Reapropiar y revalorizar el “error” a través del glitch. Cuestionando la hegemonía del binario de género: una perspectiva feminista queer
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Existen cuerpas e identidades que han sido históricamente percibidas como “errores”
por no encajar en un estándar binario y heteronormativo. La “naturaleza” como concepto
social ha sido utilizada para catalogar a las personas. Ella es empleada como excusa
para segregar, rechazar y castigar a aquelles que no encajan en un estándar
hegemónico que sacraliza los roles reproductivos y el binarismo de género. Esta tesis
se basa en una exploración teórica y artística que utiliza el glitch como herramienta de
creación y elemento de reflexión para cuestionar el concepto de la “naturaleza”. El
objetivo de este proyecto es la reapropiación y la reinterpretar del concepto del “error” y
reflexionar sobre las implicancias detrás de esta categorización cuando es empleada
para calificar a une individuo. Este proyecto busca visibilizar a la comunidad queer y
condenar la opresión sistemática a la que ella se ve sujeta
There are bodies and gender identities that have historically been perceived as "errors" because they do not comply with a binary and heteronormative system of categorization. The sociocultural interpretation of the concept of “nature” has been used to classify people. It is used as an excuse to segregate, reject, and punish those who do not fit into a hegemonic standard that sacralizes reproductive roles and gender binaryism. This thesis is a theoretical and artistic investigation that uses the concept of “glitch” as a tool for creation and as a starting point for critical reflection. The objective of this project is to propose the reappropriation and reinterpretation of the concept of "error" and to reflect on the implications of categorizing an individual using this term. This project seeks to make the queer community visible and to condemn the systematic oppression to which it is subjected
There are bodies and gender identities that have historically been perceived as "errors" because they do not comply with a binary and heteronormative system of categorization. The sociocultural interpretation of the concept of “nature” has been used to classify people. It is used as an excuse to segregate, reject, and punish those who do not fit into a hegemonic standard that sacralizes reproductive roles and gender binaryism. This thesis is a theoretical and artistic investigation that uses the concept of “glitch” as a tool for creation and as a starting point for critical reflection. The objective of this project is to propose the reappropriation and reinterpretation of the concept of "error" and to reflect on the implications of categorizing an individual using this term. This project seeks to make the queer community visible and to condemn the systematic oppression to which it is subjected
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