Planeamiento estratégico de los recursos naturales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Perú es un país megadiverso favorecido por su ubicación y condiciones climáticas;
cuenta con una alta variedad de especies, tanto de flora como de fauna, ocupando las primeras
posiciones en el mundo en aves y mariposas, y en otros grupos como mamíferos, anfibios,
peces e insectos; de igual manera se ubica entre los primeros lugares del mundo en recursos
genéticos y diversidad en productos de alcance y necesidad global, como son la papa, arroz,
trigo y maíz. El Perú posee ecosistemas estratégicos, como bosques tropicales y secos, ricos
ecosistemas marinos y abundantes pastizales naturales. Además cuenta con generosas reservas
minerales y de hidrocarburos a lo largo de su cordillera. Las peculiaridades de su territorio le
brindan además grandes oportunidades para aprovechar energías alternativas de gran potencial
(eólica, solar y geotérmica). El Perú es además uno de los principales países en reservas de
agua, y paisajes naturales, propicios para desarrollar actividades sostenibles.
A lo largo de su historia, los Recursos Naturales peruanos se han venido explotando sin
una gestión estratégica que persiga una senda crecimiento del país, por el contrario su
explotación se relaciona más con visiones cortoplacistas enmarcadas en procesos y
lineamientos poco eficientes que no están generando efectos multiplicadores en el aparato
productivo, los están llevando al agatonamiento, y que no están forjando un desarrollo
equitativo en todas las partes involucradas.
El contexto actual requiere una visión integral que vincule la importancia de los
Recusrsos Naturales con las necesidades y retos que afronta el Perú, enfocando sus acciones
en una explotación sostenible y eficiente, de tal manera que pueda distribuir rentas
equitativamente y a la vez sean el soporte del desarrollo de su industria, minimizando los
impactos ambientales y sociales, de manera que no se comprometa el bienestar y el desarrollo
de las generaciones futuras.
Peru is a megadiverse country favored by its location and climatic conditions; it has a high variety of species, of both flora and fauna, occupying the top positions in the world for birds and butterflies, and other groups such as mammals, amphibians, fish and insects; likewise, it is positioned among the first places in the world in genetic resources and biodiversity in product range and global needs, such as potatoes, rice, wheat and corn. Similarly, Peru has strategic ecosystems such as tropical and dry forests, rich marine ecosystems and abundant natural grasslands. It also has generous mineral and hydrocarbon reserves deposited along its mountain chain. The peculiarities of its territory also provides great opportunity to leverage great potential alternative energy (wind, solar and geothermal). Peru is also one of the leading countries in water reserves, and natural activities conducive to developing sustainable landscapes. Throughout its history, the Peruvian natural resources have been exploited without any kind of strategic management which could lead to a growth path for the country, on the contrary, their exploitation is more related to short-term visions framed in inefficient processes and guidelines that are not generating any multiplier effects in the productive apparatus, which are leading to exhaustion, and are not forging equal development in all parties. The current situation requires a holistic vision which links the importance of Natural Resources with the needs and challenges facing Peru, focusing actions in a sustainable and efficient operation, so income can be evenly distributed and at the same time being the support for the development of the industry, minimizing environmental and social impacts, so that the welfare and development of future generations is not compromised.
Peru is a megadiverse country favored by its location and climatic conditions; it has a high variety of species, of both flora and fauna, occupying the top positions in the world for birds and butterflies, and other groups such as mammals, amphibians, fish and insects; likewise, it is positioned among the first places in the world in genetic resources and biodiversity in product range and global needs, such as potatoes, rice, wheat and corn. Similarly, Peru has strategic ecosystems such as tropical and dry forests, rich marine ecosystems and abundant natural grasslands. It also has generous mineral and hydrocarbon reserves deposited along its mountain chain. The peculiarities of its territory also provides great opportunity to leverage great potential alternative energy (wind, solar and geothermal). Peru is also one of the leading countries in water reserves, and natural activities conducive to developing sustainable landscapes. Throughout its history, the Peruvian natural resources have been exploited without any kind of strategic management which could lead to a growth path for the country, on the contrary, their exploitation is more related to short-term visions framed in inefficient processes and guidelines that are not generating any multiplier effects in the productive apparatus, which are leading to exhaustion, and are not forging equal development in all parties. The current situation requires a holistic vision which links the importance of Natural Resources with the needs and challenges facing Peru, focusing actions in a sustainable and efficient operation, so income can be evenly distributed and at the same time being the support for the development of the industry, minimizing environmental and social impacts, so that the welfare and development of future generations is not compromised.
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