Business consulting para Cervecería del Valle
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Cervecería del Valle (CDV) es una empresa dedicada a la producción y
comercialización de cerveza artesanal que inicia sus operaciones el 2013. Cuenta con una
planta ubicada en Pachar, distrito de Ollantaytambo en el departamento de Cusco, además de
contar con dos taprooms ubicados en Cusco y Lima. A lo largo de su trayectoria CDV obtuvo
reconocimientos en festivales nacionales e internacionales lo que evidencia sus mayores
fortalezas: calidad e innovación permanente. El core business de CDV es brindar gratas
experiencias a sus clientes en base a su tradición cervecera y variedad de productos
artesanales de alta calidad, cuyo modelo de negocio actual considera ofrecer sus productos
únicamente a través de barriles por medio de canales tradicionales de tipo on-trade.
CDV es consciente que debe afrontar los enormes desafíos que la actual coyuntura
plantea por lo que de acuerdo a las amenazas y oportunidades del entorno y sus fortalezas y
debilidades se realiza el presente business consulting a fin de identificar oportunidades de
mejora y plantear alternativas de solución que le permita ser sostenible y rentable a largo
plazo. Por ello, después del análisis realizado, se identificó que el problema principal de CDV
es su baja participación en el mercado de cervezas artesanales en el país que se explica
principalmente por la ausencia de un plan estratégico. Lo que conllevó a desarrollar las
propuestas enmarcadas en cuatro perspectivas: desarrollo de producto, desarrollo de mercado,
procesos internos y marketing. Para superar el problema descrito se logró identificar
soluciones por cada perspectiva, las cuales están orientadas al cambio del modelo de negocio
considerando el embotellado para los productos terminados, la apertura de taprooms,
implementación de KPI y gestión de marca a través del Branding. La implementación de las
soluciones propuestas representa un total de inversión de S/. 355.900 proyectando que el
market share de CDV pase del 3% actual a 5% para el 2025 aprovechando las instalaciones
Cervecería del Valle (CDV) is a company dedicated to production and sales of craft beer that it began operations in 2013. It has a beer plant located in Pachar, Ollantaytambo district in the department of Cusco, in addition there are two taprooms located in Cusco and Lima. Throughout its trajectory, CDV obtained recognition at national and international festivals, which shows its greatest strengths: quality and continuous innovation. CDV's core business is to provide to its customers with pleasant experiences based on its craft brewing tradition and high-quality products, whose current business model considers offering its products only through barrels for on-trade-type channels. CDV realizes that it must face huge challenges in the current situation, so according to threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses, this business consulting is carried out in order to identify opportunities for improvement and propose solutions to be sustainable and profitable in long term. Therefore, after the analysis carried out, it was identified that the main problem of CDV is its low participation in the craft beer market, in Peru, which is mainly explained by lack of a strategic plan. It was necessary to develop proposals in four perspectives: product development, market development, internal processes improvement and marketing improvement. To overcome the problem described, it was necessary to identify solutions for each perspective, which are meant at changing business model considering bottling arrangement for finished products, opening taprooms, KPI implementation and brand management. The implementation of proposed solutions needs a total investment of S/.355,900, projecting that the CDV market share will increase from 3% to 5% by 2025, with current facilities.
Cervecería del Valle (CDV) is a company dedicated to production and sales of craft beer that it began operations in 2013. It has a beer plant located in Pachar, Ollantaytambo district in the department of Cusco, in addition there are two taprooms located in Cusco and Lima. Throughout its trajectory, CDV obtained recognition at national and international festivals, which shows its greatest strengths: quality and continuous innovation. CDV's core business is to provide to its customers with pleasant experiences based on its craft brewing tradition and high-quality products, whose current business model considers offering its products only through barrels for on-trade-type channels. CDV realizes that it must face huge challenges in the current situation, so according to threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses, this business consulting is carried out in order to identify opportunities for improvement and propose solutions to be sustainable and profitable in long term. Therefore, after the analysis carried out, it was identified that the main problem of CDV is its low participation in the craft beer market, in Peru, which is mainly explained by lack of a strategic plan. It was necessary to develop proposals in four perspectives: product development, market development, internal processes improvement and marketing improvement. To overcome the problem described, it was necessary to identify solutions for each perspective, which are meant at changing business model considering bottling arrangement for finished products, opening taprooms, KPI implementation and brand management. The implementation of proposed solutions needs a total investment of S/.355,900, projecting that the CDV market share will increase from 3% to 5% by 2025, with current facilities.