considera que los niños evocan momentos cotidianos de un contexto familiar,
personificando a miembros de su propia familia, mientras recurren de elementos
concretos que encuentran en el espacio con la finalidad de ejecutar dramatizaciones
más realistas.
In recent years, it has been evident that children at the initial level present difficulties in the development of their orality, one of the reasons being the lack of relevance in the strategies that teachers implement for this purpose. For this reason, the general objective of this research is to analyze roles-playing as a strategy for the development of orality in 4 years old children from a private institution in Lima, with the specific objectives being to identify the types of role-playing games used by teachers and describe the actions they perform in role-playing to develop orality in 4 years old children. The research is carried out according to a qualitative methodology, which seeks to explain and obtain knowledge about the implementation of role-playing to promote the development of orality through the collection of extensive data. Likewise, the techniques used to collect information are the semi-structured interview and observation, with the informants being two teachers from a 4-year-old classroom and the children in the same classroom. As a result of the research, it has been found that role-playing favors the development of children's orality, being carried out as an unintentional strategy where children generate dialogues autonomously. In relation to this, it is considered that children evoke everyday moments of a family context, personifying members of their own family, while using specific elements found in the space in order to execute more realistic dramatizations.
In recent years, it has been evident that children at the initial level present difficulties in the development of their orality, one of the reasons being the lack of relevance in the strategies that teachers implement for this purpose. For this reason, the general objective of this research is to analyze roles-playing as a strategy for the development of orality in 4 years old children from a private institution in Lima, with the specific objectives being to identify the types of role-playing games used by teachers and describe the actions they perform in role-playing to develop orality in 4 years old children. The research is carried out according to a qualitative methodology, which seeks to explain and obtain knowledge about the implementation of role-playing to promote the development of orality through the collection of extensive data. Likewise, the techniques used to collect information are the semi-structured interview and observation, with the informants being two teachers from a 4-year-old classroom and the children in the same classroom. As a result of the research, it has been found that role-playing favors the development of children's orality, being carried out as an unintentional strategy where children generate dialogues autonomously. In relation to this, it is considered that children evoke everyday moments of a family context, personifying members of their own family, while using specific elements found in the space in order to execute more realistic dramatizations.
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