Proyecto de fortalecimiento de docentes de educación inicial: estrategias para el desarrollo temprano del lenguaje en el aula
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Está ampliamente demostrado que existe una relación temprana y determinante entre el conocimiento del lenguaje estándar, académico, y un mejor logro académico en la escuela. Así mismo, sabemos que los niños pertenecientes a sectores económicamente desfavorecidos suelen partir de una situación de desventaja temprana que limita el desarrollo máximo de sus potencialidades; en estos casos, muchas veces, cuando ingresan a la escuela es ya demasiado tarde para reducir la brecha formada. El presente proyecto de responsabilidad social universitaria brindó a un grupo de maestras de educación inicial pública información científica, basada en evidencia, sobre la relación entre el vocabulario temprano, el desarrollo de la literacidad y sus implicancias para un buen desempeño escolar. Se compartió con las maestras una propuesta específica de intervención para la enseñanza de vocabulario temprano basada en la lectura dialógica o compartida y el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario tanto explícitas como implícitas.
It´s been amply proved that there is an early and determining relationship between the knowledge of academic, standard language, and a higher level of achievement at school. We also know that children belonging to lower socio-economic status face an early disadvantaged situation, which limits the maximum development of their potentialities; in these cases, it is common that, by the time they have enrolled in school, it is already too late to close the growing gap between them and more economically advantaged groups. The present university social responsibility project provided a group of public preschool teachers with scientific, evidence-based, information, regarding the relation between early vocabulary, literacy development, and its implications for good school achievement. We shared a specific intervention proposal with the teachers, for early vocabulary teaching, based on dialogic or shared reading and the use of certain word learning strategies, both explicit and implicit.
It´s been amply proved that there is an early and determining relationship between the knowledge of academic, standard language, and a higher level of achievement at school. We also know that children belonging to lower socio-economic status face an early disadvantaged situation, which limits the maximum development of their potentialities; in these cases, it is common that, by the time they have enrolled in school, it is already too late to close the growing gap between them and more economically advantaged groups. The present university social responsibility project provided a group of public preschool teachers with scientific, evidence-based, information, regarding the relation between early vocabulary, literacy development, and its implications for good school achievement. We shared a specific intervention proposal with the teachers, for early vocabulary teaching, based on dialogic or shared reading and the use of certain word learning strategies, both explicit and implicit.
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