Espiritualidad, apoyo social y sentido de la vida en adultos mayores de un CIAM
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo principal del estudio es identificar si es que la espiritualidad y el apoyo social
predicen el sentido de la vida en una muestra de adultos mayores asistentes al Centro
Integral de Atención al Adulto Mayor (CIAM) del distrito de Los Olivos. Con este fin, se
evaluó a 93 adultos mayores, 71 (76.3%) mujeres y 22 (23.7%) hombres, cuyas edades
oscilaban entre 60 y 83 años (M=69.53; DE=5.85). Los constructos fueron medidos con
la Escala de Espiritualidad Personal (EPP), la Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social
(MSPSS) y el Purpose in Life Test versión reducida (PIL-10). A nivel global, se
determinó una correlación directa y pequeña entre espiritualidad y sentido de la vida, así
como una correlación directa y mediana entre apoyo social y sentido de la vida. No se
encontraron correlaciones significativas a nivel de las subescalas de los constructos. El
modelo de regresión fue significativo e identificó que ambos constructos predicen el
sentido de la vida con un R2 de .24. El apoyo social fue el que tuvo el β más elevado y,
por tanto, aporta más al modelo. Por último, se halló diferencias según sexo en la
dimensión de satisfacción de la variable sentido de la vida. Se discuten los hallazgos; así
como las limitaciones y recomendaciones para investigaciones posteriores.
The present research aims to identify if spirituality and social support predict the life purpose in a sample of older adults attending to the Centro Integral de Atención al Adulto Mayor (CIAM) in Los Olivos district. For this purpose, 93 older adults were evaluated, 71 (76.3%) women and 22 (23.7%) men, whose ages ranged between 60 and 83 years old (M=69.53; SD=5.85). The Personal Spirituality Scale (EPP), the Multidimensional Social Support Scale (MSPSS) and the shortened version of the Purpose in Life Test (PIL-10) were used to measure the constructs. At a global level, a direct and small correlation was obtained between spirituality and life purpose; as well as a direct and medium correlation between social support and life purpose. No significant correlations were found at the subdimension level. The regression model was significant and found that both constructs predict life purpose with an R2 = .24. Social support contributed the most to the model. Finally, sex differences were found in the satisfaction dimension of life purpose. The findings are discussed; as well as the limitations and recommendations for future research.
The present research aims to identify if spirituality and social support predict the life purpose in a sample of older adults attending to the Centro Integral de Atención al Adulto Mayor (CIAM) in Los Olivos district. For this purpose, 93 older adults were evaluated, 71 (76.3%) women and 22 (23.7%) men, whose ages ranged between 60 and 83 years old (M=69.53; SD=5.85). The Personal Spirituality Scale (EPP), the Multidimensional Social Support Scale (MSPSS) and the shortened version of the Purpose in Life Test (PIL-10) were used to measure the constructs. At a global level, a direct and small correlation was obtained between spirituality and life purpose; as well as a direct and medium correlation between social support and life purpose. No significant correlations were found at the subdimension level. The regression model was significant and found that both constructs predict life purpose with an R2 = .24. Social support contributed the most to the model. Finally, sex differences were found in the satisfaction dimension of life purpose. The findings are discussed; as well as the limitations and recommendations for future research.
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