La vulneración de la libertad de empresa a través del control de las cláusulas abusivas en las relaciones jurídicas de consumo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo de investigación se realiza un análisis de la aplicación e interpretación
por parte del Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la
Propiedad Intelectual respecto a la categoría jurídica de la cláusula abusiva en relaciones
jurídicas de consumo, y el posible riesgo de vulneración a la libertad de empresa que puede
conllevar su utilización bajo determinadas circunstancias.
En base a ello, partiendo de la definición de los conceptos de cláusula abusiva y libertad de
empresa, y de una aproximación a sus principales características en el marco de un modelo de
economía social de mercado, se cuestiona la necesidad de una interpretación por parte del
Indecopi de realizar un análisis proporcional y adecuado de la realidad del mercado particular
que atiende para evaluar la procedencia de la figura de la cláusula abusiva.
Para este propósito, se lleva a cabo un análisis de las resoluciones Nº 0219-2018/SPCINDECOPI
y Nº 0243-2018/SPC-INDECOPI, en cuyos pronunciamientos el Tribunal del
Indecopi declaró como una cláusula abusiva de ineficacia absoluta la prohibición de Cineplex
S.A. y Cinemark del Perú S.R.L. de ingresar a sus salas de cine con alimentos y/o bebidas
adquiridas en establecimientos comerciales externos, vulnerando su libertad de empresa en su
manifestación de libertad de organización.
In the present research work, an analysis of the application and interpretation is carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual regarding the legal category of the abusive clause in consumer legal relations, and the possible risk of infringement of business freedom that its use may entail under certain circumstances. Based on this, based on the definition of the concepts of unfair terms and free enterprise, and an approximation to its main characteristics within the framework of a social market economy model, the need for an interpretation by the Indecopi to carry out a proportional and adequate analysis of the reality of the particular market that it attends to evaluate the origin of the figure of the abusive clause. For this purpose, an analysis of resolutions Nº 0219-2018/SPC-INDECOPI and Nº 0243- 2018/SPC-INDECOPI is carried out, in whose pronouncements the Indecopi Court declared the of Cineplex and Cinemark del Perú S.R.L. as an abusive clause of absolute ineffectiveness the prohibition of entering their movie theaters with food and/or drinks purchased in external commercial establishments, violating their freedom of enterprise in their manifestation of freedom of organization.
In the present research work, an analysis of the application and interpretation is carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual regarding the legal category of the abusive clause in consumer legal relations, and the possible risk of infringement of business freedom that its use may entail under certain circumstances. Based on this, based on the definition of the concepts of unfair terms and free enterprise, and an approximation to its main characteristics within the framework of a social market economy model, the need for an interpretation by the Indecopi to carry out a proportional and adequate analysis of the reality of the particular market that it attends to evaluate the origin of the figure of the abusive clause. For this purpose, an analysis of resolutions Nº 0219-2018/SPC-INDECOPI and Nº 0243- 2018/SPC-INDECOPI is carried out, in whose pronouncements the Indecopi Court declared the of Cineplex and Cinemark del Perú S.R.L. as an abusive clause of absolute ineffectiveness the prohibition of entering their movie theaters with food and/or drinks purchased in external commercial establishments, violating their freedom of enterprise in their manifestation of freedom of organization.
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