Transformación del espacio público a partir de las interacciones socioculturales de la "ola coreana” dentro de la Alameda 28 de Julio en los distritos de Jesús María, Lima y La Victoria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este trabajo se analizará cómo se da la transformación del espacio público a
través de las interacciones socioculturales de la “movida k-pop” dentro de la
Alameda 28 de Julio en los distritos de Jesús María, Lima y La Victoria. La
importancia del presente estudio radica en profundizar la relación entre el espacio
público, los derechos culturales y la identidad cultural; entre las comunicaciones
y su relación con las demostraciones culturales en Lima. Las principales partes de
estudio de la investigación se dividen en: las cualidades que posee la Alameda 28
de Julio y cómo los ”k-popers" de Lima usan este espacio, las interacciones de los
"k-popers" en la Alameda 28 de Julio, y la gestión gubernamental del uso de la
Alameda 28 de Julio. Empleando una metodología de investigación cualitativa y
empírica, de alcance correlacional y con corte en el tiempo transversal, se
encontró que las interacciones socioculturales de la "ola coreana" transforman el
espacio público en cuanto que el diseño y uso de sus espacio han variado a lo largo
del tiempo; en especial, desde la pandemia por el COVID-19 en 2020 hasta 2022.
Asimismo, esta transformación da pase a que los visitantes del lugar se apropien
del espacio público y ejerzan sus derechos culturales.
This work will analyze how the transformation of public space occurs through the sociocultural interactions of the "k-pop scene" within the Alameda 28 de Julio in the district of Jesús María, Lima and La Victoria. The importance of this study lies in deepening the relationship between public space, cultural rights and cultural identity; between communications and its relationship with cultural demonstrations in Lima. The main parts of the research study are divided into: the qualities that the Alameda 28 de Julio possesses and how the "k-popers" of Lima use this space, the interactions of the "k-popers" in the Alameda 28 de Julio and government management of the use of the Alameda July 28. Using a qualitative and empirical research methodology, with a correlational scope and with a crosssectional time cut, it was found that the sociocultural interactions of the "Korean wave" transform public space insofar as the design and use of its space have varied over time; especially, from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to 2022. Also, this transformation allows visitors to the place to appropriate the public space and exercise their cultural rights.
This work will analyze how the transformation of public space occurs through the sociocultural interactions of the "k-pop scene" within the Alameda 28 de Julio in the district of Jesús María, Lima and La Victoria. The importance of this study lies in deepening the relationship between public space, cultural rights and cultural identity; between communications and its relationship with cultural demonstrations in Lima. The main parts of the research study are divided into: the qualities that the Alameda 28 de Julio possesses and how the "k-popers" of Lima use this space, the interactions of the "k-popers" in the Alameda 28 de Julio and government management of the use of the Alameda July 28. Using a qualitative and empirical research methodology, with a correlational scope and with a crosssectional time cut, it was found that the sociocultural interactions of the "Korean wave" transform public space insofar as the design and use of its space have varied over time; especially, from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to 2022. Also, this transformation allows visitors to the place to appropriate the public space and exercise their cultural rights.
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