Modelo Prolab: Implementación de un servicio virtual para mejorar la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores “Canitas Felices”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación brinda una solución de negocio atendiendo el problema de la
soledad, por ello, este trabajo se enfoca en la mejora del estado de ánimo del adulto mayor
peruano mediante los servicios de entretenimiento virtual. La solución consiste en un
servicio exclusivo para adultos mayores denominado Canitas Felices, que será desarrollado
en un aplicativo y permitirá que el usuario pueda registrarse y acceder a distintos servicios
(chat, juegos, miscelánea, talleres / cursos sincrónicos, un directorio donde se muestra
información sobre otros servicios complementarios, etc.) facilitando su interacción social.
Asimismo, se incluyen actividades de psicología y se ofrece la venta de un solo servicio o
por paquetes (libre, básico y premium) que tienen beneficios exclusivos. Se concluye que
Canitas Felices es un modelo de negocio que tiene un valor económico y social porque
genera una rentabilidad aceptable para sus inversionistas y significa un apoyo para los
adultos mayores en la búsqueda de la mejora de su calidad de vida. El resultado del flujo de
caja como el Valor Actual Neto (VAN) fue de S/ 2’537,889.92, el índice de rentabilidad (IR)
es 52.8 veces en comparación con la inversión inicial proyectada; y en base a la realización
del Valor Actual Neto Social (VANS) se determinó un importe de S/. 29’285,555.46.
This research is a business solution that addresses the problem of loneliness, therefore, this work focuses on improving the mood of the Peruvian elderly through virtual entertainment services. The solution consists of an exclusive service for older adults called Canitas Felices that will be developed in an application and that will allow the user to register and access different benefits (chat, games, miscellaneous, synchronized workshops/ courses, a directory where information about other complementary services is displayed, etc.) facilitating their social interaction. Likewise, psychology activities are included and offers the sale of a single service or the sale by packages (free, basic and premium) that have exclusive benefits. It is concluded that Canitas Felices is a business model that has an economic and social value because it generates a more than acceptable return for its investors and because it means support for older adults in the search to improve their quality of life. The result of the cash flow as the Net Present Value (NPV) was S/ 2’537,889.92, the profitability index (IR) is 52.8 times compared to the projected initial investment; and based on the performance of Social Net Present Value (SNPV) an amount of S/. 29’285,555.46.
This research is a business solution that addresses the problem of loneliness, therefore, this work focuses on improving the mood of the Peruvian elderly through virtual entertainment services. The solution consists of an exclusive service for older adults called Canitas Felices that will be developed in an application and that will allow the user to register and access different benefits (chat, games, miscellaneous, synchronized workshops/ courses, a directory where information about other complementary services is displayed, etc.) facilitating their social interaction. Likewise, psychology activities are included and offers the sale of a single service or the sale by packages (free, basic and premium) that have exclusive benefits. It is concluded that Canitas Felices is a business model that has an economic and social value because it generates a more than acceptable return for its investors and because it means support for older adults in the search to improve their quality of life. The result of the cash flow as the Net Present Value (NPV) was S/ 2’537,889.92, the profitability index (IR) is 52.8 times compared to the projected initial investment; and based on the performance of Social Net Present Value (SNPV) an amount of S/. 29’285,555.46.
Palabras clave
Adulto mayor--Perú, Adulto mayor--Aspectos psicológicos, Calidad de vida--Aspectos sociales, Servicios digitales
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