Modelo prolab: Yanapay, servicios para mejorar la calidad de vida del adulto mayor en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el 2020, alrededor de 4’140,000 adultos mayores en Perú padecieron situaciones
problemáticas tales como la falta de acceso a educación, salud, bajos niveles de participación
social, violencia y discriminación. En el país existen organizaciones y programas dirigidos al
adulto mayor, pero estos no son suficientes.
El presente modelo de negocio denominado “Yanapay” tiene como propósito brindar
calidad de vida y generar experiencias felices en los adultos mayores, y se ofrecerá en Lima
Metropolitana, por ser el mercado más grande del país. Los servicios integrales estarán
dirigidos al bienestar físico, soporte emocional y los servicios de desarrollo personal, que
permitan un envejecimiento activo y saludable al adulto mayor. Todo ello, a través de una
plataforma virtual innovadora. Para ello, se verificaron hipótesis relacionadas con la
deseabilidad, factibilidad y viabilidad, y se concluyó que, mediante pruebas de usabilidad, la
página web resultó de fácil uso para los potenciales clientes, ya que el 100% de los
potenciales clientes cumplieron con éxito las tareas básicas. Asimismo, el 43.6% de los
encuestados está dispuesto a destinar S/100 y S/300 soles para el cuidado de los adultos
mayores. También, se confirmó que el plan de operaciones es óptimo, dado que Yanapay
logra un tiempo de confirmación de la agenda máximo de 20 minutos y un tiempo de
cumplimiento de la agenda con una eficiencia mayor al 85%. Finalmente, se corroboró que el
ticket cobrado a los clientes permite asegurar un VAN superior en 50.50% al VANE
Por otro lado, el plan de negocio propuesto es sostenible y potencialmente escalable,
porque contribuye al cumplimiento del ODS 3 Salud y Bienestar, con un índice de relevancia
social del 33%. Además, el plan, con la inversión inicial de S/233,128, generará un Valor
Actual Neto (VAN) de S/1’721.681, en un período de cinco años por lo que se sugiere
invertir en dicho proyecto.
In 2020, around 4’140,000 older adults in Peru suffered problematic situations such as the lack of access to education, health, low levels of social participation, violence and discrimination. Although, there are organizations and programs aimed at the elderly in the country, such as those carried out by EsSalud, the municipalities and there is also a National Plan for the Elderly, these are insufficient. The purpose of this business model called "Yanapay" is to provide quality of life and generate happy experiences for older adults, and it will be offered in Metropolitan Lima, as it is the largest market in the country. Comprehensive services will be aimed at physical well being, emotional support and personal development services, which allow active and healthy aging for the elderly. All this could be done through an innovative virtual platform. For this, hypotheses related to desirability, feasibility and viability were verified, and it was concluded that, through usability tests, the web page was easy to use for potential clients, since 100% of potential clients successfully complied with the basic tasks. Likewise, 43.6% of those surveyed are willing to allocate S/100 and S/300 soles for the care of the elderly. Also, it was confirmed that the operations plan is optimal since Yanapay achieves a maximum agenda confirmation time of 20 minutes and an agenda fulfillment time with an efficiency of 85%. Finally, it was corroborated that the ticket charged to the clients ensures an NPV of 50.50% higher than the NPV of S/ 1’751,484.68. On the other hand, the proposed business plan is sustainable and potentially scalable, because it contributes to the fulfillment of SDG 3 Health and Wellness, with a social relevance index of 33%. In addition, the plan, with the initial investment of S/233,128, will generate a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/1’721,681, in a period of five years so it is suggested to invest in such project.
In 2020, around 4’140,000 older adults in Peru suffered problematic situations such as the lack of access to education, health, low levels of social participation, violence and discrimination. Although, there are organizations and programs aimed at the elderly in the country, such as those carried out by EsSalud, the municipalities and there is also a National Plan for the Elderly, these are insufficient. The purpose of this business model called "Yanapay" is to provide quality of life and generate happy experiences for older adults, and it will be offered in Metropolitan Lima, as it is the largest market in the country. Comprehensive services will be aimed at physical well being, emotional support and personal development services, which allow active and healthy aging for the elderly. All this could be done through an innovative virtual platform. For this, hypotheses related to desirability, feasibility and viability were verified, and it was concluded that, through usability tests, the web page was easy to use for potential clients, since 100% of potential clients successfully complied with the basic tasks. Likewise, 43.6% of those surveyed are willing to allocate S/100 and S/300 soles for the care of the elderly. Also, it was confirmed that the operations plan is optimal since Yanapay achieves a maximum agenda confirmation time of 20 minutes and an agenda fulfillment time with an efficiency of 85%. Finally, it was corroborated that the ticket charged to the clients ensures an NPV of 50.50% higher than the NPV of S/ 1’751,484.68. On the other hand, the proposed business plan is sustainable and potentially scalable, because it contributes to the fulfillment of SDG 3 Health and Wellness, with a social relevance index of 33%. In addition, the plan, with the initial investment of S/233,128, will generate a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/1’721,681, in a period of five years so it is suggested to invest in such project.
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