La autoría en comisión por omisión del superior jerárquico en el delito de peculado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo de investigación estudia la posibilidad de imputar al superior
jerárquico a título de autor por el delito de peculado cometido por sus subordinados, en
la modalidad de comisión por omisión. Para ello, a partir de una revisión doctrinal y
jurisprudencial, se analizan las bases teóricas que justifican la tipificación de los delitos
contra la administración pública como delitos de infracción del deber, los elementos de
la comisión por omisión y el principio de confianza. A partir de estos elementos, se
determina el bien jurídico protegido y se interpreta la especial vinculación funcional del
delito de peculado como un elemento típico de estricta base normativa. Se concluye
así que la posibilidad de imputar al superior jerárquico como autor y la aplicación el
principio de confianza dependerán de que en el caso concreto se logren establecer la
vinculación funcional y la posición de garante de protección de la correcta
administración del patrimonio público a partir de la normativa que regula las funciones
del superior.
This research article studies the possibility of attributing to the hierarchical superior a title of author for the crime of embezzlement committed by his subordinates, in the modality of commission by omission. For this, based on a doctrinal and jurisprudential review, the theoretical bases that justify the classification of crimes against public administration as crimes of breach of duty, the elements of commission by omission and the principle of trust are analyzed. Based on these elements, the legally protected asset is determined and the special functional link of the crime of embezzlement is interpreted as a typical element with a strict normative basis. Thus, it is concluded that the possibility of imputing the hierarchical superior as the author and the application of the principle of trust will depend on whether, in the specific case, it is possible to establish the functional relationship and the position of guarantee of protection of the correct administration of public assets from the regulations governing the functions of the superior.
This research article studies the possibility of attributing to the hierarchical superior a title of author for the crime of embezzlement committed by his subordinates, in the modality of commission by omission. For this, based on a doctrinal and jurisprudential review, the theoretical bases that justify the classification of crimes against public administration as crimes of breach of duty, the elements of commission by omission and the principle of trust are analyzed. Based on these elements, the legally protected asset is determined and the special functional link of the crime of embezzlement is interpreted as a typical element with a strict normative basis. Thus, it is concluded that the possibility of imputing the hierarchical superior as the author and the application of the principle of trust will depend on whether, in the specific case, it is possible to establish the functional relationship and the position of guarantee of protection of the correct administration of public assets from the regulations governing the functions of the superior.
Palabras clave
Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Peculado--Perú, Delitos por omisión--Perú, Responsabilidad penal--Perú
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